Читать книгу CoderDojo: My First Website - Clyde Hatter - Страница 5



This book is about coding. Maybe the first steps you’ll take towards becoming a seriously good coder. And, if you’re interested in coding, you may have heard of CoderDojo.

CoderDojo is a coding club for young people which lets you hang out with other coders, learn new stuff and generally have fun with computers. It’s free and you work with your friends. If you’re lucky, there’s a Dojo near you. Maybe you’ve been down and done some coding? But maybe there isn’t – or maybe you just want to do even more coding?

If so, don’t worry. You can just get your own official mini-Dojo, a Dojo Nano, up and running. How? It’s easy.

Ingredients for a Dojo Nano:

one or more friends

a computer

this book


What happens at your Dojo Nano? Basically, whatever you think is cool coding-wise. In this book we’re going to meet the Nanonauts, who have set up their own Dojo Nano where they will be learning to make a website for their band. They’ll be combining HTML, CSS and JavaScript to make their website, and you can learn these skills to make your own website as well!


As a start, with the help of this book, you’re going to make your Dojo Nano website, and then maybe a couple of sites for your friends. It’s easy, it’s fun, and this book will set you on the way! You can follow along with building the site at http://nano.tips, and find more about CoderDojo at http://coderdojo.com

CoderDojo: My First Website

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