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One last thing…


•Take the time to praise the technical staff and the HSE when you feel really well taken care of. Sincere and pointed praise for a job well done is always welcome – just like for all of us!


1See Friedemann Schulz von Thun: Miteinander reden, volume 2: Stile, Werte und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Hamburg: Rowohlt, 2008, pp. 40–43.

2Yoshi Oida: “By keeping the movement deliberately simple and mentally concentrating intensely on the physical task, he gave the audience enough space for their own perceptions. Thanks to the ‘void’ he created, they could read from his movements whatever they wanted to.” (In: Yoshi Oida, Zwischen den Welten, Berlin: Alexander Verlag, 1993, p. 28.)

3Let us look conversely at so-called “Fuck-Up Nights”, at which failed entrepreneurs talk about their failure. The objective is to learn from the mistakes of others and at the same time develop a realistic awareness of risk. Since normally it’s the success stories that are talked about more, and more often, a false perception emerges wherein these narratives are the most common.

4See the study “Älter werden im Orchester. Eine empirische Studie zu Erfahrungen, Einstellungen, Performanz und Lebensperspektiven von professionellen Orchestermusikern” by Heiner Gembris and Andreas Heye, Paderborn University 2012.

5See theatre statistics published by Deutscher Bühnenverein (German Theatre and Orchestra Association) 2013–14 (Köln), p. 46.

6See the article at: www.sueddeutsche.de/kultur/bayerische-staatsoperder-intendant-ich-bin-das-theatre-1.971517.

7See Simon Werther/Christian Jacobs: Organisationsentwicklung – Freude am Change, Chapter 8: “Erfolgsfaktoren der Organisationsentwicklung”, Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer, 2014, p. 139.

8Constitution of the World Health Organization, status May 8, 2014, 2nd section.

9See pathogenesis (pathos = suffering [passion], addiction; genesis) versus salutogenese (salus = health).

First Aid for the Artist's Soul

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