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but I was raised to be a nice girl.

I’m grateful for that, but at times I think this also hinders me. While I believe the world could use nicer people, I also think women can miss out on life in the name of being nice.

Nice shouldn’t come at the expense of your voice or your dreams. Nice doesn’t push you to be small or to hide. Nice isn’t living a joyless life to appease the expectations of others.

Nice can masquerade as people pleasing, but they are not the same thing. Being nice to someone comes from generosity and the connection of human exchange—it acknowledges the other person’s value. Its source is love. People pleasing, on the other hand, is fear based. It forces you to behave a certain way to avoid conflict.

There are times when being nice is the right thing to do. But nice should never come at the expense of your own voice. Learn to be nice to yourself by recognizing what nice truly means.

Girl Be Brave

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