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Only since the beginning of the twentieth century have scientists begun to harness the incredible power of quartz crystal. So how was it that our ‘simple’ and ‘primitive’ ancestors had known to make the skull from precisely this type of material? Was it mere coincidence or could it be that they knew something we didn’t?

Could it be that the crystal skull really was some sort of store of information, just as the ancient legend had said? Could it really contain an important message from our ancestors? At first, this seemed very far-fetched. It was almost unbelievable that a simple lump of rock could contain the great secrets of our forefathers from way back in the mists of time. But, despite our initial scepticism, after our trip to Hewlett-Packard we began to take this idea more seriously.

We spoke to Dr John Pohl, Mesoamerican specialist at UCLA, who explained that on his various trips to Central America he had heard that descendants of the ancient Maya today recognize the distinctive qualities of quartz crystal and ‘liken crystal to some sort of ancient radio, television or computer device, a device for communicating “between the worlds,” a sort of doorway into other dimensions, a means of communicating with the world of the spirits and the ancestors’.

We were also struck by the words of Dr Joseph Alioto in a book he had contributed to, Holy Ice, written by crystal researcher Frank Dorland, following the Hewlett-Packard tests. Dr Alioto pointed out that, less than 100 years ago, if you had described to anyone:

‘…an invisible energy force that pervades all their surroundings, an energy force that would allow them to see and hear other people all over the world instantaneously, they [would have thought] you were either a great sorcerer or a great liar. Furthermore, if you were to suggest that they could capture these sounds and images through the use of a specially constructed box containing an assemblage of various pieces of metal and crystals, you would probably create quite a stir. ‘Well, of course, what has just been described is something we [now] take for granted in our daily lives – television. Yet, it was only a few short decades ago that this idea was relegated to the category of fantasy and science fiction.’ 1

This had been our initial reaction to the idea that the crystal skulls might contain information. But, as we had just discovered from Charles Adams and Jack Kusters at Hewlett-Packard, the heart of the modern computer, where all the information is stored, is actually a tiny silicon crystal chip. The cells of this chip, or ‘silicon integrated circuit’, are effectively the brain cells, or memory, of the computer. This tiny crystalline chip, with its incredible storage capacity, now lies at the very heart of our information age. This chip uses the unique properties of crystal to store information. So it now occurred to us that if a silicon crystal chip can store vast amounts of information inside our modern computers, then why not the natural quartz crystal inside a crystal skull?

Indeed, as Charles Adams had informed us, in theory at least, a piece of raw quartz such as a crystal skull is perfectly capable of storing in-formation. Due to the unique properties of crystal, a natural piece of piezo-electric silicon dioxide has information storage capacities, just like a silicon crystal chip. In fact it transpired that some early experiments had been done in this area. So, after our meeting with the scientists at Hewlett-Packard the idea that a raw quartz crystal skull might be capable of storing information began to seem more plausible. The problem, as Charles put it, is that no scientist has yet been able to figure out a way of successfully inputting information and retrieving it again from a piece of raw quartz. But, as he was also quick to point out, this was not to say it could never be done.

Indeed, there are many who believe it can already be done. Some, such as crystal researcher Frank Dorland, believe that the way to extract information from a piece of natural quartz such as the crystal skull actually lies in some form of direct communication with the human mind. Whilst this idea, too, at first struck us as rather farfetched, we discovered that some early experiments had also been done in this area, using computers.2 Professor Giles Brindley of the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in Middlesex saw the potential for physically paralysed subjects to be able to communicate directly with a computer by means of direct electronic links to their brains. Early results indicate that it might well be possible for subjects to use the power of their thoughts alone to communicate directly with a computer. These experiments suggest that one day it may be possible to have direct communication between the human mind and the computer without the need for bulky keyboards and other electronic paraphernalia in between. Whether or not this is what the future really holds, these early experiments certainly suggest that it is possible for the human mind to communicate more directly with a silicon crystal chip than at present. So could similar possibilities exist for direct mental communication with a crystal skull?

