Читать книгу A Contemporary Introduction to the Bible - Colleen M. Conway - Страница 59
The Creation of “Israel” Through Cultural Memory of Resistance to Domination
ОглавлениеAll this is a prelude to the gradual creation of the Hebrew Bible. At this point in the history of Israel no books, not even chapters, had been written. “Israel” was only a very loose association of village-tribal groups. These villages shared, however, a common way of life. They aided each other in times of famine, and charismatic leaders such as Deborah rose up in times of crisis to fight common enemies. Whatever their diverse origins, these villagedwellers came to claim a common story of liberation from Egypt. They claimed a common ancestor, Jacob, along with the rest of his trickster family. And through poems like the Song of Deborah, they celebrated those occasions where they joined together to experience Yahweh’s deliverance against the more powerful city-states around them.
Some scholars, such as Maurice Halbwachs (On Collective Memory [Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992]) and Jan Assmann (Religion and Cultural Memory [Stanford: University of Stanford Press, 2005]), have argued persuasively that such common memories are what form groups of people. Such cultural memory is reinforced through parental teaching, schools, festivals, and other practices in which people in groups recite or act out their common heritage. For example, national holidays, such as July 4 in the United States, are occasions when national identity is reinforced through various festivities, in this case marking the day when the nation was born. New citizens are required to learn the common story before they can become “Americans.” Similarly, the worship year in Jewish synagogues and Christian churches continually reminds those communities of their stories, having them relive the events of the Torah (for synagogues) or the life of Jesus (for churches) and reinforce their sense of a particular religious identity. You become a “Jew” or “Christian” partly through learning the story of that group and claiming it as your own.
We do not know exactly how the oral versions of the texts about exodus, Jacob’s family, and Deborah’s victory were used, but they appear to have served a similar purpose in helping to create and reinforce a sense of common “Israelite” identity out of varied groups. Whether taught to children, recited at clan worship, sung at festivals, or used in some other way, the ancient oral traditions discussed in this chapter helped turn the people living in the hill country of Syria-Palestine into the “Israelites” who would create the later Bible.
The shared oral memories discussed in this chapter made for a particular kind of community: one that celebrated powerful work by God on the one hand and the clever action of tricksters on the other. In the midst of the pluralistic Canaanite religious environment, these traditions praise the liberative work of Yahweh, a god known from the southern deserts. Yet they also celebrate Israelite resourcefulness and wit. In particular, they empower people living on the margins by celebrating clever underdogs such as Jacob or Jael. Women are quite prominent in these traditions, as mothers, tricksters, and even military leaders (Deborah). Meanwhile, “kings” and their representatives are the opponents in these village-culture traditions, whether Pharaoh or Hazor’s general Sisera.
Even when Israel developed writing, the stories of these oral traditions – in highly varied forms – continued to be told and sung among Israelites, many of whom never learned to write. We must keep in mind that our written Bible is but the tip of the iceberg of a largely lost oral tradition in ancient Israel. The process started not with writing, but with telling tales of Israelite liberation, survival, and victory.