Читать книгу The Unintended Consequences of Technology - Chris Ategeka - Страница 29



A nation-state is a sovereign state whose citizens or subjects are relatively homogeneous in factors such as language or common descent. There are four essential features of a nation-state: population, territory, sovereignty, and government. When a nation of people has a state or country of their own, it is called a nation-state. Places like China, France, Egypt, Germany, and Japan are excellent examples of nation-states. Even with its multicultural society, the United States is also referred to as a nation-state because of the shared American culture.

Any nation-state or any government's job is to fulfill certain roles and obligations for its citizens. Those duties include:

 Protect the social and economic welfare of its citizens.

 Protect natural rights.

 Defend against external enemies.

 Manage the economic conditions and its place in the world.

 Redistribute income and resources.

 Provide public or utility goods.

What happens when a government has less social economic and political power than the companies started and run by a handful of its citizens?

Well, a lot is at stake!

Performing these governing functions in the name of protecting citizens and the environment from predatory behavior becomes extremely difficult.

The Unintended Consequences of Technology

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