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QUIZ 78 – Leisure

1 If you practised callisthenics what type of activity would you be doing?

2 What nationality was Ernö Rubik, inventor of the cube that bears his name?

3 What sort of toy was a Cabbage Patch?

4 What is a workshop used for the development of light-sensitive films known as?

5 In Scrabble®, how many points is the letter E worth?

6 The core of most writing pencils is a mixture of clay and what other substance?

7 Which toy is most associated with the name Hornby?

8 What is “John Innes no. 1”?

9 Alfred Wainwright wrote books on which leisure activity?

10 Vaudeville is the American term for what type of entertainment?

11 What is the traditional term for a female Scout?

12 Which card game includes variants called stud, draw and Texas hold ’em?

13 What three colours are on a roulette wheel?

14 What would you be making if you were following the bobbin or pillow method?

15 How many cards are there in each suit?

16 How many people can you normally fit in a go-kart?

17 Which large plastic hoop became a sports craze in the 1950s?

18 What does PYO stand for?

19 How many spaces are there in a noughts-and-crosses frame?

20 What is the minimum number of people that are needed to play a game of Trivial PursuitTM?

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Collins Pub Quiz: 10,000 easy, medium and difficult questions

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