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© 2012 by Chris Petris

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission from the Author. All text, photographs, and artwork are the property of the Author unless otherwise noted or credited.

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Edit by Paul Johnson

Layout by Monica Seiberlich

ISBN 978-1-61325-100-3

Item No. SA273

Title Page:

For a complete and thorough restoration, the body needs to be separated from the chassis. Keep an eye on the rear fenders as the body rises because they tend to come very close to the rearmost body mount stanchions. Look frequently to make sure there are no wires, cables, or hoses that should have been disconnected.

Back Cover Photos

Top Left:

Now the front end with the inner fenders installed can be set in place. The side fenders need to be pulled outward to go around the cowl at the doors. You need to plan out the procedures before the adhesive is mixed. There is no backing off now; the front end must be placed back in the same position it was fitted in as soon as possible.

Top Right:

The cylinder heads have seventeen 5/8-inch bolts on each side. The outer cylinder head bolts can be difficult to get a socket onto fully. These special Snap-On sockets help get into the tight spots. Use a short 5/8-inch socket and extension in lieu of the special socket. The cylinder heads have dowels to hold them in place until you are ready to remove them.

Middle Left:

Applying an even coat at the corners and edges is very critical. The spray gun can be adjusted to limit material flow and fan pattern to avoid puddles of base coat. Pay careful attention at enclosed areas because the paint may spray back at you. Usually the spray back also ends up with sags.

Middle Right:

Slip the bearing on after first gear, and then install the blocker ring. We apply heat to the bearing to prevent the use of the hammer, but you may have to give the bearing a little help with a small hammer and punch to get it in place.

Bottom Left:

This front disc brake assembly is in need of a complete reconditioning. The rotor will be replaced and the caliper will be disassembled and new seals and components will be installed.

Bottom Right:

Each front floorboard carpet section is installed after Thermo-Tec and jute insulation is installed. This is where you have to be extra careful and ensure the carpet is fully seated into the floorboard recesses. If the carpeting is not sitting tightly to the floorboard when trimming it can end up too short at the console.

How to Restore Your Corvette: 1963-1967

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