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anaesthetic NOUN = painkiller, narcotic, sedative, opiate, anodyne, analgesic, soporific ▸ ADJECTIVE = pain-killing, dulling, numbing, sedative, deadening, anodyne, analgesic, soporificanalogy NOUN = similarity, relation, comparison, parallel, correspondence, resemblance, correlation, likenessanalyse VERB 1 = examine, test, study, research, survey, investigate, evaluate, inspect 2 = break down, separate, divide, resolve, dissect, think throughanalysis NOUN = examination, test, inquiry, investigation, interpretation, breakdown, scanning, evaluationanalytic or analytical ADJECTIVE = rational, organized, exact, precise, logical, systematic, inquiring, investigativeanarchy NOUN = lawlessness, revolution, riot, disorder, confusion, chaos, disorganization ◼ OPPOSITE: orderanatomy NOUN 1 = structure, build, make-up, frame, framework, composition 2 = examination, study, division, inquiry, investigation, analysis, dissectionancestor NOUN = forefather, predecessor, precursor, forerunner, forebear, antecedent, tupuna or tipuna (N.Z.) ◼ OPPOSITE: descendantancient ADJECTIVE 1 = classical, old, former, past, bygone, primordial, primeval, olden 2 = very old, aged, antique, archaic, timeworn 3 = old-fashioned, dated, outdated, obsolete, out of date, unfashionable, outmoded, passé ◼ OPPOSITE: up-to-dateand CONJUNCTION 1 = also, including, along with, together with, in addition to, as well as 2 = moreover, plus, furthermore

USAGE The forms try and do something and wait and do something should only be used in informal or spoken English. In more formal writing, use try to and wait to, for example: we must try to prevent this happening (not try and prevent).

anecdote NOUN = story, tale, sketch, short story, yarn (informal), reminiscence, urban myth, urban legendangel NOUN 1 = divine messenger, cherub, archangel, seraph 2 = dear, beauty, saint, treasure, darling, jewel, gem, paragonanger NOUN = rage, outrage, temper, fury, resentment, wrath, annoyance, ire ◼ OPPOSITE: calmness ▸ VERB = enrage, outrage, annoy, infuriate, incense, gall, madden, exasperate ◼ OPPOSITE: sootheangle NOUN 1 = gradient, bank, slope, incline, inclination 2 = intersection, point, edge, corner, bend, elbow, crook, nook 3 = point of view, position, approach, direction, aspect, perspective, outlook, viewpointangry ADJECTIVE = furious, cross, mad (informal), outraged, annoyed, infuriated, incensed, enraged, tooshie (Austral. slang), off the air (Austral. slang), aerated ◼ OPPOSITE: calm

USAGE Some people feel it is more correct to talk about being angry with someone than being angry at them. In British English, angry with is still more common than angry at, but angry at is used more commonly in American English.

