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Chapter 2

Angelic assistance

When writing about angels, I am not talking about the twilight zone or something airy-fairy, as many people tend to think of. In the book of Psalms 91:11, it says; no evil shall befall me, nor shall any plague come near my dwelling because we make the Lord our refuge and dwelling place. He has given His angels -who are His messengers, guardians, and agents of God- charge over us. They keep us in all our ways, bear us up in their hands, lest we dash our foot against a stone.

These angels of God can do things we cannot do and also very strong. They are the ones assisting us because they are assigned to help. So Psalm 91:11 is a God-given promise that never loses its power and always works when we believe it with our whole heart and mix it with faith.

When we speak it, yet sometimes it does not look like it is working. Why is that? Sometimes we do things our own way and think we can fix things by ourselves. We then actually leave our refuge and dwelling place, which is God. This can quickly happen through our own words. We may start complaining, speaking the negative things. For example, when in a crisis situation, we call friends or 911 for help first. We run to doctors and lawyers to help us. We may even tend to our own feelings and emotions and vent them. These are normal human reactions in our natural lives. Still, we are not only natural anymore when we made Christ Jesus our Lord! We are now of God! So instead of turning away from Him and running to others and different natural things as the first thing, you do when crises hit, just stay put and don't leave that dwelling place. Take that place of refuge by calling upon Him FIRST and SPEAK out His Word. Then these angels of God respond to and listen to His Word. We speak, and the angels are activated to work on our behalf, excelling in strength on our behalf, doing His Word on our behalf; His Word out of our mouth becomes their pleasures and commandments. They start accompanying you and do according to the Word spoken.

Let me give you a little testimony:

One night when my youngest son came home from a party, he told me he lost his wallet with everything in it; money, cards, etc. Mind you, it was already night-time! I was tired and not too happy with the whole situation. In the natural, this would cost me money, time, and strength if we did not find this wallet. I first asked the Holy Spirit for guidance in this situation in all of this. I stopped the lying serpent trying to give me all kinds of negative scenarios in my mind. After this, I spoke and said: "Angels of God keep all the items and the wallet safe, stand around the wallet, protect it and bring it back to us!" That night we did not recover it but went to bed and slept peacefully. The next day, it was found, and when we retrieved it, everything was still in the wallet; thank you, Lord!

I can tell you testimony after testimony, but that's a different book. You too can have this angelic assistance; it is always available!

Be encouraged……..

Speak out the prayer

I dwell in the secret place of the most High. I abide under the shadow of the Almighty. He is my Refuge, my Fortress. In Him, I put my trust. No evil befalls me nor shall any plague come nigh my dwelling for you have given your angels charge over me. To keep me in all my ways, to protect me, to help me, and to bear me up in your hands. So I don’t dash my foot against a stone, in Jesus name!


These angels of God listen to His Word, and they, on their turn, hear, listen to everything you say. So it is essential to speak God's Word and positive things over yourself and life for them to be activated on your behalf. When you complain or speak negative things, there is not much they can do. It is like you tie up their hands. Watch and keep track this whole day if you complain or speak His Word in your life.

Be encouraged

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