But if there really is information stored inside the crystal skulls, what might that information be, how might it be stored and how might we be able to retrieve it? In an attempt to find out we began to look at how information is stored inside our modern computers. What we discovered was that ‘information’ as it is spoken of today, is not a ‘thing’, but a ‘process’. It is neither solid nor static, nor literally ‘stored’ in a tangible form; it is not lying around in a filing cabinet somewhere. Whilst we may talk about information being ‘stored on a silicon chip inside a computer’, the information itself has no obvious physical form. You cannot touch, see or hear it except through the process of retrieving it from the system electronically.

In the case of the computer we have managed to work out a way of inputting and retrieving the information ‘stored within it’ through the process of electronics. But what of any information inside a crystal skull? We may not yet know the correct way to input and retrieve any information stored within it, but that does not necessarily mean that the information is not there. The analogy that comes to mind is of a Stone Age man or woman finding a computer and being told that it contains great knowledge and information. Without the necessary understanding of electronics and the appropriate passwords and commands, they would simply not believe it. Could we be in a similar situation with the crystal skulls? It may be that the information they contain is in a form that we simply do not yet comprehend. For it is only when we are able to interact properly with any information storage system that the knowledge stored within it comes into a form of existence that we can understand.

I know this from first-hand experience. When I first started working with computers there were many occasions when I found it almost impossible to retrieve information. There was many a time when I began to doubt that what I was looking for really existed at all – that is, until I was lucky enough to stumble upon the proper way of retrieving it from the system. So it may be with the crystal skulls.

Some, such as Frank Dorland, do believe that direct communication between quartz crystal and the human mind is already possible and that we can in fact retrieve the information stored within a crystal skull. The mechanism through which this works is both complex and remarkably subtle. Dorland suggests that a piece of raw piezo-electric quartz crystal, such as a crystal skull, is already capable of interacting with the human body and mind, but in a way of which we are not normally consciously aware.

Frank Dorland spent over six years researching the Mitchell-Hedges skull and even accompanied it to the Hewlett-Packard laboratories for its scientific testing. Though he was now too old and infirm for us to meet him, we were able to read about his controversial theories in his book, Holy Ice, written as a result of the original discoveries about the crystal skull which were made at Hewlett-Packard.

Frank Dorland believes that ‘the Communication Age’ in which we now live ought really to be called ‘the Crystal Age’ and that we are really just at the dawning of this new era. He is of the view that there is more to the electronic properties of crystal, and to the crystal skull, than we currently understand, and that more great discoveries are yet to come. In his opinion, natural quartz crystal has the ability to affect our own state of consciousness, to bring our own subconscious or unconscious thoughts to full conscious awareness, to boost vague intuitions and to enable us to recover forgotten knowledge from the distant past. He also believes quartz crystal can help us to heal our own bodies.

Dorland’s theory is based on the idea that both the human body and natural quartz are constantly broadcasting electro-magnetic signals on an unheard wavelength. Here Dorland asks us to bear in mind that there is more going on in the invisible world around us than we usually imagine. At all times, we are surrounded by a ‘sea of electronic energy waves’, constantly bombarded by naturally occurring electro-magnetic rays that we are simply unable to detect. The sun, for example, produces a complex range of radiant energies of which we humans are only aware of two parts: the infra-red, which produces warmth, and normal light, which is visible to the eye. Likewise most man-made electro-magnetic energy waves, such as radio, television and microwave signals, cannot be detected by our normal senses. In fact, as Dorland points out:

‘Human detection capabilities in the average person are currently estimated to be less than 2 per cent of the known wavelength spectrum. This means that most of us are not aware of over 98 per cent of the currently known events that surround us at all times.’ 3

Indeed, it is likely that there are many other energy frequencies around us, as yet undiscovered by science.

Dorland suggests that we think of the human body and mind as a radio system that can both transmit and receive these as yet undetected electro-magnetic energy waves:

‘The body, with its complex electrical and chemical network of nerves and high moisture content, is [not only] the power source [and transmitter but also] a sensitive antenna system capable of receiving signals from an uncountable variety of sources.’4

What happens, he says, when we come into contact with a piezo-electric quartz crystal such as the crystal skull is that the electro-magnetic energy waves we produce are received by the quartz. The crystal then starts oscillating and amplifying these signals and rebroadcasts them, in modified form, back out into the atmosphere, where they are picked up again by the cells of the body. In effect, the quartz crystal modifies and amplifies our own electro-magnetic energy waves and relays them back to us. So, in the process, these waves of ‘energy information’ become stronger and clearer. As we had just discovered, raw piezo-electric quartz is certainly renowned as a natural electronic oscillator, or resonator, and amplifier.

