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Act. Sess. 23, 24. December 17. 18.
ОглавлениеAnent the report of the Committie, appointed for considering what constitutions were to be revived, or made of new, they proponed the overtures following: which were read and allowed by the whole Assembly, or by them referred to the consideration of the severall Presbyteries.
Anent Presbyteries which have been erected since the year 1586. It seemeth needfull, that they bee ratified by an act of this generall Assembly, and that other Presbyteries shall be erected, where they shall be found needfull, and especially now in the Synod of Lismore, according to the particular note given there anent.
The Assembly ratifieth these Presbyteries since 1486. and erected those in Lismore, conforme to the note registrat in the books of Assembly.
Anent the keeping of Presbyteriall meetings; It is thought fit that they be weekly, both in Sommer and Winter, except in places farre distant, who during the winter season, (that is between the first of October and the first of April) shall be dispensed with for meeting once in the fourteen dayes, and that all absents be censured, especially those who should exercise and adde, according to the Act of Assembly 1582. at St. Andrews, April 24. Sess. 12. and that some controverted head of doctrine bee handled in the presbyterie publikly, and disputed among the brethren, every first Presbyterie of the Moneth, according to the act of Assembly holden at Dundie 1598. Sess. 12.
The Assembly alloweth this Article.
Anent the visitation of particular Kirks within Presbyteries; It is thought expedient that it be once every year, wherein a care is to be had, among other things necessary, that it bee [pg 043] tryed, how domestick exercises of Religion be exercised in particular families, and to see what means there is in every Parish in Landward, for catechising and instructing the youth.
The Assembly alloweth this article.
IV. Anent the visitation of Kirks, Schooles, and Colledges: It is thought meet that the acts of Assembly holden at Edinburgh the 25. of Junie 1565. Sess. 2. be put in execution: that the Ministers of the parochin, the Principall, Regents, and professours within Colledges, and Masters, and Doctors of Schooles, be tryed concerning the soundnesse of their judgement in matters of Religion, their abilitie, for discharge of their calling, and the honesty of their conversation: as the act of Assembly at Edinburgh, Juni 21. 1567. Sess. 3. And the act of the Assembly holden at Montrose. 1595. Sess. 9. do import: and this visitation of Colledges to be by way of commission from the generall Assembly.
The generall Assembly alloweth this article.
V. Anent none residents: It is thought necessary, that every Minister be oblished to reside in his own Parochin at his ordinarie Manse, for the better attending of the duties of his calling, conforme to the Acts of Assemblies, viz. act of Assembly at Edinburgh, March 24. 1595. Sess. 7. as also act at Edinburgh, December 25. 1563. Sess. 5. and Assembly at Edinburgh, December 25. 1565. Sess. 4. Assembly at Edinburgh, March 6. 1572. Sess. 3.
The Assembly alloweth this article.
VI. Anent the planting of Schools in Landward, the want whereof doth greatly prejudge the grouth of the Gospel and procure the decay of Religion: The Assembly giveth direction to several Presbyteries for the setling of Schooles in every Landward Parochin, and providing of men able for the charge of teaching of the youth, publick reading and precenting of the Psalme, and the catechising of the common people, and that means be provided for their intertainment, in the most convenient manner that may be had, according to the abilitie of the Parochin.
[pg 044]
The Assembly alloweth; and referreth the particular course unto the severall Presbyteries.
VII. Anent the late admission of Ministers by Presbyteries, and the choise of Moderatours, according to the ancient power of the said Presbyteries: The Assembly declareth they had power to doe the same, and ratifieth that what hath been done of late of that kinde upon warrantable grounds, that here after it be not called in question.
The Assembly alloweth this article.
VIII. Anent the competencie of Presbyteries and parochins, that some proportion may be keeped, both anent the number and distance of place: It would seem expedient that this generall Assembly should appoint a Commission for every Shyre, where there is such necessitie, that the particular Parochins and Presbyteries within the bounds be duely considered, and overtures be these of the same commission given in to the provinciall Synods, and by them to the generall Assembly, that there they may be advised, and ratified.
The Assembly referreth this to the care of the particular presbyteries.