angst NOUN = anxiety, worry, unease, apprehension ◼ OPPOSITE: peace of mindanguish NOUN = suffering, pain, distress, grief, misery, agony, torment, sorrowanimal NOUN 1 = creature, beast, brute 2 = brute, devil, monster, savage, beast, villain, barbarian ▸ ADJECTIVE = physical, gross, bodily, sensual, carnal, brutish, bestial, animalistic • see Amphibians, Bats, Birds, Carnivores, Dinosaurs, Fish, Insects, Invertebrates, Marsupials, Monkeys, apes and other primates, Reptiles, Rodents, Sea mammalsanimate ADJECTIVE = living, live, moving, alive, breathing, alive and kicking ▸ VERB = enliven, excite, inspire, move, fire, stimulate, energize, kindle ◼ OPPOSITE: inhibitanimated ADJECTIVE = lively, spirited, excited, enthusiastic, passionate, energetic, ebullient, vivacious ◼ OPPOSITE: listlessanimation NOUN = liveliness, energy, spirit, passion, enthusiasm, excitement, verve, zestannounce VERB = make known, tell, report, reveal, declare, advertise, broadcast, disclose, post, tweet ◼ OPPOSITE: keep secretannouncement NOUN 1 = statement, communication, broadcast, declaration, advertisement, bulletin, communiqué, proclamation 2 = declaration, report, reporting, revelation, proclamationannoy VERB = irritate, trouble, anger, bother, disturb, plague, hassle (informal), madden, hack you off (informal) ◼ OPPOSITE: sootheannoying ADJECTIVE = irritating, disturbing, troublesome, maddening, exasperating ◼ OPPOSITE: delightfulannual ADJECTIVE 1 = once a year, yearly 2 = yearlong, yearlyannually ADVERB 1 = once a year, yearly, every year, per year, by the year, every twelve months, per annum 2 = per year, yearly, every year, by the year, per annumanomaly NOUN = irregularity, exception, abnormality, inconsistency, eccentricity, oddity, peculiarity, incongruityanonymous ADJECTIVE 1 = unnamed, unknown, unidentified, nameless, unacknowledged, incognito ◼ OPPOSITE: identified 2 = unsigned, uncredited, unattributed ◼ OPPOSITE: signedanswer VERB = reply, explain, respond, resolve, react, return, retort ◼ OPPOSITE: ask ▸ NOUN 1 = reply, response, reaction, explanation, comeback, retort, return, defence ◼ OPPOSITE: question 2 = solution, resolution, explanation 3 = remedy, solutionant

Ants, bees, and wasps

Amazon ant
ant or (archaic or dialect) emmet
army ant or legionary ant
blue ant (Austral.)
bulldog ant, bull ant, or (Austral.) bull Joe
bumblebee or humblebee
carpenter bee
cicada hunter (Austral.)
cuckoo bee
digger wasp
driver ant
flower wasp (Austral.)
gall wasp
honeybee or hive bee
honeypot ant or honey ant (Austral.)
horntail or wood wasp
ichneumon fly or ichneumon wasp
killer bee
kootchar (Austral.)
leafcutter ant
leafcutter bee
mason bee
mason wasp
minga (Austral.)
mining bee
mud dauber
native bee or sugarbag fly (Austral.)
Pharaoh ant
policeman fly (Austral.)
ruby-tail wasp
sand wasp
Sirex wasp (Austral.)
slave ant
spider-hunting wasp
termite or white ant
velvet ant
wood ant
yellow jacket (U.S. & Canad.)

