Читать книгу The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland - Church of Scotland. General Assembly - Страница 67

Act ordaining the subscription of the Confession of Faith and Covenant, with the Assemblies Declaration.


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The Generall Assembly considering the great happiness which may flow from a full and perfect Union of this [pg 087] Kirk and Kingdome, by joyning of all in one and the same Covenant with God, with the Kings Majestie, and amongst our selves, having by our great Oath declared the uprightnesse and loyaltie of our intentions in all our proceedings, and having withall supplicated His Majesties high Commissioner, and the Lords of His Majesties honorable Privie Councell, to injoyn by Act of Councell, all the Lieges in time coming to subscribe the Confession of faith and Covenant, which as a testimony of our fidelity to God and loyaltie to our King we have subscribed; And seeing His Majesties high Commissioner, and the Lords of His Majesties honorable Privie Councell, have granted the desire of our Supplication, ordaining by Civill authority, all His Majesties Lieges in time comming, to subscribe the foresaid Covenant, that our Union may be the more full and perfect, We by our Act and Constitution Ecclesiasticall, do approove the foresaid Covenant, in all the Heads and Clauses thereof and ordains of new, under all Ecclesiasticall censure, that all the Masters of Universities, Colledges, and Schooles, all Schollers at the passing of their degrees, all persons suspect of Papistry, or any other errour; and finally all the members of this Kirk & Kingdome, subscribe the same with these words prefixed to their subscription: The Article of this Covenant, which was at the first subscription referred to the determination of the General Assembly, being determined. And thereby the five Articles of Perth, the government of the Kirk by Bishops, the civill places and power of Kirkmen, upon the reasons and grounds contained in the Acts of the Generall Assembly declared to be unlawfull within this Kirk: we subscribe according to the determination foresaid. And ordains the Covenant, with this Declaration, to be insert in the Registers of the Assemblies of this Kirk, Generall, Provinciall, and Presbyteriall, ad perpetuam rei memoriam; and in all humility supplicates His Majesties high Commissioner, and the honourable Estates of Parliament, by their authority, to ratifie and injoyne the same, under all civill paines, which will tend to the glory of God, preservation of Religion, the Kings Majesties honour, and perfect peace of this Kirk and Kingdome.

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The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland

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