IX. Anent the entrie and conversation of Ministers: It is expedient that the act of Assembly holden at Edinburgh, March 24. 1595. Sess. 7. be ratified, and put in execution in every Presbyterie, and to that end, that they get a coppie thereof, under the Clerks hand whereof the tennour followeth.
Act Sess. 7. March 26. of the Assembly at Edinburgh 1596.
“Concerning the defections in the ministerie, the same being at length read out, reasoned, and considered; The brethren concluded the same, agreeing there-with: and in respect that by Gods grace, they intend reformation, and to see the Kirk and ministery purged; to the effect the worke may have better successe, they think it necessar that this Assembly be humbled, for wanting such care as became in such points, as is set down; and [pg 045] some zealous and godly brethren in doctrine, lay them out for their better humiliation; and that they make solemne promise before the Majestie of God; and make new covenant with him for a more carefull and reverent discharge of their ministerie. To the which effect was chosen Mr. John Davidson; and Twesday next at nine houres in the morning appointed, in the new Kirk, for that effect: whereunto none is to resort, but the ministrie: the forme to bee advised the morne in privie conference.”
The tennour of the advise of the brethren; depute for penning the enormities and corruptions in the ministerie, and remead thereof, allowed by the generall Assembly here conveened. 1596.
Corruptions in the office.
“For as much as by the too sudden admission and light tryall of persons to the ministrie, cometh to passe that many scandals fall out in the persons of ministers: it would be ordained in time comming, that more diligent inquisition and triall be used of all such persons as shall enter into the ministrie.
“As specially these points. That the intrant shall be posed upon his conscience, before the great God, (and that in most grave manner) what moveth him to accept the office and charge of the ministrie upon him.
“That it be inquired, if any by solistation, or moyen, directly or indirectly, prease to enter in the said office: And, if it bee found, that the solister be repelled; and that the Presbyterie repell all such of their number from voting in the election or admission as shall bee found moyeners for the soliciter, and posed upon their conscience to declare the truth to that effect.
“Thirdly, because by presentations, many forcibly are thrust into the ministery, and upon Congregations, that utter thereafter that they were not called by God: It would bee provided that none seeke presentations to Benefices without advice of the Presbyterie within the bounds whereof the benefice is, and if any doe in the contrarie, they to be repelled as rei ambitus.
“That the triall of persons to be admitted to the ministrie hereafter, consist not only in their learning and abilitie to preach, but also in conscience, and feeling, and spiritual wisedome, and namely in the knowledge of the bounds of their calling in doctrine, [pg 046] discipline, and wisedome, to behave himselfe accordingly with the diverse ranks of persons within his flock, as namely with Atheists, rebellious, weak consciences, and such other, wherein the pastoral charge is most suited, and that he be meet to stop the mouthes of the adversaries; and such as are not qualified in these points to be delayed to further tryal; and while they be found qualified. And because men may be found meet for some places who are not meet for other, it would be considered, that the principall places of the Realme be provided by men of most worthie gifts, wisedome and experience, and that none take the charge of greater number of people nor they are able to discharge: And the Assembly to take order herewith, and the act of the provinciall of Louthain, made at Linlithgow, to be urged.
“That such as shall bee found not given to their book and studie of Scriptures, not Carefull to have books, not given to sancification and prayer, that studie not to bee powerful and spiritual, not applying the doctrine to corruptions, which is the pastorall gift, obscure and too scholastick before the people, cold, and wanting of spiritual zeal, negligent in visiting of the sick, and caring for the poore; or indifferent in chosing of parts of the word not meetest for the flock, flatterers and dissembling at publick sins, and specially of great personages in their congregations, for flattery, or for fear, that all such persons bee censured, according to the degree of their faults, and continuing therein, bee deprived.
“That such as be slothfull in the ministration of the Sacraments and irreverent, as prophaners receiving the cleane and uncleane, ignorants and senselesse prophane, and making no conscience of their profession in their calling and families, omitting due tryall or using none, or light tryall, having respect in their tryall to persons, wherein there is manifest corruption; that all such bee sharply rebuked, and if they continue therein, that they be deposed.
