Читать книгу Dark Awakenings: Volume 2 of the Little Girl Lost Trilogy - Cindy Hanna - Страница 11




I purchase my items, barely hearing the checker when she tells the amount. Gathering my bags, I head to my car. My mind swirls and protests against what I saw—Carlos with…a son. I quicken my pace. Want outta here. To create distance between what is threatening to foil my fantasies about him and me.

Halfway to my car, the hairs on the back of my neck begin to prickle. Thinking Carlos may have spotted me and is coming out, I don’t turn but walk faster. Anxious to make it to my car. Don’t want to see him. Not now. Can’t. Gotta think this through first.

Each step I take convinces me I’m being watched. Followed. Expect to hear Carlos call my name any minute. I approach my car. Fumble with the keys. Get in. Backing out of my space, I look around, thinking I’ll spot him. I don’t. What? But why did I feel watched? Followed? If not Carlos, then who? Jesus! I really gotta get a grip.

Princess greets me at home and shadows me as I put away the few things I purchased. I click off the downstairs lights and head upstairs, anxious to work things out in my journal. Sitting on my bed, I write:

What’s going on with Carlos? A son? Never occurred to me. But married? What if she was there? Watching? Okay, that puts a different spin on things. Slow down. Don’t get carried away. Maybe he’s divorced. Didn’t seem like the cheating kind. What am I saying? I don’t even know him. Besides, what’s the “cheating kind” look like? And then there’s the whole felt-like-I-was-being-followed thing. But when I looked…nothing. Maybe I’m just stressed about my first class tomorrow. Mind’s working overtime. That’s gotta be it. I hope.

I close my journal. Reach down to pet Princess. Turn off the light and go to sleep. But mine’s a restless one, filled with bizarre dreams.

Walking my neighborhood. Darkness surrounds. Eyes. Cruel ones. My house. Winding streets. Rogue onions rolling amok in the parking lot. First one. Then a truckload. I’m buried alive by them. Choke and gag on their peeling skins—what’s revealed. More eyes— watching. Warning flags. Past. Present. Future. Shared laughter. Healing. Darkness. Time/space shopping continuum. Day indiscriminately meshing into the veil of darkness. Race of a lifetime.

I awake as always from my premonition dreams, bolting upright, covered in sweat. What the hell? Thought they were gone. Haven’t had one in…forever. Why the hell won’t they leave me alone? Or at least give me something I can work with. Hate how the images they present are so jumbled. Can’t make heads or tails of them. Only after, then I know what they were trying to foretell.

I feel the start of a headache. Always get one after my visions. Wish they’d come when I’m awake. But no, they always invade my sleep. Maybe if I were awake during them, I could make sense of them.

Though I know it’s useless, I try to fit the fragmented pieces of my premonition dream puzzle into place. My headache worsens, and the images from my dream fade into uncertainty before I can connect them. Fuck!

I lie down and stare at the ceiling for a long time before exhaustion and sleep overtake me.

Dark Awakenings: Volume 2 of the Little Girl Lost Trilogy

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