anthem NOUN = song of praise, carol, chant, hymn, psalm, paean, chorale, canticleanthology NOUN = collection, selection, treasury, compilation, compendium, miscellanyanticipate VERB 1 = expect, predict, prepare for, hope for, envisage, foresee, bank on, foretell 2 = await, look forward to, count the hours untilanticipation NOUN = expectancy, expectation, foresight, premonition, prescience, forethoughtantics PLURAL NOUN = clowning, tricks, mischief, pranks, escapades, playfulness, horseplay, tomfooleryantique NOUN = period piece, relic, bygone, heirloom, collector's item, museum piece ▸ ADJECTIVE = vintage, classic, antiquarian, oldenanxiety NOUN = uneasiness, concern, worry, doubt, tension, angst, apprehension, misgiving ◼ OPPOSITE: confidenceanxious ADJECTIVE 1 = eager, keen, intent, yearning, impatient, itching, desirous ◼ OPPOSITE: reluctant 2 = uneasy, concerned, worried, troubled, nervous, uncomfortable, tense, fearful ◼ OPPOSITE: confidentapart ADVERB 1 = to pieces, to bits, asunder (literary) 2 = away from each other, distant from each other 3 = aside, away, alone, isolated, to one side, by yourself ● apart from = except for, excepting, other than, excluding, besides, not including, aside from, butapartment NOUN 1 = flat, room, suite, penthouse, duplex (U.S. & Canad.), crib, bachelor apartment (Canad.) 2 = rooms, quarters, accommodation, living quartersapathy NOUN = lack of interest, indifference, inertia, coolness, passivity, nonchalance, torpor, unconcern ◼ OPPOSITE: interestapiece ADVERB = each, individually, separately, for each, to each, respectively, from each ◼ OPPOSITE: all togetherapologize VERB = say sorry, express regret, ask forgiveness, make an apology, beg pardonapology NOUN = regret, explanation, excuse, confession ● an apology for something or someone = mockery of, excuse for, imitation of, caricature of, travesty of, poor substitute forappal VERB = horrify, shock, alarm, frighten, outrage, disgust, dishearten, revoltappalling ADJECTIVE 1 = horrifying, shocking (informal), alarming, awful, terrifying, horrible, dreadful, fearful (informal) ◼ OPPOSITE: reassuring 2 = awful, dreadful, horrendousapparatus NOUN 1 = organization, system, network, structure, bureaucracy, hierarchy, setup (informal), chain of command 2 = equipment, tackle, gear, device, tools, mechanism, machinery, applianceapparent ADJECTIVE 1 = seeming, outward, superficial, ostensible ◼ OPPOSITE: actual 2 = obvious, marked, visible, evident, distinct, manifest, noticeable, unmistakable ◼ OPPOSITE: unclearapparently ADVERB = seemingly, outwardly, ostensiblyappeal VERB = plead, ask, request, pray, beg, entreat ◼ OPPOSITE: refuse ▸ NOUN 1 = plea, call, application, request, prayer, petition, overture, entreaty ◼ OPPOSITE: refusal 2 = attraction, charm, fascination, beauty, allure ◼ OPPOSITE: repulsiveness ● appeal to someone = attract, interest, draw (informal), please, charm, fascinate, tempt, lureappealing ADJECTIVE = attractive, engaging, charming, desirable, alluring, winsome ◼ OPPOSITE: repellentappear VERB 1 = look (like or as if), seem, occur, look to be, come across as, strike you as 2 = come into view, emerge, occur, surface, come out, turn up, be present, show up (informal) ◼ OPPOSITE: disappearappearance NOUN 1 = look, form, figure, looks, manner, expression, demeanour, mien (literary) 2 = arrival, presence, introduction, emergence 3 = impression, air, front, image, illusion, guise, façade, pretenceappease VERB 1 = pacify, satisfy, calm, soothe, quiet, placate, mollify, conciliate ◼ OPPOSITE: anger 2 = ease, calm, relieve, soothe, alleviate, allayappendix NOUN = supplement, postscript, adjunct, appendage, addendum, additionappetite NOUN 1 = hunger 2 = desire, liking, longing, demand, taste, passion, stomach, hunger ◼ OPPOSITE: distasteapplaud VERB 1 = clap, encourage, praise, cheer, acclaim ◼ OPPOSITE: boo 2 = praise, celebrate, approve, acclaim, compliment, salute, commend, extol ◼ OPPOSITE: criticizeapplause NOUN = ovation, praise, cheers, approval, clapping, accolade, big handappliance NOUN = device, machine, tool, instrument, implement, mechanism, apparatus, gadgetapplicable ADJECTIVE = appropriate, fitting, useful, suitable, relevant, apt, pertinent ◼ OPPOSITE: inappropriateapplicant NOUN = candidate, claimant, inquirerapplication NOUN 1 = request, claim, appeal, inquiry, petition, requisition 2 = effort, work, industry, trouble, struggle, pains, commitment, hard work 3 = program, package, software, app (informal), killer application or killer appapply VERB 1 = request, appeal, put in, petition, inquire, claim, requisition 2 = be relevant, relate, refer, be fitting, be appropriate, fit, pertain, be applicable 3 = use, exercise, carry out, employ, implement, practise, exert, enact 4 = put on, work in, cover with, lay on, paint on, spread on, rub in, smear on ● apply yourself = work hard, concentrate, try, commit yourself, buckle down (informal), devote yourself, be diligent, dedicate yourselfappoint VERB 1 = assign, name, choose, commission, select, elect, delegate, nominate ◼ OPPOSITE: fire 2 = decide, set, choose, establish, fix, arrange, assign, designate ◼ OPPOSITE: cancelappointed ADJECTIVE 1 = decided, set, chosen, established, fixed, arranged, assigned, designated 2 = assigned, named, chosen, selected, elected, delegated, nominated 3 = equipped, provided, supplied, furnished, fitted outappointment NOUN 1 = selection, naming, election, choice, nomination, assignment 2 = job, office, position, post, situation, place, employment, assignment 3 = meeting, interview, date, arrangement, engagement, fixture, rendezvous, assignationappraisal NOUN = assessment, opinion, estimate, judgment, evaluation, estimationappreciate VERB 1 = enjoy, like, value, respect, prize, admire, treasure, rate highly ◼ OPPOSITE: scorn 2 = be aware of, understand, realize, recognize, perceive, take account of, be sensitive to, sympathize with ◼ OPPOSITE: be unaware of 3 = be grateful for, be obliged for, be thankful for, give thanks for, be indebted for, be in debt for, be appreciative of ◼ OPPOSITE: be ungrateful for 4 = increase, rise, grow, gain, improve, enhance, soar ◼ OPPOSITE: fallappreciation NOUN 1 = admiration, enjoyment 2 = gratitude, thanks, recognition, obligation, acknowledgment, indebtedness, thankfulness, gratefulness ◼ OPPOSITE: ingratitude 3 = awareness, understanding, recognition, perception, sympathy, consciousness, sensitivity, realization ◼ OPPOSITE: ignorance 4 = increase, rise, gain, growth, improvement, escalation, enhancement ◼ OPPOSITE: fallapprehension NOUN 1 = anxiety, concern, fear, worry, alarm, suspicion, dread, trepidation (formal) ◼ OPPOSITE: confidence 2 = arrest, catching, capture, taking, seizure ◼ OPPOSITE: release 3 = awareness, understanding, perception, grasp, comprehension ◼ OPPOSITE: incomprehensionapprentice NOUN = trainee, student, pupil, novice, beginner, learner, probationer ◼ OPPOSITE: masterapproach VERB 1 = move towards, reach, near, come close, come near, draw near 2 = make a proposal to, speak to, apply to, appeal to, proposition, solicit, sound out, make overtures to 3 = set about, tackle, undertake, embark on, get down to, launch into, begin work on, commence on ▸ NOUN 1 = advance, coming, nearing, appearance, arrival, drawing near 2 = access, way, drive, road, passage, entrance, avenue, passageway 3 (often plural) = proposal, offer, appeal, advance, application, invitation, proposition, overture 4 = way, means, style, method, technique, mannerappropriate ADJECTIVE = suitable, fitting, relevant, to the point, apt, pertinent, befitting, well-suited ◼ OPPOSITE: unsuitable ▸ VERB 1 = seize, claim, acquire, confiscate, usurp, impound, commandeer, take possession of ◼ OPPOSITE: relinquish 2 = allocate, allow, budget, devote, assign, designate, set aside, earmark ◼ OPPOSITE: withhold 3 = steal, take, nick (slang, chiefly Brit.), pocket, pinch (informal), lift (informal), embezzle, pilferapproval NOUN 1 = consent, agreement, sanction, blessing, permission, recommendation, endorsement, assent 2 = favour, respect, praise, esteem, acclaim, appreciation, admiration, applause ◼ OPPOSITE: disapprovalapprove VERB = agree