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bubble n

1 a small globule of air or a gas in a liquid or a solid ◇ SYNONYMS: air ball, drop, bead, blister, blob, droplet, globule 2 a thin film of liquid forming a ball around air or a gas: a soap bubble 3 a dome, esp. a transparent glass or plastic one 4 an unreliable scheme or enterprise ▸ vb -bling, -bled 5 to form bubbles ◇ SYNONYMS: foam, fizz, froth, percolate, effervesce 6 to move or flow with a gurgling sound ◇ SYNONYMS: gurgle, splash, murmur, trickle, ripple, babble, burble, lap 7 bubble over to express an emotion freely: she was bubbling over with excitementbubbly adj -blier, -bliest 1 lively; animated; excited ◇ SYNONYMS: lively, happy, excited, animated, merry, bouncy, elated, sparky 2 full of or resembling bubbles ◇ SYNONYMS: frothy, sparkling, fizzy, effervescent, carbonated, foamy ▸ n 3 (informal) champagnebubonic plague n an acute infectious disease characterized by the formation of buboesbuccaneer n a pirate, esp. in the Caribbean in the 17th and 18th centuriesbuck1 n 1 the male of the goat, hare, kangaroo, rabbit, and reindeer 2 (archaic) a spirited young man 3 the act of bucking ▸ vb 4 (of a horse or other animal) to jump vertically, with legs stiff and back arched 5 (of a horse, etc.) to throw (its rider) by bucking 6 (informal) to resist or oppose obstinately: bucking the system ▸ See also buck upbuck2 n (US & Canad & Austral & NZ informal) a dollarbuck3 n pass the buck (informal) to shift blame or responsibility onto anotherbucket n 1 an open-topped cylindrical container with a handle 2 the amount a bucket will hold 3 a bucket-like part of a machine, such as the scoop on a mechanical shovel 4 kick the bucket (slang) to die ▸ vb -eting, -eted 5 (often foll. by down) (of rain) to fall very heavilybucket list n (informal) a list of things one wants to experience before one diesbuckle n 1 a clasp for fastening together two loose ends, esp. of a belt or strap ◇ SYNONYMS: fastener, catch, clip, clasp, hasp ▸ vb -ling, -led 2 to fasten or be fastened with a buckle ◇ SYNONYMS: fasten, close, secure, hook, clasp 3 to bend or cause to bend out of shape, esp. as a result of pressure or heat ◇ SYNONYMS: distort, bend, warp, crumple, contortbuckle down vb to apply oneself with determinationbuckshee adj (Brit slang) without charge; freebuckteeth pl n projecting upper front teeth > buck-toothed adjbuck up vb (informal) 1 to make or become more cheerful or confident 2 to make hastebuckwheat n 1 a type of small black seed used as animal fodder and in making flour 2 the flour obtained from such seedsbucolic (byew-koll-ik) adj 1 of the countryside or country life; rustic 2 of or relating to shepherds; pastoral ▸ n 3 a pastoral poembud n 1 a swelling on the stem of a plant that develops into a flower or leaf ◇ SYNONYMS: shoot, branch, sprout, sprig, offshoot 2 a partially opened flower: rosebud 3 any small budlike outgrowth: taste buds 4 nip something in the bud to put an end to something in its initial stages ▸ vb budding, budded 5 (of plants and some animals) to produce buds ◇ SYNONYMS: shoot, branch, sprout, sprig, offshoot 6 (horticulture) to graft (a bud) from one plant onto anotherBuddhism n a religion founded by the Buddha that teaches that all suffering can be brought to an end by overcoming greed, hatred, and delusion > Buddhist n, adjbudding adj beginning to develop or grow: a budding actor ◇ SYNONYMS: developing, beginning, growing, promising, potential, burgeoning, fledgling, embryonicbuddleia n a shrub which has long spikes of purple flowersbuddy n, pl -dies 1 (chiefly US & Canad informal) a friend 2 a volunteer who helps and supports a person with a chronic illness ▸ vb -dies, -dying, -died 3 to act as a buddy to (a person with a chronic illness)budge vb budging, budged 1 to move slightly: he refuses to budge off that chair ◇ SYNONYMS: move, stir 2 to change or cause to change opinions: nothing would budge her from this ideabudgerigar n a small cage bird bred in many different-coloured varietiesbudget n 1 a plan of expected income and expenditure over a specified period 2 the total amount of money allocated for a specific purpose during a specified period ◇ SYNONYMS: allowance, means, funds, income, finances, resources, allocation ▸ adj 3 inexpensive: a budget hotel ▸ vb -eting, -eted 4 to enter or provide for in a budget 5 to plan the expenditure of (money or time) ◇ SYNONYMS: plan, estimate, allocate, cost, ration, apportion > budgetary adjbudgie n (informal) same as budgerigarbuff1 n 1 a soft thick flexible undyed leather 2 a cloth or pad of material used for polishing 3 in the buff (informal) completely naked ▸ adj 4 dull yellowish-brown ◇ SYNONYMS: fawn, tan, beige, yellowish, straw-coloured, sand-coloured, yellowish-brown 5 (informal) physically fit and attractive ▸ vb 6 to clean or polish (a metal, floor, shoes, etc.) with a buff ◇ SYNONYMS: polish, smooth, brush, shine, rub, wax, brighten, burnishbuff2 n (informal) an expert on or devotee of a given subject: an opera buff ◇ SYNONYMS: expert, fan, addict, enthusiast, admirer, devotee, connoisseur, aficionado, fundi (S African)buffalo n, pl -loes or -lo 1 a type of cattle with upward-curving horns 2 same as water buffalo 3 (US & Canad) a bisonbuffer n 1 one of a pair of spring-loaded steel pads at the ends of railway vehicles and railway tracks that reduces shock on impact 2 a person or thing that lessens shock or protects from damaging impact, circumstances, etc. ◇ SYNONYMS: safeguard, screen, shield, cushion, intermediary, bulwark 3 (chem) A a substance added to a solution to resist changes in its acidity or alkalinity B Also called: buffer solution a solution containing such a substance 4 (computers) a memory device for temporarily storing data ▸ vb 5 to cushion; provide a buffer for 6 (computers) to store (data) temporarily in a bufferbuffet1 (boof-fay, buff-ay) n 1 a counter where light refreshments are served ◇ SYNONYMS: snack bar, café, cafeteria, brasserie, refreshment counter 2 a meal at which guests help themselves from a number of dishes ◇ SYNONYMS: smorgasbordbuffet2 (buff-it) vb -feting, -feted 1 to knock against or about; batter: the ship was buffeted by strong winds 2 to hit, esp. with the fist ▸ n 3 a blow, esp. with the fistbuffoon n a person who amuses others by silly behaviour > buffoonery nbug n 1 any of various insects having piercing and sucking mouthparts 2 (chiefly US & Canad) any insect 3 (informal) a minor illness caused by a germ or virus ◇ SYNONYMS: illness, disease, virus, infection, disorder, sickness, ailment, affliction 4 (informal) a small error, esp. in a computer or computer program 5 (informal) an obsessive idea or hobby 6 (informal) a concealed microphone used for recording conversations in spying 7 (Austral) a flattish edible shellfish ▸ vb bugging, bugged (informal) 8 to irritate or upset (someone) ◇ SYNONYMS: annoy, bother, disturb, irritate, hassle (informal), pester, vex, get on your nerves (informal) 9 to conceal a microphone in (a room or telephone) ◇ SYNONYMS: tap, eavesdrop, listen in onbugbear n a thing that causes obsessive anxietybugger n 1 (slang) a person or thing considered to be unpleasant or difficult 2 (slang) a humorous or affectionate term for someone: a friendly little bugger 3 (offensive) a person who practises anal intercourse ▸ vb 4 (slang) to tire; weary 5 (offensive) to practise anal intercourse with ▸ interj 6 (slang) an exclamation of annoyance or disappointmentbuggery n anal intercoursebugle (music) n 1 a brass instrument used chiefly for military calls ▸ vb -gling, -gled 2 to play or sound (on) a bugle > bugler nbuild vb building, built 1 to make or construct by joining parts or materials: more than 100 bypasses have been built in the past decade ◇ SYNONYMS: construct, make, raise, put up, assemble, erect, fabricate, form 2 to establish and develop: it took ten years to build the business 3 to make in a particular way or for a particular purpose: she's built for speed, not stamina 4 (often foll. by up) to increase in intensity ▸ n 5 physical form, figure, or proportions: he has an athletic build ◇ SYNONYMS: physique, form, body, figure, shape, structure, framebuilder n a person who constructs houses and other buildingsbuilding n 1 a structure, such as a house, with a roof and walls ◇ SYNONYMS: structure, house, construction, dwelling (formal, literary), erection, edifice, domicile 2 the business of building houses, etc.building society n (in the UK) a cooperative banking enterprise where money can be invested and mortgage loans made available. Since 1986 they have been empowered to offer banking servicesbuilt vb the past of buildbuilt-up adj 1 having many buildings: a built-up area 2 increased by the addition of parts: built-up heelsbulb n 1 same as light bulb 2 the onion-shaped base of the stem of some plants, which sends down roots 3 a plant, such as a daffodil, which grows from a bulb 4 any bulb-shaped thing > bulbous adjbulge n 1 a swelling or an outward curve on a normally flat surface ◇ SYNONYMS: lump, swelling, bump, projection, hump, protuberance, protrusion 2 a sudden increase in number, esp. of population ◇ SYNONYMS: increase, rise, boost, surge, intensification ▸ vb bulging, bulged 3 to swell outwards ◇ SYNONYMS: swell out, project, expand, stick out, protrude, puff out, distend > bulging adjbulimia or bulimia nervosa n a mental health condition characterized