“And if any be found a seller of the Sacraments, that hee bee deposed simpliciter: and such as collude with slanderous persons in dispensing and over-seeing them for money, incurre the like punishment. That every Minister be charged to have a Session established of the meettest men in his Congregation, and that Discipline strike not only upon grosse sins, as whoredome, blood-shed, &c. but upon sins repugnant to the word of God, [pg 047] as blasphemie of God, banning, profaning of the Sabbath, disobedient to parents, idle, unruly ones without calling, drunkards, and such like deboshed men, as make not conscience of their life and ruling of their families, and specially of education of their children, lying, slandering, and backbiting and breaking of promises: and this to be an universal order throughout the Realme, &c. and such like as are negligent herein, and continue therein after admonition, be deposed.
“That none falling in publick slanders, be received in the fellowship of the Kirk, except his Minister have some appearance and warrand in conscience, that hee hath both a feeling of sin, and apprehension of mercie, and for this effect, that the Minister travell with him, by doctrine, and private instruction to bring him here-to, and specially in the doctrine of repentance, which being neglected, the publick place of repentance is turned in a mocking.
“Dilapidation of benefices, dimitting of them for favour, or money, that they become laick patronages, without advise of the Kirk, and such like interchanging of benefices, by transaction and transporting of themselves by that occasion, without the knowledge of the Kirk, precisely to be punished: Such like, that setting of acts without the consent of the Assembly, be punished according to the acts: and that the dimitters in favours for money, or otherwise to the effect above-writen: bee punished as the dilapidators.”
Corruptions in their persons and lives.
“That such as are light and wanton in their behaviour, as in gorgeous and light apparell; in speech, in using light and prophane companie, unlawfull gaming, as dancing, carding, dycing and such like; not beseeming the gravitie of a Pastour, bee sharply and gravely reproved by the Presbyterie, according to the degree thereof: and continuing therein after due admonition, that hee bee depryved, as slanderous to the Gospel.
“That Ministers being found swearers, or banners, prophaners; of the Sabbath, drunkards, fighters, guiltie of all these or any of them, be deposed simpliciter; and suchlike, lyars, detracters, flatterers, breakers of promise, brawlers, and quarrellers, after admonition continuing therein, incurre the same punishment.
[pg 048]
“That Ministers given to unlawful and incompetent trades and occupations for filthie gain, as holding of ostleries, taking of ocker beside conscience and good lawes, and bearing worldly offices in noblemen and gentlements houses, marchandise, and such like, buying of victuals, and keeping to the dearth, and all such worldly occupations, as may distract them from their charge, and may be slanderous to the pastorall calling, be admonished and brought to the acknowledging of their sins, and if they continue therein, to be deposed.
“That Ministers not resident at their flocks, be deposed according to the acts of the generall Assembly, and laws of the Realme: otherwise the burthren to be laid on the Presbyteries, and they to be censured therefore.
“That the Assembly command all their members, that none of them await on the court and afairs thereof without the advice and allowance of their Presbyterie. Item, that they intend no action civill without the said advice; except in small maters: and for remeding of the necessitie, that some Ministers hath to enter in plea of law, that remedie bee craved, that short processe bee devised, to bee used in Ministers actions.
“That Ministers take speciall care in using godly excercises in their families, in teaching of their wives, children, and servants, in using ordinarie prayers and reading of Scriptures, in removing of offensive persons out of their families, and such like other points of godly conversation, and good example, & that they at the visitation of their Kirks, try the Ministers families in these points foresaid, and such as are found negligent in these points, foresaid after due admonition, shall be adjudged unmeet to govern the house of God, according to the rule of the Apostle.
“That Ministers in all companies strive to bee spirituall and profitable, and to talke of things pertaining to godlinesse, as namely of such as may strengthen us in Christ, instruct us in our calling, of the means how to have Christs Kingdome better established in our Congregations, and to know how the Gospel flourisheth in our flocks, and such like others the hinderances, and the remeeds that we finde, &c. wherein there is manifold corruptions, both in our companying with our selves, and with others: and that the contraveeners thereof be tryed, and sharply be rebuked.