Dorland suggests that this process will only occur, however, when a crystal has been ‘switched on’. Like any electronic instrument, it has to be activated by a source of electrical energy, which in this case is the human body and mind. Whilst a crystal can receive some energy through the air, he believes the most effective way to energize it is to touch it or hold it in the hand. Then the crystal reacts to the energies it receives by vibrating on a frequency compatible and in harmony with the body and the brain.

Dorland believes our body and subconscious mind can pick up a vast array of electro-magnetic messages from a piece of piezo-electric quartz, but we are not normally consciously aware of much of the information we actually receive, just as we are not normally aware of, say, micro-wave signals.

This is also the case with the radiant energy of the sun. Much of this we are unaware of, but it is known to be received by the cells of the body and to stimulate the pineal gland. Likewise, Dorland believes that in the case of the energies radiated by crystal the hypothalamus is the key gland involved. This gland, situated in the lower mid-brain, in one of the most protected spots inside our skulls, plays an important part in regulating the day-to-day functioning of the electrical and chemical processes of the body. It is known to be influenced by the tiniest electronic impulse and, according to Dorland, is capable of receiving and filtering the oscillating energies radiated by electronic quartz crystals. These messages are then sent throughout the body, but they are rarely, if ever, brought to the attention of our conscious minds.

This interaction with quartz, Dorland claims, can help balance the neuro-endocrine system of the body and keep us in good health. He also believes the natural amplifying qualities of crystal help to boost communication between the cells of the body. The theory is that this increased communication can also assist the conscious mind in making contact with various levels of the unconscious and help bring subconscious thoughts to full conscious awareness.

Certainly improved communications between the conscious and unconscious levels of the mind have recently been shown to have beneficial effects on health. In the not too distant past, many body functions such as heart rate were thought to be outside the control of the conscious mind. However, recent experiments in the use of ‘bio-feedback’, a technique of using electronic equipment to feed back information to patients about their internal physiology, have shown that people can modify their own autonomic nervous systems, helping to control conditions such as high blood pressure, which were previously thought to be under no conscious control.

Frank Dorland uses the term ‘bio-crystal feedback’ to describe the possibility of similar types of feedback between a natural quartz crystal and the human mind. He recognizes the mind as one of the keys to the health of our bodies and claims that piezo-electric quartz can boost communication between the different cells of the body and between body and mind. Dorland believes that these enhanced levels of communication are important for health in ways that we do not yet fully realize. According to him, a whole new science is being born of these studies, known as ‘bio-crystallography’, the study of the interchange of energies between quartz crystal and the human mind.

But, he claims, bio-crystal feedback can be used not only to heal the body but also to ‘make conscious many things an individual already knows and is capable of accomplishing while not consciously aware of this untapped knowledge’.5 By improving communications between deeper levels of the human mind, piezo-electric quartz can release knowledge held deep within the subconscious and unconscious mind and bring it to full conscious awareness. As Dorland puts it:

‘The crystal cells transmit these radio-like waves through the nervous system to the cortex cells in the … brain. [There] they are unscrambled and composed into meaningful signals which may be recognizable as pictures, words or perhaps just a sense of knowing in the conscious mind. These messages may be received from many sources but, primarily, they seem to come from the subconscious memory bank and super-conscious sources. ‘6

According to Dorland, this knowledge may come not only from a person’s own subconscious mind, but also from the ‘collective unconscious’. The collective unconscious was first identified by the eminent Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. He pointed out that at the conscious level we are all separate, discrete, unique and individual human beings, but if you dig down a little deeper, what you find is a level of the unconscious at which we all share roughly the same set of thoughts, ideas and emotions. It is almost as if these archetypal concepts have a life of their own, an independent form of existence outside the mind of any individual. So this level is a ‘collective’ unconscious.

At first the idea that some thoughts and ideas might exist outside of the mind of any one particular individual struck me as rather odd, even illogical. After all, our thoughts always appear to be happening within our own minds and we certainly all need our individual brains in order to think. Therefore I had always assumed that our thoughts came from within our own brains, originating inside our own minds.