to, allow, pass, recommend, permit, sanction, endorse, authorize ◼ OPPOSITE: veto ● approve of something or someone = favour, like, respect, praise, admire, commend, have a good opinion of, regard highlyapt ADJECTIVE 1 = appropriate, fitting, suitable, relevant, to the point, pertinent ◼ OPPOSITE: inappropriate 2 = inclined, likely, ready, disposed, prone, liable, given, predisposed 3 = gifted, skilled, quick, talented, sharp, capable, smart, cleverarbitrary ADJECTIVE = random, chance, subjective, inconsistent, erratic, personal, whimsical, capricious ◼ OPPOSITE: logicalarbitration NOUN = decision, settlement, judgment, determination, adjudicationarc NOUN = curve, bend, bow, arch, crescent, half-moonarcade NOUN = gallery, cloister, portico, colonnadearch1 NOUN 1 = archway, curve, dome, span, vault 2 = curve, bend, bow, crook, arc, hunch, sweep, hump ▸ VERB = curve, bridge, bend, bow, span, arcarch2 ADJECTIVE = playful, sly, mischievous, saucy, pert, roguish, frolicsome, waggisharchetypal or archetypical ADJECTIVE = typical, standard, model, original, classic, ideal, prototypic or prototypicalarchitect NOUN = designer, planner, draughtsman or woman or person, master builderarchitecture NOUN 1 = design, planning, building, construction 2 = construction, design, style 3 = structure, design, shape, make-up, construction, framework, layout, anatomyarchive NOUN = record office, museum, registry, repository ▸ PLURAL NOUN = records, papers, accounts, rolls, documents, files, deeds, chroniclesarctic ADJECTIVE = freezing, cold, frozen, icy, chilly, glacial, frigidArctic ADJECTIVE = polar, far-northern, hyperboreanardent ADJECTIVE 1 = enthusiastic, keen, eager, avid, zealous ◼ OPPOSITE: indifferent 2 = passionate, intense, impassioned, emotional, lusty, amorous, hot-blooded ◼ OPPOSITE: coldarea NOUN 1 = region, quarter, district, zone, neighbourhood, locality 2 = part, section, sector, portion 3 = realm, part, department (informal), field, province, sphere, domainarena NOUN 1 = ring, ground, field, theatre, bowl, pitch, stadium, enclosure 2 = scene (informal), world, area, stage, field, sector, territory, provinceargue VERB 1 = quarrel, fight, row, clash, dispute, disagree, squabble, bicker 2 = discuss, debate, dispute 3 = claim, reason, challenge, insist, maintain, allege, assert, upholdargument NOUN 1 = reason, case, reasoning, ground(s), defence, logic, polemic, dialectic 2 = debate, questioning, claim, discussion, dispute, issue, controversy, plea, assertion 3 = quarrel, fight, row, clash, dispute, controversy, disagreement, feud ◼ OPPOSITE: agreementarise VERB 1 = happen, start, begin, follow, result, develop, emerge, occur 2 = get to your feet, get up, rise, stand up, spring up, leap up 3 = get up, wake up, awaken, get out of bedaristocrat NOUN = noble, lord, lady, peer, patrician, grandee, aristo (informal), peeressaristocratic ADJECTIVE = upper-class, lordly, titled, elite, gentlemanly, noble, patrician, blue-blooded ◼ OPPOSITE: commonarm1 NOUN = upper limb, limb, appendagearm2 VERB = equip, provide, supply, array, furnish, issue with, deck out, accoutre ▸ PLURAL NOUN = weapons, guns, firearms, weaponry, armaments, ordnance, munitions, instruments of wararmed ADJECTIVE = carrying weapons, protected, equipped, primed, fitted outarmour NOUN = protection, covering, shield, sheathing, armour plate, chain mail, protective coveringarmoured ADJECTIVE = protected, mailed, reinforced, toughened, bulletproof, armour-plated, steel-plated, ironcladarmy NOUN 1 = soldiers, military, troops, armed force, legions, infantry, military force, land force 2 = vast number, host, gang, mob, flock, array, legion, swarmaroma NOUN = scent, smell, perfume, fragrance, bouquet, savour, odour, redolencearound PREPOSITION 1 = approximately, about, nearly, close to, roughly, just about, in the region of, circa (of a date) 2 = surrounding, about, enclosing, encompassing, framing, encircling, on all sides of, on every side of ▸ ADVERB 1 = everywhere, about, throughout, all over, here and there, on all sides, in all directions, to and fro 2 = near, close, nearby, at hand, close at hand

