Читать книгу Multiple Preverbs in Ancient Indo-European Languages - Chiara Zanchi - Страница 6

List of abbreviations Glosses

ABL ablative
ABS absolutive
ACC accusative
ADV adverb
ADP adposition
ALL allative
ANA anaphoric
AOR aorist
APP applicative
ARG argument
ART article
AUG augment
CL clitic
CONJ conjunction
D definite conjugation
DAT dative
DEICT deictic
DEM demonstrative
DISTR distributive
DU dual
E enclitic
EM emphatic
EP exterior preverb
EX existential
EXCL exclusive
F feminine
FUT future
GEN genitive
GER gerund
I indefinite conjugation
IMP imperative
IMPF imperfect
INDF indefinite
INJ injunctive
INS instrumental
INT interrogative
INTENS intensive
IP interior preverb
IPFV imperfective
LOC locative
MID middle
MP medial preverb
M/P medio-passive
N noun
N neuter
NEG negation
NOM nominative
NP noun phrase
O object
OPT optative
P preverb
PASS passive
PFV perfective
PL plural
POSS possessive
POT potential
PP Prepositional Phrase
PREPP Prepositional Preverb
PRET preterit
PREVP Preverbal Preverb
PROT prototonic
PST past
PTC particle
PTCP participle
P2 second position
REC reciprocal
RED reduplication
REFL reflexive
REL relative
S subject
SBJV subjunctive
SFX suffix
SG singular
SR semantic role
SUP supine
V verb
VOC vocative
VP verbal phrase
1 first person
2 second person
3 third person

In glosses, the nominal number is specified only if it is plural or dual (singular is not indicated), gender is not indicated unless it is feminine or neuter. Among verbal categories, indicative mood and active voice are likewise not indicated.

Multiple Preverbs in Ancient Indo-European Languages

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