Читать книгу Christina, Book 3: Consciousness Creates Peace - Christina von Dreien - Страница 6



Preliminary remark by the publisher

Foreword by the author

Love pioneers Love is my religion – and yours too Truth is my life – and yours too Freedom is my right – and yours too Because I am human …

Unconditional love Love is the strongest force in the universe Dissolving conscious and subconscious blockages Self-love The cave example Unconditional love as a collective learning task of humanity Training unconditional love

Individual increase in vibration Do things that make you happy! Being in your heart Following our own soul path Doing work your soul wants to do The balance of heart and mind Being an optimist Harmonising land and sky Learning from each other Chakra work

Purification of the soul

Things to dissolve Acceptance is the basis of any change Searching for the light Promises and oaths Energy constructs Implants and transmitters Foreign energies and projections Storage and backup copies should also be deleted Filling energy gaps again Questions about dissolving

Finding peace Grounding Resolving stress

Grounding Why good grounding is important Grounding is a prerequisite for unfolding your potential How to improve your grounding

Body being and cell communication Body being: Our body is an independent being Our skin cells are information carriers and a communication medium The task of our hair Energy absorption of nutrients through the feet Download sunlight

Creating things with thoughts and emotions Thought forms and energy spheres Transformation of physical matter

10  Our spiritual team

11  We Are Peace – An Impulse Explanations concerning the text “We Are Peace” What is peace? The humanity-field: the “over-soul” of humankind Non-violence in our diet

12  The great game of forgetting Gift-bearing souls Questions concerning the game of forgetting, the transition and the ascent

13  Karma and creative power We have agreed to all our life situations voluntarily

14  Questions and answers (Part 1) Questions on various subjects About lying Trust, courage and wisdom Happiness and bliss The Earth as a “zoo” full of aliens

15  Children want to enjoy school

16  A school for heart-based learning What is heart-based learning? Individualisation instead of generalisation “Volksschule”: A previously justified but now obsolete system Be flexible and have the courage to embrace the new Three prerequisites Not against the current system The change is certain, the timing uncertain Questions on the subject of children and schools

17  Christmas message 2018

18  Now is the moment The cause and the overcoming of war Just making a start The special responsibility of Central Europe The synthesis of spirituality and lateral thinking Taking the next step

19  You all have a heart Accepting time gifts and taking responsibility for yourself I’m not a guru, and I’m not going to save the world on my own You’ve survived the past, you’ll also survive the future Following our own heart Listening to ourselves think The vehicle example

20  Trust in your own heart feeling Rooms, houses and clothes also have consciousness The risks involved in regression and the validity of universal truths Just let the universe play Everything is good the way it is Energy problem-solving Relax and enjoy your life Love as the essence of all religions Don’t believe me blindly

21  The evolution of love Ending the game of forgetting Waking up means remembering Consciousness creates peace The hamster wheel of guilt projection “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

22  Questions and answers (Part 2) Questions on various subjects Questions on the subject of religions

23  Mother Earth is nearing her limits Turning the world upside down Spirituality also means seeing what is going on in today’s society The importance of personal responsibility Our Earth needs heart

24  Everything is part of the divine plan

25  Spiritual networking We don’t have to convince anyone We’re all here to learn Connect and network with each other! Small steps are better than no steps at all Spirituality is more than incense sticks and dream catchers Increasing our vibration isn’t that difficult Be courageous again! Support from Mother Earth

26  Higher-dimensional realities Subtle perception and telepathy Communication with our higher self The example with the satnav The universal worth of humanity and of every single human being “You’re the ones you’ve been waiting for.”

27  The problems regarding 5G mobile communications networks More disadvantages than advantages Protection against 5G radiation Non-violent resistance and clear positioning Humankind is waking up Questions on the subject of 5G

28  Questions and answers (Part 3) Mindfulness and love towards nature Everything is capable of communication, but not everything is communicative Dreams and dream interpretation Dissolving viral diseases Vaccinations A rendezvous with yourself Environmental protection and animal welfare Being for something, not against something

29  Childlike joie de vivre and playfulness Adults are also allowed to have fun Universal and subjective truth Why we’re here

30  Small butterflies Spiritual pioneers Creator beings Light and love Paranormal gifts Walking your own path Seeing with your heart Finding happiness “Vibration information points” Future society The power of our words Creating the future Be yourself! Happy for no reason No more seminars

31  We have a responsibility From the newsletter of July 2019 From the newsletter of August 2019

32  Closing words: Just do it! About the author Overview of the seminars “Consciousness creates peace” Notes

Christina, Book 3: Consciousness Creates Peace

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