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The first ‘boom’ in evaluation


Donaldson and Lipsey (2006) note that the first major boom in evaluation seemed to occur in the United States in the late 1960s and 70s under the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, when large social programmes funded by Federal government led to the development of experimental and quasi-experimental approaches to evaluation. These are evaluation designs that involve the use of control groups, and in the case of experiments a random allocation of evaluation subjects between an intervention and a control group. They are designs that draw on the tradition of laboratory experiments in disciplines such as medicine, psychology and agriculture. We discuss these evaluation designs in detail in Chapter 5. This first, post-war, boom period was also characterised by developments in social research methods, including sample surveys and advanced statistical procedures (Rossi et al. 2004). An evaluation community was emerging by the 1970s, and the first journal in evaluation, Evaluation Review, was launched in 1976 by Sage Publications (ibid.).

An Introduction to Evaluation

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