[pg 049]
“That no Minister be found to contenance, procure, or assist a publick offender challenged by his own Ministers, for his publick offence, or to bear with him, as though his Minister, were too severe upon him, under pain of admonition and rebuking.”
Anent generall Assemblies.
“To urge the keeping of the Acts anent the keeping of the Assembly, that it may have the own reverence and majestie—”
The Assembly having heard the whole act read, most unanimously alloweth and approveth this article.
X. Anent the defraying of the expenses of the Commissioners to the generall Assembly, referreth and recommendeth the same unto the particular Presbyterie, and especially to the ruling Elders therein, that they may take such courses whereby, according to reason and former acts of Assemblies, the Commissioners expenses to this Assembly, and to the subsequent, may be born by the particular parochins of every Presbyterie, who sendeth them in their name, and to their behalf, and for that effect, that all sort of persons able in land or moneys proportionally, may bear a part of the burthen, as they reap the benefit of their paines.
The Assembly referreth this unto the care of the particular Presbyteries.
XI. Anent the repressing of poperie and superstition; It seemeth expedient that the number and names of all the Papists in this Kingdome be taken up at this Assembly, if it may be conveniently done, and if not, that it be remitted to the next provincial Assemblies, that it may appear what grouth poperie hath had, and now hath through this Kingdome, what popish priests, and Jesuit there be in the land; and that all persons of whatsoever state and condition, be obliged to swear and subscribe the confession of Faith, as it is now condescended upon by this general Assembly, that they frequent the word and Sacraments in the ordinar dyets and places, otherwise to proceed against them with the censures of the Kirk, and that children be not sent out of the countrey without [pg 050] license of the Presbyteries or provinciall Synods of the bounds where they dwell.
The Assembly referreth this article to the severall Presbyteries.
XII. Anent order to be taken that the Lords Supper be more frequently administrat both in burgh and landward, then it hath been in the year by gone: It were expedient that the act at Edinburgh December 25. 1562. Sess. 5. bee renewed, and some course bee taken for furnishing of the elements, where the Minister of the Parish hath allowance only for once in the year.
The Assembly referreth this to the consideration of Presbyteries, and declareth that the charges be rather payed out of that dayes collection, then that the Congregation want the more frequent use of the sacrament.
XIII. Anent the entrie of Ministers to the ministrie: The Assembly thinks expedient that the act holden at St. Andrews, April 24. 1582. Sess. 7. Touching the age of twenty five years be renewed, and none to be admitted before that time, except such as for rare and singular qualities shall be judged by the general or provincial Assembly to be meet and worthie thereof.
The Assembly approveth this article.
XIV. Anent mercats on Monday and Saturday within Burghs, causing intollerable profanation of the Lords Day, by carying of loads, bearing of Burthens; and other work of that kinde: It were expedient for the redresse thereof, that the care for restraining of this abuse be recommended by the Assembly unto the severall Burghs, and they to bee earnestly entreated to finde out some way for the repressing of this evill, and changing of the day; and to report their diligence there anent to the next generall Assembly.
The Assembly referreth this article to the consideration of the Burrows.
XV. Anent the profanation of the Sabbath day in Landward, especially for want of divine service in the afternoone: The Assembly ordaineth the act of Assembly holden at Dundie, [pg 051] July 12. 1580. Sess. 10. for keeping both dyets, to be put in execution.
The Assembly alloweth this article.
XVI. Anent frequenting with excommunicat persons: The Assembly ordaineth that the act at Edinburgh, March 5. 1569. Sess. 10. to wit, That these who will not forbear the companie of excommunicat persons after due admonition, be excommunicat themselves, except they forbear, to be put in execution.
The Assembly alloweth this article.
XVII. Whereas the confession of the Faith of this Kirk, concerning both Doctrine and Discipline, so often called in question by the corrupt judgement and tyrannous authoritie of the pretended Prelats, is now clearly explained, and by this whole Kirk represented by this generall Assembly concluded, ordained also to bee subscribed by all sorts of persons within the said Kirk and Kingdome: The Assembly constitutes, and ordaines, that from henceforth no sort of person, of whatsoever quality and degree, be permitted to speak, or write against the said Confession, this Assembly, or any act of this Assembly, and that under the paine of incurring the censures of this Kirk.