by a compulsion to purge oneself of the food one has eaten > bulimic adj, nbulk n 1 volume or size, esp. when great ◇ SYNONYMS: size, volume, dimensions, magnitude, substance, immensity, largeness 2 the main part: he spends the bulk of his time abroad ◇ SYNONYMS: majority, mass, most, body, best part, lion's share, better part, preponderance 3 a large body, esp. of a person 4 the part of food which passes unabsorbed through the digestive system 5 in bulk in large quantities: how frequently do you buy food in bulk for your family? ▸ vb 6 bulk large to be or seem important or prominentbulkhead n any upright partition in a ship or aeroplanebulky adj bulkier, bulkiest very large and massive, esp. so as to be unwieldy > bulkiness nbull1 n 1 a male of domestic cattle, esp. one that is sexually mature 2 the male of various other animals including the elephant and whale 3 a very large, strong, or aggressive person 4 (Stock Exchange) a speculator who buys in anticipation of rising prices in order to make a profit on resale 5 (chiefly Brit) same as bull's-eye 6 like a bull in a china shop clumsy 7 take the bull by the horns to face and tackle a difficulty without shirkingbull2 n a ludicrously self-contradictory or nonsensical statementbull3 n a formal document issued by the popebulldog n a thickset dog with a broad head and a muscular bodybulldoze vb -dozing, -dozed 1 to move, demolish, or flatten with a bulldozer 2 (informal) to coerce (someone) into doing something by intimidationbulldozer n a powerful tractor fitted with caterpillar tracks and a blade at the front, used for moving earthbullet n a small metallic missile used as the projectile of a gun or rifle ◇ SYNONYMS: projectile, ball, shot, missile, slug, pelletbulletin n 1 a broadcast summary of the news ◇ SYNONYMS: report, account, statement, message, communication, announcement, dispatch, communiqué 2 an official statement on a matter of public interest ◇ SYNONYMS: report, account, statement, message, communication, announcement, dispatch, communiqué 3 a periodical published by an organization for its membersbullet point n one of a series of important items for discussion or action in a document, usually marked by a square or round symbolbullfight n a public show, popular in Spain, in which a matador baits and usually kills a bull in an arena > bullfighter n > bullfighting nbullion n gold or silver in the form of bars and ingotsbullock n a gelded bull; steerbull's-eye n 1 the small central disc of a target or a dartboard 2 a shot hitting this 3 (informal) something that exactly achieves its aim 4 a peppermint-flavoured boiled sweet 5 a small circular window 6 a thick disc of glass set into a ship's deck, etc. to admit light 7 the glass boss at the centre of a sheet of blown glass 8 A a convex lens used as a condenser B a lamp or lantern containing such a lensbully n, pl -lies 1 a person who repeatedly hurts, persecutes, or intimidates other people ◇ SYNONYMS: persecutor, tough, oppressor, tormentor, bully boy, browbeater, coercer, ruffian ▸ vb -lies, -lying, -lied 2 to hurt, intimidate, or persecute (another person) ◇ SYNONYMS: persecute, intimidate, torment, oppress, pick on, victimize, terrorize, push around (slang) ▸ interj 3 bully for you (informal) well done! bravo!: now usually used sarcasticallybulrush n 1 a tall reedlike marsh plant with brown spiky flowers 2 (Bible) same as papyrusbulwark n 1 a wall or similar structure used as a fortification; rampart 2 a person or thing acting as a defencebum1 n (Brit & Austral & NZ slang) the buttocks or anusbum2 (informal) n 1 a disreputable loafer or idler 2 a tramp; hobo ▸ vb bumming, bummed 3 to get by begging; cadge: to bum a lift 4 bum around to spend time to no good purpose; loaf ▸ adj 5 of poor quality; useless: he hit a bum notebumble vb -bling, -bled 1 to speak or do in a clumsy, muddled, or inefficient way 2 to move in a clumsy or unsteady way > bumbling adj, nbumblebee n a large hairy beebumf or bumph n (Brit & Austral & NZ) 1 (informal) official documents or forms 2 (slang) toilet paperbump vb 1 to knock or strike (someone or something) with a jolt 2 to travel or proceed in jerks and jolts ◇ SYNONYMS: jerk, shake, bounce, rattle, jog, lurch, jolt 3 to hurt by knocking ▸ n 4 an impact; knock; jolt; collision ◇ SYNONYMS: knock, blow, impact, collision, thump 5 a dull thud from an impact or collision 6 a lump on the body caused by a blow ◇ SYNONYMS: lump, swelling, bulge, hump, nodule, protuberance, contusion (formal) 7 a raised uneven part, such as on a road surface ▸ See also bump off > bumpy adjbumper1 n a horizontal bar attached to the front and rear of a vehicle to protect against damage from impactbumper2 n 1 a glass or