Читать книгу Dark Awakenings: Volume 2 of the Little Girl Lost Trilogy - Cindy Hanna - Страница 12



The Waiting Game

He slides down in his car seat, watching the car pull up in front of Sally’s. Narrows his eyes, recognizing the driver.

Fuckin’ cunt—Angel!

Sally gets out of the passenger seat, grabs a bag, waves and heads inside as Angel drives off.

How dare she be happy.

He curls the side of his mouth into an evil sneer.

That’ll change. Always does when I make my point. And I’ve been so good at that.

He leans his head back and settles in. Doesn’t mind waiting. It’s part of the game. And he likes games. Is good at them. Waiting. Calculating. Figuring out his best advantage.

A while later, he hears a car backing down her driveway.

So, where we going?

He follows her from a safe distance, one not to raise her suspicion—at least, not yet. They drive a bit, and he recognizes the path she’s taking.

The market, huh?

Sally pulls in the lot well ahead of him. He passes that entry, opting to circle around the corner and pull in another. She’s already walking into the store when he enters the lot. He parks a few aisles over from her car. Turning off his engine, he resumes the waiting game.

Bags in hand, Sally exits the store. He notices the way she looks flustered.

Hmmm, and I haven’t even started my fun…yet.

He sees her quicken her pace halfway to her car.


Doesn’t look around though, until she’s in her car and pulling out. He lets out a pleased sigh as she leaves the parking lot.

“Until next time, bitch!” he says aloud, starting his engine and driving the other way.

Dark Awakenings: Volume 2 of the Little Girl Lost Trilogy

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