The Assembly alloweth this Article.
XVIII. Anent voicing in Kirk Sessions: It is thought expedient that no Minister moderating his Session, shall usurpe a negative voice over the members of his Session, and where there is two or moe Ministers in one Congregation, that they have equall power in voicing, that one of them hinder not the reasoning or voicing of any thing, whereunto the other Minister or Ministers, with a great part of the Session inclineth, being agreeable to the acts and practise of the Kirk, and that one of the Ministers without advice of his colleague appoint not dyets of Communion nor examination, neither hinder his colleague from catechising and using other religious exercises as oft as he pleaseth.
The Assembly referreth this article to the care of the Presbyteries.
XX. Since the office of Diocesane, or lordly Bishop, is utterly abjured, and removed out of this Kirk: It is [pg 052] thought fit that all titles of dignitie, favouring more of poperie than of Christian libertie, as Chapters with their elections and consecrations, Abbots, Priors, Deans, Arch-deacons, Preaching-deacons, Chanters, Subchanters, and others having the like title, flowing from the Pope and canon law only, as testifieth the second book of Discipline, bee also banished out of this reformed Kirk, and not to bee usurped or used hereafter under ecclesiastical censure.
The Assembly alloweth this Article.
XX. Anent the presenting either of Pastours or Readers and School-masters, to particular Congregations, that there be a respect had to the Congregation, & that no person be intruded in any office of the Kirke, contrare to the will of the congregation to which they are appointed.
The Assembly alloweth this article.
XXI. Anent Mariage without proclamation of bans, which being in use these years by-gone hath produced many dangerous effects: The Assembly would discharge the same, conforme to the former acts, except the Presbyterie in some necessarie exigents dispense therewith.
The Assembly alloweth this article.
XXII. Anent the buriall in Kirks, the Assembly would be pleased to consider anent the act of Assembly at Edinburgh 1588. Sess. 5. if it shall be put in execution, and to discharge funeral sermons, as favouring of superstition.
The Assembly referreth the former part of this article anent buriall in Kirks to the care of Presbyteries, and dischargeth all funerall sermons.
XXIII. Anent the tryall of Expectants before their entrie to the ministrie, it being notour that they have subscribed the confession of Faith now declared in this Assembly, and that they have exercised often privatly, and publickly, with approbation of the Presbyterie, they shall first adde and make the exercise publickly, and make a discourse of some common head in Latine, and give propositions thereupon for dispute, and thereafter be questioned by the Presbyterie upon questions of controversie, and chronologie, anent particular texts of Scripture how they may be interpreted [pg 053] according to the analogie of Faith, and reconciled, and that they be examined upon their skill of the Greek & Hebrew, that they bring a testificat of their life and conversation from either Colledge or Presbyterie, where they reside.
The Assembly alloweth this article.
XXIV. The Assembly having considered the order of the provincial Assembly, given in by the most ancient of the Ministrie within every Province, as the ancient plate-forme thereof, ordained the same to be observed, conforme to the roll, registrat in the books of Assembly, whereof the tennour followeth.
The order of the Provincial Assemblies in Scotland, according to the Presbyteries therein contained.
1. The Provincial Assembly of Mers and Tividail.
The Presbyteries of
The bounds.
The Forrest.
To meet the first time at Fedburgh, the third Twesday of April.
2. The Provincial of Louthian.
The Presbyteries of
The bounds.
east Louthian.
w. Louthian.
To meet the first time at Edinburgh the third Twesday of April.
3. The Provincial of Perth.
The Presbyteries of
The bounds.
The Shyresdome of Perth and of Striviling Shire.
To meet the first time at Perth, the second Twesday of April.
[pg 054]
4. The Province of Drumfrees.
The Presbyteries of
The bounds.
& a part of Galloway.
To meet the first time at Drumfrees, the second Twesday of April.
5. The Provincial of Galloway.
The Presbyteries of
The bounds.
The Shyresdome of Wigtoun, and Stemartie of Kirkubright.
To meet the first time at Wigtoun, third Twedsay of April.
The Provincial Synod of Aire or Irwing.
