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QUIZ 64 – Food and Drink

1 Which small Russian buckwheat pancakes are traditionally served with soured cream?

2 What name is given to a preserved, sweetened cherry, often soaked in a suspension of food colouring?

3 Beauty of Bath and Discovery are types of which fruit?

4 How is wine described as “chambré” served?

5 A nectarine is a smooth-skinned variety of which fruit?

6 Which part of the mint plant is used to make mint sauce?

7 How is beef prepared to turn it into Beef Wellington?

8 What is the flavour of Grand Marnier®?

9 The kumquat belongs to which family of fruit?

10 What is the flavour of aioli sauce?

11 Which term meaning “out of date” is also a cocktail made from whisky, bitters, water and sugar?

12 Which Italian pasta sauce is made with a variety of spring vegetables?

13 What is converted into alcohol during brewing?

14 Mulligatawny is what type of food?

15 In the abbreviation VSOP that appears on some bottles of alcohol, for what do the letters OP stand?

16 Which ingredient of beer is made by steeping barley in water?

17 Rollmops are made from which fish?

18 What are the main ingredients of colcannon?

19 Which country does Tokay come from?

20 Which almond-flavoured paste is used to coat a Christmas cake?

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Collins Pub Quiz: 10,000 easy, medium and difficult questions

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