Читать книгу The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland - Church of Scotland. General Assembly - Страница 42

Concerning yearly generall Assemblies.


Table of Contents

The Assembly having considered the reasons lately printed for holding of general Assemblies, which are taken from the light of nature, the promise of Jesus Christ, the practise of the holy Apostles, the doctrine and custome of other reformed Kirks, and the liberty of this national Kirk, as it is expressed in the book of Policie, and acknowledged in the act of Parlament 1592, and from recent and present experience; comparing the lamentable prejudices done to religion, through the former want of free and lawful Assemblies, and the great benefite arysing to the Kirk, from this one free and lawful Assembly; finde it necessary to declare, and hereby declares, that by Divine, Ecclesiasticall, and Civill warrands, this national Kirk hath power and liberty to Assemble and conveen in her year-ly generall Assemblies, and oftner, pro re nata, as occasion and necessity shall require. Appointeth the next Generall Assembly to sit at Edinburgh the third Weddinsday of Julie 1639. And warneth all Presbyteries, Universities, and Burghes, to send their Commissioners for keeping the same. Giving power also to the Presbytery of Edinburgh, pro re nata: and upon any urgent extraordinarie necessity (if any shall happen before the diet appointed in Julie) to give advertisement to all the Presbyteries, Universities, and Burghes, to send their Commissioners for holding an occasionall Assembly. And if in the meane time it shall please the Kings Majestie to indict a generall Assembly, ordaineth all Presbyteries; Universities, and Burghes, to send their Commissioners for keeping the time and place which shall be appointed by his Majesties Proclamation.

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The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland

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