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My father’s name was Edward Alfred Willment. So when I was born I was Colin Edward Willment, but when I was eleven my mother re-married. I’m not sure why. She proved to be a rubbish judge of character. She found my stepfather, Claude Baines Thompson, in the back of the cupboard under the stairs behind the old gasmasks and the buckets of eggs in isinglass and huge black-market tins of ham that that used to appear from time to time – food rationing didn’t end in England until 1954. So Claude Baines was removed from the cupboard, dusted down, fitted with new leather patches on his elbows and became my stepfather.

I had to sign a piece of paper saying I agreed to be adopted. I was eleven, what the hell did I know and besides I was bribed with a brand new wristwatch. So I became Colin Edward Thompson.

When I was fourteen, I told myself I would change my name back when I was old enough, but I never did. Sometimes, I still wish I had.


Colin Edward Willment – aged 11

Colin Edward Thompson – aged 11

(with added wristwatch)

Fitting In

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