Читать книгу The End of Men - Christina Sweeney-Baird - Страница 13

Lisa Toronto, Canada Day 13


‘Hey babe, have you seen this?’

My wife is brandishing an article in the New York Times science section at me. I’m used to her imploring me to read things but this must be the first time in fifteen years that she’s led me to the science section of anything.

‘An outbreak of an aggressive strain of flu has affected tens of thousands across Scotland after originating in Glasgow in early November. There are also reports of outbreaks in London, Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, Birmingham and Bristol. Anecdotal reports suggest the flu strain only affects men. No women have so far reported suffering the disease. The mortality rate appears to be far higher than for the flu with over 5,000 deaths so far reported.’

Over 5,000 dead? That’s a lot for the flu. And in only a couple of weeks.

‘Wait,’ I say, my brain rewinding. ‘Did you say it only affects men?’

Margot nods decisively. ‘Yep.’

I sit down next of her, my brain turning. ‘Only men? A flu? How bizarre. I’ve never heard of anything like that before.’

‘Neither have I,’ Margot agrees, the difference being that Margot is a professor of Renaissance history who writes romance novels on the side, neither of which are careers in which flu strains are discussed in any great detail unless it’s to almost-but-not-quite fell a romantic hero. In my line of work, by contrast, flu is of utmost importance. If I’ve never heard of a flu disease, or in fact any infectious disease, only affecting men then it probably doesn’t exist, or at least hasn’t been studied before. This could be interesting. I type out an email to my assistant, Ashley, for tomorrow morning.


Seen report tonight in NYT science section about flu in Scotland only affecting men. Can you dig up all research on this asap tomorrow am and bring to me in a binder by 11?



Dr Lisa Michael

Professor of Virology, Head of Virology Department, University of Toronto

‘Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum’

The End of Men

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