Читать книгу First Aid for the Artist's Soul - Christina Barandun - Страница 24

Chapter One: Things to Consider


•Approach the relevant person or department and ask about the structures in place at your company for employee protection at work – this might be the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), head of HR, the staff council, or even the company doctor.

•Do health promotion measures or even health management exist in your company?

•Do you know who to contact with complaints or comments about the staff cafeteria? Does the HSE know about your specific needs as an artist?

•Is the HR department aware of your needs, and do you have specific proposals to communicate to them? Maybe you’ve heard from artist friends at other theatres about measures you find exciting and convincing?

•What about the possibility of introducing further artistic training, things like voice lessons, or lessons on physicality and presence? Could training courses on coping with stress, communications or conflict management be offered? If you are on good terms with your artistic director, or the commercial or administrative director, ask them about it. Often, upper management will be unaware of your evolving needs, so make sure you communicate and make them aware of your wishes!

First Aid for the Artist's Soul

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