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Sage Course Outcomes: Measure Results, Track Success


The journey to retaining and applying course content differs for every student. To successfully navigate this journey, course goals should remain clear, consistent, and constructive. For instructors, the ability to track and measure individual progress is vital to ensuring student success.

SAGE | CQ Press is invested in mapping measurable course outcomes to chapter-level learning objectives for all introductory textbook offerings through SAGE course outcomes. Each title is crafted with specific course outcomes in mind, vetted by leading advisors in the field, and adapted from renowned syllabi from across the country.

Students Benefit

 A clear path for learners: Understanding the objectives for each chapter and how those objectives are tied to the goals of the course is essential for getting the grade students want.

 Meaningful context for skills: Course outcomes emphasize the skills learned in the course and highlight how they can be applied in the real world after graduation.

 More targeted instruction: Students receive better, more targeted feedback when instructors can track and measure individual progress based on course-specific expectations.

Instructors Benefit

 Effective measuring mechanism: Being able to track student progress allows you to more easily pinpoint specific areas of improvement, increases course efficacy, allows you to report out on success, and aligns student learning with course and institutional goals.

 Personalized instruction and feedback: Promoting student success through targeted and individualized instruction improves retention and increases the likelihood of achieving course mastery.

 Standardized benchmarking: Formative and summative assessment is more effective and actionable when assessing student progress against standard course outcome benchmarks.

Course Outcomes for American Government:

 ✔ ARTICULATE the foundations of American government, including its history, critical concepts, and important documents and achievements.

 ✔ EXPLAIN the main institutions of American government, including their roles and interrelationships.

 ✔ DESCRIBE the roles and relative importance of major entities and influences in American political life.

 ✔ ANALYZE the development and impact of important governmental policies.

Keeping the Republic

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