tankard, filled to the brim, esp. as a toast 2 an unusually large or fine example of something ▸ adj 3 unusually large, fine, or abundant: a bumper crop ◇ SYNONYMS: exceptional, excellent, exo (Austral slang), massive, jumbo (informal), abundant, whopping (informal), bountifulbumph n same as bumfbumpkin n an awkward simple rustic person: a country bumpkinbump off vb (slang) to murder (someone)bumptious adj offensively self-assertive or conceitedbun n 1 a small sweetened bread roll, often containing currants or spices 2 a small round cake 3 a hairstyle in which long hair is gathered into a bun shape at the back of the headbunch n 1 a number of things growing, fastened, or grouped together: a bunch of grapes; a bunch of keys ◇ SYNONYMS: bouquet, sheaf 2 a collection; group: a bunch of queries 3 a group or company: a bunch of cowards ◇ SYNONYMS: group, band, crowd, party, team, gathering, gang, flock ▸ vb 4 (sometimes foll. by together or up) to group or be grouped into a bunch ◇ SYNONYMS bunch together or up: group, mass, collect, assemble, cluster, huddlebundle n 1 a number of things or a quantity of material gathered or loosely bound together: a bundle of sticks ◇ SYNONYMS: bunch, group, collection, mass, pile, stack, heap, batch 2 something wrapped or tied for carrying; package 3 a number of different items sold as a single package 4 (biol) a collection of strands of specialized tissue such as nerve fibres 5 (botany) a strand of conducting tissue within plants ▸ vb -dling, -dled 6 (foll. by out or off or into etc) to cause (someone) to go, esp. roughly or unceremoniously: she bundled them unceremoniously out into the garden ◇ SYNONYMS: push, thrust, shove, throw, rush, hurry, jostle, hustle 7 to push or throw (something), esp. in a quick untidy way: the soiled items were bundled into a black plastic bag 8 to sell (different items) together as a single packagebundle up vb to make (something) into a bundle or bundlesbung n 1 a stopper, esp. of cork or rubber, used to close something such as a cask or flask ▸ vb 2 (foll. by up) (informal) to close or seal (something) with or as if with a bung 3 (Brit & Austral & NZ slang) to throw (something) somewhere in a careless manner; slingbungalow n a one-storey housebungee jumping or bungy jumping n a sport in which a person jumps from a high bridge, tower, etc., to which he or she is connected by a rubber ropebungle vb -gling, -gled 1 to spoil (an operation) through clumsiness or incompetence; botch ◇ SYNONYMS: mess up, blow (slang), ruin, spoil, blunder, botch, make a mess of, muff, crool or cruel (Austral slang) ▸ n 2 a clumsy or unsuccessful performance; blunder > bungler n > bungling adj, nbunion n an inflamed swelling of the first joint of the big toebunk1 n 1 a narrow shelflike bed fixed along a wall, esp. in a caravan or ship 2 same as bunk bedbunk2 n (informal) same as bunkumbunk3 n do a bunk 1 (Brit & Austral & NZ slang) to make a hurried and secret departure 2 (chiefly NZ & S African) to be absent without permissionbunk bed n one of a pair of beds constructed one above the other to save spacebunker n 1 an obstacle on a golf course, usually a sand-filled hollow bordered by a ridge 2 an underground shelter 3 a large storage container for coal, etc.bunkum n empty talk; nonsensebunny n, pl -nies a child's word for rabbitBunsen burner n a gas burner consisting of a metal tube with an adjustable air valve at the basebunting n decorative flags, pennants, and streamersbunya n a tall dome-shaped Australian coniferous treebunyip n (Austral) a legendary monster said to live in swamps and lakesbuoy n 1 a brightly coloured floating object anchored to the sea bed for marking moorings, navigable channels, or obstructions in the water ◇ SYNONYMS: float, guide, signal, marker, beacon ▸ vb 2 (foll. by up) to prevent from sinking: the life belt buoyed him up 3 to raise the spirits of; hearten: exports are on the increase, buoyed by a weak dollar 4 (naut) to mark (a channel or obstruction) with a buoy or buoysbuoyant adj 1 able to float in or rise to the surface of a liquid ◇ SYNONYMS: floating, light 2 (of a liquid or gas) able to keep a body afloat 3 thriving: a buoyant economy 4 cheerful or resilient ◇ SYNONYMS: cheerful, happy, upbeat (informal), carefree, jaunty, chirpy (informal), light-hearted > buoyancy nbur or burr n 1 a seed case or flower head with hooks or prickles 2 any plant that produces bursburble vb -bling, -bled 1 to make or utter with a bubbling sound; gurgle 2 to talk quickly and excitedlyburden1 n 1 something that is carried; load ◇ SYNONYMS: load, weight, cargo, freight, consignment, encumbrance 2 something that is difficult to bear ◇ SYNONYMS: trouble, worry, weight, responsibility, strain, affliction, onus, millstone