The Presbyteries of
The bounds. The Shyresdome of Aire.
To meet with the Provincial Synod of Glasgow pro hac vice, the first Twesday of April.
6. The Provincial Synod of Glasgow.
The Presbyteries of
The bounds.
The Shyr. of Lennox, the Barrony of Renfrow, the Shy. of Clydsdail over and nether.
To meet with the Provinciall Synod Synod of Aire and Irwing at Glasgow, pro hac vice.
[pg 055]
7. The Provincial Synod of Argyl, desired to bee erected in several Presbyteries, according to the note given in.
The Presbyteries of
The bounds.
The Shyrisdomes of Argil & Boot, with a part of Loohabar.
To meet the first time at Innereray, the fourth Twesday of April.
8. The Provincial Synod of Fife.
The Presbyteries of
St. Andrews.
The bounds.
The Shyresdome of Fife.
To meet the first time at Cowper in Fife the first Twesday of April.
9. The Provincial Synod of Angus and Merns.
The Presbyteries of
Forfair Brechen Merns.
The bounds.
The Shyresdomes of Forfair and Merns.
To meet the first time at Dundie, the third Twesday of April.
10. The Provincial Synod of Aberdene.
The Presbyteries of
Ellan Deer.
The bounds.
The Shyresdomes of Aberdene and Bamfe.
To meet the first time at new Aberdene the 3 Twesday of April.
11. The provincial Synod of Murray.
The Presbyteries of
The bounds.
The Shyresdomes of Innernes in part, Nairn in part, Murray Bamf in part, Aberden in part.
To meet the first time at Forresse the last Twesday of April.
[pg 056]
12. The provincial Synod of Rosse.
The Presbyteries of
The bounds.
The Shyresdome of Innernes in part.
To meet the first time at Chanrie, the second Twesday of April.
13. The provincial Synod of Cathnes.
The Presbyteries of
Weeke. or
The Bounds:
To meet the first time at Dornoch, the third Twesday of April.
14. The provincial Synod of Orkney and Zetland.
The Presbyteries of
The Bounds:
The Shyresdome of Orkney and Zetland.
To meet the first time at Kirkwall, the second Twesday of April.
15. The Provinciall Synod of the Isles
All the Kirks of the North-west Isles, viz. Sky, Lewes, and the rest of the Isles, which were lyable to the Diocie of the Isles, except the South-west isles which are joyned to the Presbyteries of Argyll, To meet the first time at Skye the second Twesday of May.
That the Minister of the place where the Synodall Assembly meets shall preach the first day of their meeting, and give timouse advertisement to the rest of the Presbyteries.
It is remembred that of old the Synodall Assemblies that were nearest to others, had correspondence among themselves, by sending one or two Commissioners mutually from one to another, which course is thought fit to bee keeped in time comming: viz. The Provincials of Louthian, and Mers, &c. The Provincials of Drumfreis, Galloway, Glasgow, and Argyll, The Provincials of Perth, Fyfe, and Angus, &c. The Provincials of Aberdein and Murray. The Provincials [pg 057] of Rosse, Caithnes, and Orknay. The Commissioners for correspondence amongst the Synodals to be a Minister and a ruling Elder.
The Assembly recommendeth to the severall Presbyteries the execution of the old acts of Assemblies, against the break of the Sabbath-day, by the going of Milles, Salt-pans, Salmond-fishing, or any such-like labour, and to this end revives and renews the act of the Assembly, holden at Halyrudehouse 1602. Sess. 5 whereof the tennor followeth.
“The Assemblie considering that the conventions of the people, specially on the Sabbath-day, are verie rare in manie places, by distraction of labour, not only in Harvest and Seed-time, but also every Sabbath by fishing both of whyte fish and Salmond fishing, and in going of Milles; Therefore the Assemblie, dischargeth and inhibiteth, all such labour of fishing as-well whyte fish as Salmond fish, and going of Miles of all sorts upon the Sabbath-day, under the paine of incurring the censures of the Kirk. And ordains the Commmissioners of this Assemblie to meane the same to his Majestie, and to desire that a pecuniall paine may be injoyned upon the contraveeners of this present act.”