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Chapter 3


In the book of Judges, we can read about a man named Samson. He was so strong that he tore lions apart with his bare hands. And he defeated the enemy in his time named the Philistines single handily. Yet, he had a weakness: a love for women or harlots. But this is not the part of the story we are going to focus on.

One day Samson was with a woman named Delilah. What he did not know was that the enemy, the Philistines, enticed her. She needed to find out where his strength came from for them to render Samson powerless against them. Delilah started pestering Samson daily with her words and pressed him until his soul was vexed to death. Pretty intense, right? Because of this, Samson eventually revealed his secret to Delilah….The strength of Samson laid in the seven locks of hair he had on his head. After Delilah heard this, she lulled him to sleep, let the enemy in who shaved his head and his strength was gone, it left him. The Philistines then imprisoned him and even plucked out his eyes.

Let me insert this here: there are many of us destined for greatness. They are called to do amazing stuff in our lifetime, but because of a weakness or depression, rejection, sickness, poverty, or whatever the problem hitting us, we never get to step into our God-given destiny. Then it is as if our heads are shaved, and we are figuratively imprisoned. Our eyes are plucked out, so we cannot see the big plans God has for our life anymore. We stop dreaming and having a vision, similar to Samson in this story. Yet this is NOT the end of the story, for his hair started growing again. This was a small fact that the Philistines forgot about. One day, when the Philistines had a big event in their temple with all of the famous and significant people of their land, they sent for Samson to have a bit of a laugh about him as entertainment. So they put him in the middle between two pillars. As they were partying, Samson started talking to God. He asked Him to give him strength one more time. Then he placed his hands on the two pillars of the temple and pushed with all his might, and the whole temple fell. That's why we now say that Samson killed more of the enemy at his death than when he was alive.

Are you the laughing stock of the enemy? Put on as entertainment? Are you laughed at because you have no strength? Is it difficult to' see' your future? Do not worry, fear, or stress because your ‘hair’ will grow again. In this new covenant, you can do all things through Christ Jesus, who gives you strength. So strength has never left you! Just command it back into physical manifestation. Start seeing again for the entrance of God's Word giveth Light. Step out of that ‘prison’ because who the Son sets free is free indeed! You are more than a conqueror through Him who loved you. It's easy for you to conquer the weakness, depression, sickness, poverty and go to fulfill your God-given destiny; your story is not over yet!

Be encouraged…..

Speak out the prayer

Where I am weak, I say I am strong. I have a spirit of power, love and I have a sound mind, as I am God’s righteousness in Christ Jesus. I am bold as a lion. Strength I command you back, weakness, depression, sickness, poverty I command you out of my life. I step out of this 'prison,' my eyes see again, and my 'hair' grows again now. I am a success and fulfill my purpose In Jesus' name amen.


I am strong

I am restored

I am healthy

I am rich

Make your list and speak them over yourself as much as you can.

Be encouraged

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