RELATED ADJECTIVE: onerous ▸ vb 3 to put or impose a burden on; load ◇ SYNONYMS: weigh down, worry, load, tax, bother, handicap, oppress, inconvenience 4 to weigh down; oppress ◇ SYNONYMS: weigh down, worry, load, tax, bother, handicap, oppress, inconvenience > burdensome adjburden2 n 1 a line of words recurring at the end of each verse of a song 2 the theme of a speech, book, etc.bureau (byew-roe) n, pl -reaus or -reaux (-rose) 1 an office or agency, esp. one providing services for the public ◇ SYNONYMS: office, department, section, branch, station, unit, division, subdivision 2 (US) a government department 3 (chiefly Brit) a writing desk with pigeonholes and drawers against which the writing surface can be closed when not in use ◇ SYNONYMS: desk, writing desk 4 (US) a chest of drawersbureaucracy n, pl -cies 1 a rigid system of administration based upon organization into bureaus, division of labour, a hierarchy of authority, etc. ◇ SYNONYMS: government, officials, authorities, administration, the system, civil service, corridors of power 2 government by such a system ◇ SYNONYMS: government, officials, authorities, administration, the system, civil service, corridors of power 3 government officials collectively ◇ SYNONYMS: government, officials, authorities, administration, the system, civil service, corridors of power 4 any administration in which action is impeded by unnecessary official procedures ◇ SYNONYMS: red tape, regulations, officialdombureaucrat n 1 an official in a bureaucracy ◇ SYNONYMS: official, officer, administrator, civil servant, public servant, functionary, mandarin 2 an official who adheres rigidly to bureaucracy > bureaucratic adjbureau de change n a place where foreign currencies can be exchangedburgeon vb to develop or grow rapidly; flourishburgh n (in Scotland until 1975) a town with a degree of self-governmentburglar n a person who illegally enters a property to commit a crime ◇ SYNONYMS: housebreaker, thief, robber, pilferer, filcher, cat burglar, sneak thiefburglary n, pl -ries the crime of entering a building as a trespasser to commit theft or another offence ◇ SYNONYMS: breaking and entering, housebreaking, break-in, home invasion (Austral & NZ)burgle vb -gling, -gled to break into (a house, shop, etc.)Burgundy n 1 a red or white wine produced in the Burgundy region, around Dijon in France ▸ adj burgundy 2 dark purplish-redburial n the burying of a dead body ◇ SYNONYMS: funeral, interment, obsequies, entombment, exequiesburlesque n 1 an artistic work, esp. literary or dramatic, satirizing a subject by caricaturing it 2 (US & Canad, theatre) a bawdy comedy show of the late 19th and early 20th centuries ▸ adj 3 of or characteristic of a burlesqueburly adj -lier, -liest large and thick of build; sturdyburn1 vb burning, burnt or burned 1 to be or set on fire ◇ SYNONYMS: be on fire, blaze, be ablaze, smoke, flame, glow, flare, go up in flames 2 to destroy or be destroyed by fire ◇ SYNONYMS: set on fire, light, ignite, kindle, incinerate 3 to damage, injure, or mark by heat: he burnt his hand 4 to die or put to death by fire 5 to be or feel hot: my forehead is burning 6 to smart or cause to smart: brandy burns your throat 7 to feel strong emotion, esp. anger or passion ◇ SYNONYMS: be passionate, be aroused, be inflamed 8 to use for the purposes of light, heat, or power: to burn coal 9 to form by or as if by fire: to burn a hole 10 to char or become charred: the toast is burning ◇ SYNONYMS: scorch, toast, sear, char, singe 11 to copy information onto (a compact disc) 12 burn one's bridges or boats to commit oneself to a particular course of action with no possibility of turning back 13 burn one's fingers to suffer from having meddled or interfered ▸ n 14 an injury caused by exposure to heat, electrical, chemical, or radioactive agents 15 a mark caused by burningburn2 n (Scot & N English) a small streamburning adj 1 intense; passionate ◇ SYNONYMS: intense, passionate, eager, ardent, fervent, impassioned, vehement 2 urgent; crucial: a burning problem ◇ SYNONYMS: crucial (informal), important, pressing, significant, essential, vital, critical, acuteburnish vb to make or become shiny or smooth by friction; polishburp n 1 (informal) a belch ▸ vb 2 (informal) to belch 3 to cause (a baby) to belchburr n 1 the soft trilling sound given to the letter (r) in some English dialects 2 a whirring or humming sound 3 a rough edge left on metal or paper after cutting 4 a small hand-operated drillburrawang n an Australian plant with fern-like flowers and an edible nutburrow n 1 a hole dug in the ground by a rabbit or other small animal ◇ SYNONYMS: hole, shelter, tunnel, den, lair, retreat ▸ vb 2 