Читать книгу The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland - Church of Scotland. General Assembly - Страница 72

The Assemblies Supplication to the KINGS MAJESTIE.


Table of Contents

Most Gracious Souveraigne.

Wee Your Majesties most humble and loyall Subjects, the Commissioners from all the parts of this your Majesties ancient & native Kingdome, and members of the Nationall Assembly, conveened at Edinburgh by your Majesties speciall indiction, and honoured with the presence of Your Majesties high Commissioner, have been waiting for a day of rejoycing, and of solemne thanksgiving to be rendred to God by this whole Kirk and Kingdome, for giving us a King so just and religious, that it is not only lawfull for us to be Christians under Your Majesties government, which sometime hath been the greatest praise of great Princes, but also that it hath pleased Your gracious Maj. to make known that it is Your Royall will and pleasure, that all matters Ecclesiasticall be determined in free Nationall Assemblies, and matters civill in Parliaments; which is a most noble and ample expression of Your Majesties justice, and we trust [pg 090] shall be a powerful mean of our common happinesse under your Majesties most blessed Reign. In the mean while we do most humbly, upon the knees of our hearts, blesse your Majesty for that happinesse already begun in the late Assembly at Edinburgh; in the proceedings whereof, next under God, we have laboured to approve our selves unto Your Majesties Vice-gerent, as if Your Majesties eyes had been upon us, which was the desire of our souls, and would have beene the matter of our full rejoycing, and doe still continue Your Majesties most humble supplicants for Your Majesties civill sanction and ratification of the constitutions of the Assembly in Parliament; That your Majesties Princely power, and the Ecclesiasticall Authority joyning in one, the mutuall embracements of religion and justice, of truth and peace may be seen in this Land, which shall be to us as a resurrection from the dead, and shall make us, being not only so farre recovered, but also revived, to fill Heaven and Earth with our praises, and to pray that King CHARLES may be more and more blessed, and His throne established before the Lord for ever.

The Assembly appoints the next Generall Assembly, to sit at Aberdene the last Tuesday of July next, 1640. years. And warneth all Presbyteries, Universities and Burrows, to send their Commissioners, for keeping the same. And thereafter the Assembly was concluded by giving of thanks by the Moderator, and singing of a Psalme, according to the custome.

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The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland

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