USAGE In American English, around is used more often than round as an adverb and preposition, except in a few fixed phrases such as all year round. In British English, round is more commonly used as an adverb than around.

arouse VERB 1 = stimulate, encourage, inspire, prompt, spur, provoke, rouse, stir up ◼ OPPOSITE: quell 2 = inflame, move, excite, spur, provoke, stir up, agitate 3 = awaken, wake up, rouse, wakenarrange VERB 1 = plan, agree, prepare, determine, organize, construct, devise, contrive, jack up (N.Z. informal) 2 = put in order, group, order, sort, position, line up, organize, classify, jack up (N.Z. informal) ◼ OPPOSITE: disorganize 3 = adapt, score, orchestrate, harmonize, instrumentarrangement NOUN 1 (often plural) = plan, planning, provision, preparation 2 = agreement, contract, settlement, appointment, compromise, deal (informal), pact, compact 3 = display, system, structure, organization, exhibition, presentation, classification, alignment 4 = adaptation, score, version, interpretation, instrumentation, orchestration, harmonizationarray NOUN 1 = arrangement, show, supply, display, collection, exhibition, line-up, mixture 2 = clothing, dress, clothes, garments, apparel (old-fashioned), attire, finery, regalia ▸ VERB 1 = arrange, show, group, present, range, display, parade, exhibit 2 = dress, clothe, deck, decorate, adorn, festoon, attirearrest VERB 1 = capture, catch, nick (slang, chiefly Brit.), seize, detain, apprehend, take prisoner ◼ OPPOSITE: release 2 = stop, end, limit, block, slow, delay, interrupt, suppress ◼ OPPOSITE: speed up 3 = fascinate, hold, occupy, engage, grip, absorb, entrance, intrigue ▸ NOUN 1 = capture, bust (informal), detention, seizure ◼ OPPOSITE: release 2 = stoppage, suppression, obstruction, blockage, hindrance ◼ OPPOSITE: accelerationarresting ADJECTIVE = striking, surprising, engaging, stunning (informal), impressive, outstanding, remarkable, noticeable ◼ OPPOSITE: unremarkablearrival NOUN 1 = appearance, coming, arriving, entrance, advent, materialization 2 = coming, happening, taking place, emergence, occurrence, materialization 3 = newcomer, incomer, visitor, caller, entrantarrive VERB 1 = come, appear, turn up, show up (informal), draw near ◼ OPPOSITE: depart 2 = occur, happen, take place 3 = succeed, make it (informal), triumph, do well, thrive, flourish, be successful, make goodarrogance NOUN = conceit, pride, swagger, insolence, high-handedness, haughtiness, superciliousness, disdainfulness ◼ OPPOSITE: modestyarrogant ADJECTIVE = conceited, proud, cocky, overbearing, haughty, scornful, egotistical, disdainful ◼ OPPOSITE: modestarrow NOUN 1 = dart, flight, bolt, shaft (archaic), quarrel 2 = pointer, indicator, markerarsenal NOUN 1 = store, supply, stockpile 2 = armoury, storehouse, ammunition dump, arms depot, ordnance depotart NOUN 1 = artwork, style of art, fine art, creativity 2 = skill, craft, expertise, competence, mastery, ingenuity, virtuosity, clevernessarticle NOUN 1 = feature, story, paper, piece, item, creation, essay, composition 2 = thing, piece, unit, item, object, device, tool, implement 3 = clause, point, part, section, item, passage, portion, paragrapharticulate ADJECTIVE = expressive, clear, coherent, fluent, eloquent, lucid ◼ OPPOSITE: incoherent ▸ VERB 1 = express, say, state, word, declare, phrase, communicate, utter 2 = pronounce, say, talk, speak, voice, utter, enunciateartificial ADJECTIVE 1 = synthetic, manufactured, plastic (slang), man-made, non-natural 2 = insincere, forced, affected, phoney or phony (informal), false, contrived, unnatural, feigned ◼ OPPOSITE: genuine 3 = fake, mock, imitation, bogus, simulated, sham, counterfeit ◼ OPPOSITE: authenticartillery NOUN = big guns, battery, cannon, ordnance, gunneryartistic ADJECTIVE 1 = creative, cultured, original, sophisticated, refined, aesthetic, discerning, eloquent ◼ OPPOSITE: untalented 2 = beautiful, creative, elegant, stylish, aesthetic, tasteful ◼ OPPOSITE: unattractive

Collins GEM English Thesaurus

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