to dig (a tunnel or hole) in, through, or under ground ◇ SYNONYMS: dig, tunnel, excavate 3 to move through a place by or as if by digging 4 to delve deeply: he burrowed into his coat pocket ◇ SYNONYMS: delve, search, probe, ferret, rummage, forage, fossick (Austral & NZ) 5 to live in or as if in a burrowbursar n a treasurer of a school, college, or universitybursary n, pl -ries 1 a scholarship or grant awarded esp. in Scottish and New Zealand schools and universities 2 (NZ) a state examination for senior pupils at secondary schoolburst vb bursting, burst 1 to break or cause to break open or apart suddenly and noisily; explode ◇ SYNONYMS: explode, blow up, break, split, crack, shatter, puncture, rupture 2 to come or go suddenly and forcibly: he burst into the room ◇ SYNONYMS: rush, run, break, break out, erupt, spout, gush forth 3 to be full to the point of breaking open: bursting at the seams 4 (foll. by into) to give vent to (something) suddenly or loudly: she burst into song ▸ n 5 an instance of breaking open suddenly; explosion ◇ SYNONYMS: explosion, crack, blast, bang, discharge 6 a break; breach: there was a burst in the pipe 7 a sudden increase of effort; spurt: a burst of speed ◇ SYNONYMS: rush, surge, outbreak, outburst, spate, gush, torrent, spurt 8 a sudden and violent occurrence or outbreak: a burst of applausebury vb buries, burying, buried 1 to place (a corpse) in a grave ◇ SYNONYMS: inter, lay to rest, entomb, consign to the grave, inhume 2 to place (something) in the earth and cover it with soil 3 to cover (something) from sight; hide ◇ SYNONYMS: hide, cover, conceal, stash (informal), secrete, stow away 4 to occupy (oneself) with deep concentration: he buried himself in his work 5 to dismiss (a feeling) from the mind: they decided to bury any hard feelings ◇ SYNONYMS: forgetbus n 1 a large motor vehicle designed to carry passengers between stopping places along a regular route 2 (informal) a car or aircraft that is old and shaky 3 (electronics, computers) an electrical conductor used to make a common connection between several circuits ▸ vb bussing, bussed or busing, bused 4 to travel or transport by bus 5 (chiefly US & Canad) to transport (children) by bus from one area to another in order to create racially integrated schoolsbusby n, pl -bies a tall fur helmet worn by certain British soldiersbush n 1 a dense woody plant, smaller than a tree, with many branches; shrub ◇ SYNONYMS: shrub, plant, hedge, thicket, shrubbery 2 a dense cluster of such shrubs; thicket ◇ SYNONYMS: shrub, plant, hedge, thicket, shrubbery 3 something resembling a bush, esp. in density: a bush of hair 4 the bush an uncultivated area covered with trees or shrubs in Australia, Africa, New Zealand, and Canada ◇ SYNONYMS the bush: the wilds, brush, scrub, woodland, backwoods, scrubland 5 (Canad) an area on a farm on which timber is grown and cut 6 beat about the bush to avoid the point at issuebushbaby n, pl -babies a small agile tree-living mammal with large eyes and a long tailbushel n (Brit) an obsolete unit of dry or liquid measure equal to 8 gallons (36.4 litres)bushfire n an uncontrolled scrub or forest firebushy adj bushier, bushiest 1 (of hair) thick and shaggy 2 covered or overgrown with bushesbusiness n 1 the purchase and sale of goods and services ◇ SYNONYMS: trade, selling, industry, manufacturing, commerce, dealings 2 a commercial or industrial establishment ◇ SYNONYMS: establishment, company, firm, concern, organization, corporation, venture, enterprise 3 a trade or profession ◇ SYNONYMS: profession, work, job, line, trade, career, function, employment 4 commercial activity: the two countries should do business with each other ◇ SYNONYMS: trade, selling, industry, manufacturing, commerce, dealings 5 proper or rightful concern or responsibility: mind your own business ◇ SYNONYMS: concern, affair 6 an affair; matter: it's a dreadful business ◇ SYNONYMS: concern, affair 7 serious work or activity: get down to business 8 a difficult or complicated matter: it's a business trying to see him 9 mean business to be in earnestbusinesslike adj efficient and methodicalbusinessman or (fem) businesswoman n, pl -men or -women a person engaged in commercial or industrial business, usually an owner or executive ◇ SYNONYMS: executive, director, manager, merchant, capitalist, administrator, entrepreneur, tycoonbusker n a person who entertains for money in streets, stations, etc. > busk vbbust1 n 1 a woman's bosom ◇ SYNONYMS: bosom, breasts, chest, front 2 a sculpture of the head, shoulders, and upper chest of a personbust2 (informal) vb busting, busted or bust 1 to burst or break ◇ SYNONYMS: break, smash, split, burst, shatter, fracture, rupture 2 (of the