But it now occurred to me that this might be a bit like assuming that because we see pictures on and hear sounds coming from a television, and need the individual TV set in order to receive them, the pictures or sounds must originate within the television set itself. However, we all know that in fact these sounds and images are picked up from the mass of broadcast signals in the air that we are not normally consciously aware of or able to receive without the aid of the appropriate technology. I wondered whether some of our thoughts might come to us through a similar process.

Whilst there can be no denying that we do need the circuitry of our own individual brains in order to think, this does not necessarily mean that all our thoughts and ideas originate there. Perhaps we receive some, if not all of them, from some other source, some great body of thoughts and ideas that has its own independent form of existence somewhere outside ourselves as individuals, perhaps somewhere in the ether around us – just like TV signals. Just because we may not be consciously aware of this body of thought or always ‘receiving’ signals from it does not mean that it does not exist, any more than TV signals cease to exist when nobody happens to be receiving them.

The thought occurred to me that perhaps the crystal skull might be the most effective piece of equipment, just like a TV set, for picking up information from this source?

Certainly Dorland suggests that the crystal skulls may somehow enable us to tap into this collective unconscious more effectively. For he refers to something similar when he states that:

‘A universal communication network is believed to exist on the subconscious level of which few are aware … [and crystal may be used] to contact the memory banks of other individuals who may have the desired information in their files … which means that a tremendous store of information is available from this source.’ 7

But this is not the only source of information that Frank Dorland believes piezo-electric quartz crystal can help us to tap into. He claims it can also help us to contact the ‘inherited subconscious memory bank’ of our species, containing genetically inherited information dating back even to our earliest ancestors. Dorland points out that dated fossil skulls from 500,000 years ago apparently indicate that there was a sudden increase in the size and capacity of the ‘brain box’, or skull, at this time, and this is what set the stage for the introduction of Homo sapiens. The implication is that this increase may well have had something to do with providing enough space in the brain for this inherited subconscious memory bank. Apparently we currently only use a tiny fraction of our mental capacities. Dorland suggests that the reason for this is that we are actually carrying around inherited memories of the past history of humanity, but because this is all neatly tucked away in our subconscious we are normally completely unaware of it.

As he points out, it is already widely accepted that our inherited DNA is responsible for determining our physical characteristics, but science has so far failed to recognize that our subconscious memories may also be inherited from our ancestors. In Dorland’s opinion, a piece of quartz crystal such as a crystal skull could play a key role in activating these genetic memories.

So perhaps the natural amplifying qualities of quartz crystal could be used not only for enhancing communication with our own memories, subconscious thoughts and the ‘collective unconscious’, but also with our ‘ancestral memories’.

Frank Dorland also suggests that it may somehow be possible to ‘programme’ a crystal skull with a set of thoughts, memories, messages or instructions. The mechanism involved here is unclear, though he suggests this may have been done in the past by the ancients. According to him:

‘Natural quartz crystal is believed to have been in use during the last 12,000 to 15,000 years by a great many of our leaders for this and other purposes … 8

‘The ancients secretly reserved the crystal for use by the religious hierarchy, royalty, military leaders and, of course, the secret brotherhoods.9

‘Modern scientists have experimented with lasers and quartz crystals, adapting them as a permanent memory bank of factual data to be safely stored away inside a crystal and recovered at a later date on command …Since crystal is a permanent material which neither ages nor decays, [perhaps] the data fed into a crystal [skull in this way] could remain active for thousands of years?’ 10

While Frank Dorland’s theories are open to debate, they certainly raised many fascinating possibilities. Could the piezo-electric properties of the crystal skulls really improve inner communication, not only helping to heal the body but also bringing to awareness unexplored information from the unconscious? Had we now discovered the reason why the crystal was fashioned into the shape of a skull? Was it to symbolize the ancestors, whose memories are stored deep within our own minds? Could the crystal skull help bring forth our own ‘ancestral memories’?

Whether the crystal skull could be used to access information actually stored within it, in the ether or deep within our own psyches, Dorland’s theory certainly implied that the crystal skulls might hold the key to accessing vast areas of ancient knowledge.

The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls

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