police) to raid or search (a place) or arrest (someone) ◇ SYNONYMS: arrest, catch, raid 3 (US & Canad) to demote in military rank ▸ adj 4 broken 5 go bust to become bankrupt ◇ SYNONYMS go bust: go bankrupt, fail, be ruined, become insolventbustard n a bird with a long strong legs, a heavy body, a long neck, and speckled plumagebustle1 vb -tling, -tled 1 (often foll. by about) to hurry with a great show of energy or activity ◇ SYNONYMS: hurry, rush, fuss, hasten, scuttle, scurry, scamper ▸ n 2 energetic and noisy activity ◇ SYNONYMS: activity, to-do, stir, excitement, fuss, flurry, commotion, ado > bustling adjbustle2 n a cushion or framework worn by women in the late 19th century at the back in order to expand the skirtbusy adj busier, busiest 1 actively or fully engaged; occupied ◇ SYNONYMS: active, industrious, rushed off your feet 2 crowded with or characterized by activity ◇ SYNONYMS: hectic, full, exacting, energetic 3 (of a telephone line) in use; engaged ▸ vb busies, busying, busied 4 to make or keep (someone, esp. oneself) busy; occupy ◇ SYNONYMS busy yourself: occupy yourself, be engrossed, immerse yourself, involve yourself, absorb yourself, employ yourself, engage yourself > busily advbusybody n, pl -bodies a meddlesome, prying, or officious personbut conj 1 contrary to expectation: he cut his hand but didn't cry 2 in contrast; on the contrary: I like seafood but my husband doesn't ◇ SYNONYMS: however, still, yet, nevertheless 3 other than: we can't do anything but wait 4 without it happening: we never go out but it rains ▸ prep 5 except: they saved all but one ◇ SYNONYMS: except (for), save, bar, barring, excepting, excluding, with the exception of 6 but for were it not for: but for you, we couldn't have managed ▸ adv 7 only: I can but try; he was but a child ◇ SYNONYMS: only, just, simply, merely ▸ n 8 an objection: ifs and butsbutane (byew-tane) n a colourless gas used in the manufacture of rubber and fuelsbutch adj (slang) (of a woman or man) markedly or aggressively masculinebutcher n 1 a person who sells meat 2 a person who kills animals for meat 3 a brutal murderer ◇ SYNONYMS: murderer, killer, slaughterer, slayer, destroyer, executioner, cut-throat, exterminator ▸ vb 4 to kill and prepare (animals) for meat ◇ SYNONYMS: slaughter, prepare, carve, cut up, dress, cut, clean, joint 5 to kill (people) at random or brutally ◇ SYNONYMS: kill, slaughter, massacre, destroy, cut down, assassinate, slay (archaic, literary), liquidate 6 to make a mess of; botchbutcherbird n an Australian magpie that impales its prey on thornsbutchery n, pl -eries 1 senseless slaughter 2 the business of a butcherbutler n the head manservant of a household, in charge of the wines, table, etc.butt1 n 1 the thicker or blunt end of something, such as the stock of a rifle ◇ SYNONYMS: end, handle, shaft, stock, shank, hilt, haft 2 the unused end of a cigarette or cigar; stub ◇ SYNONYMS: stub, tip, leftover, fag end (informal) 3 (chiefly US & Canad slang) the buttocksbutt2 n 1 a person or thing that is the target of ridicule or teasing ◇ SYNONYMS: target, victim, dupe, laughing stock, Aunt Sally 2 (shooting, archery) A a mound of earth behind the target B butts the target rangebutt3 vb 1 to strike (something or someone) with the head or horns ◇ SYNONYMS: knock, push, bump, thrust, ram, shove, poke, prod 2 (foll. by in or into) to intrude, esp. into a conversation; interfere ◇ SYNONYMS butt in: interrupt, cut in, break in, chip in (informal) ▸ n 3 a blow with the head or hornsbutt4 n a large cask for collecting or storing liquids ◇ SYNONYMS: cask, barrelbutter n 1 an edible fatty yellow solid made from cream by churning 2 any substance with a butter-like consistency, such as peanut butter ▸ vb 3 to put butter on or in (something) ▸ See also butter up > buttery adjbutter bean n a large pale flat edible beanbuttercup n a small bright yellow flowerbutterfingers n (informal) a person who drops things by mistake or fails to catch thingsbutterfly n, pl -flies 1 an insect with a slender body and brightly coloured wings 2 a swimming stroke in which the arms are plunged forward together in large circular movements 3 a person who never settles with one interest or occupation for longbuttermilk n the sourish liquid remaining after the butter has been separated from milkbutterscotch n a hard brittle toffee made with butter, brown sugar, etc.butter up vb to flatterbuttery n, pl -teries (Brit) (in some universities) a room in which food and drink are sold to studentsbuttock n 1 either of the two large fleshy masses that form the human rump 2 the corresponding part in some mammalsbutton n 1 a disc or knob of plastic, wood, etc., attached to a garment, which fastens two surfaces together by passing through a buttonhole 2 a small disc that operates a door bell or machine when pressed 3 a small round object, such as a sweet or badge ▸ vb 4 to fasten (a garment) with a button or buttonsbuttonhole n 1 a slit in a garment through which a button is passed to fasten two surfaces together 2 a flower worn pinned to the lapel or in the buttonhole ▸ vb -holing, -holed 3 to detain (a person) in conversationbuttress n 1 a construction, usually of brick or stone, built to support a wall 2 any support or prop ▸ vb 3 to support (a wall) with a buttress 4 to support or sustain: his observations are buttressed by the most recent scholarly researchbuxom adj (of a woman) healthily plump, attractive, and full-bosomedbuy vb buying, bought 1 to acquire (something) by paying a sum of money for it; purchase ◇ SYNONYMS: purchase, get, pay for, obtain, acquire, invest in, shop for, procure 2 to be capable of purchasing: money can't buy love 3 to acquire by any exchange or sacrifice: the rise in interest rates was just to buy time until the weekend 4 to bribe (someone) 5 (slang) to accept (something) as true 6 (foll. by into) to purchase shares of (a company) ▸ n 7 a purchase: a good buy ◇ SYNONYMS: purchase, deal (informal), bargain, acquisition, steal (informal), snip (informal), giveawaybuyer n 1 a person who buys; customer 2 a person employed to buy merchandise for a shop or factorybuzz n 1 a rapidly vibrating humming sound, such as of a bee 2 a low sound, such as of many voices in conversation 3 (informal) a telephone call 4 (informal) a sense of excitement ▸ vb 5 to make a vibrating sound like that of a prolonged z 6 (of a place) to be filled with an air of excitement: the city buzzed with the news 7 to summon (someone) with a buzzer 8 (informal) to fly an aircraft very low over (people, buildings, or another aircraft) 9 buzz about or around to move around quickly and busilybuzzard n a bird of prey with broad wings and tail and a soaring flightbuzzer n an electronic device that produces a buzzing sound as a signalbuzz word n (informal) a word, originally from a particular jargon, which becomes a popular vogue wordby prep 1 used to indicate the performer of the action of a passive verb: seeds eaten by the birds ◇ SYNONYMS: through, through the agency of 2 used to indicate the person responsible for a creative work: three songs by Britten ◇ SYNONYMS: through, through the agency of 3 via; through: enter by the back door ◇ SYNONYMS: via, over, by way of 4 used to indicate a means used: he frightened her by hiding behind the door 5 beside; next to; near: a tree by the stream ◇ SYNONYMS: near, past, along, close to, closest to, neighbouring, next to, beside 6 passing the position of; past: I drove by the place where she works ◇ SYNONYMS: near, past, along, close to, closest to, neighbouring, next to, beside 7 not later than; before: return the books by Tuesday 8 used to indicate extent: it is hotter by five degrees 9 multiplied by: four by three equals twelve 10 during the passing of: by night 11 placed between measurements of the various dimensions of something: a plank fourteen inches by seven ▸ adv 12 near: the house is close by ◇ SYNONYMS: nearby, close, handy, at hand, within reach 13 away; aside: he put some money by each week 14 passing a point near something; past: he drove bybye or bye-bye interj (informal) goodbyeby-election or bye-election n an election held during the life of a parliament to fill a vacant seatbygone adj past; former: a bygone agebylaw or bye-law n a rule made by a local authorityBYO or BYOG n (Austral & NZ) an unlicensed restaurant at which diners may bring their own alcoholic drinkbypass n 1 a main road built to avoid a city 2 a secondary pipe, channel, or appliance through which the flow of a substance, such as gas or electricity, is redirected 3 a surgical operation in which the blood flow is redirected away from a diseased or blocked part of the heart ▸ vb 4 to go around or avoid (a city, obstruction, problem, etc.) ◇ SYNONYMS: get round, avoid 5 to proceed without reference to (regulations or a superior); get round; avoid ◇ SYNONYMS: go round, circumvent, depart from, deviate from, pass round, detour roundby-product n 1 a secondary or incidental product of a manufacturing process 2 a side effectbyre n (Brit) a shelter for cowsbystander n a person present but not involved; onlooker; spectatorbyte n (computers) a group of bits processed as one unit of databyway n a secondary or side road, esp. in the countrybyword n 1 a person or thing regarded as a perfect example of something: their name is a byword for quality 2 a common saying; proverb

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