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Оглавлениеcabaets npl (nf cabaetsen) cabbage
caban (-au) nm cabin
cabidwl nm consistory, chapter
cabl (-au) nm blasphemy, reviling
cabledd (-au) nm blasphemy
cableddus adj blasphemous
cablu vb to blaspheme, to revile
cablwr (-wyr), cablydd (-ion) nm blasphemer
caboli vb to polish
cacamwci nm burdock
cacen (-nau, -ni) nf cake
cacwn npl (nf cacynen) wasps; wild bees
cachfa (-feydd) nf excretion; closet
cachgi (-gwn) nm coward; sneak
cachiad nm excretion; jiffy; coward
cachlyd adj befouled, dirty
cachu vb to defecate
cachwr (-wyr) nm coward; sneak; one who excretes
cad (-au, -oedd) nf battle; army, host
cadach (-au) nm cloth, kerchief, clout
cadair (-eiriau) nf chair, seat; cradle; udder
cadarn (cedyrn) adj strong, mighty; firm
cadarnhad nm affirmation, confirmation
cadarnhaol adj affirmative
cadarnhau vb to strengthen, to confirm
cadeirfardd (-feirdd) nm chaired bard
cadeirio vb to chair
cadeiriog adj chaired
cadeiriol adj pertaining to a chair, cathedral
cadeirydd (-ion) nm chairman
cadernid nm strength; stability
cadfarch (-feirch) nm war-horse
cadfridog (-ion) nm general
cadfwyall (-eill, -yll) nf battle-axe
cadlas (-lesydd) nf close, enclosure
cadlong (-au) nf warship, battleship
cadlys (-oedd) nf camp, headquarters
cadno (cadnoid, cadnawon) nm fox
cadnöes, cadnawes (-au) nf vixen
cadoediad (-au) nm armistice, truce
cadofydd (-ion) nm tactician, strategist
cadofyddiaeth nf tactics, strategy
cadofyddol adj tactical, strategic
cadw vb to keep, to preserve, to save; to hold; cadw’n heini to keep fit
cadwedig adj saved
cadwedigaeth nf salvation
cadw-mi-gei nm money-box
cadwraeth nf keeping; observance; conservation
cadwyn (-au, -i) nf chain
cadwyno vb to chain
cadwynog adj chained, in chains
caddug nm darkness; mist, fog
caddugo vb to darken, to obscure
cae (-au) nm field; fence, hedge; brooch
caead (-au) nm cover, lid ▶ adj shut, closed
caeadle (-oedd) nm enclosure
caeedig adj closed, fenced
cael vb to have; to get; to find
caen (-au) nf surface; peel; coating
caenen (-nau) nf layer, film, flake
caentach (-au) nf wrangle, grumbling ▶ vb to wrangle, to grumble
caenu vb to coat, to finish
caer (-au, ceyrydd) nf wall; castle; city
Caerdydd nf Cardiff
Caeredin nf Edinburgh
caeriwrch nm roebuck
caerog adj walled, fortified; brocaded
Caersalem nf Jerusalem
caeth adj bound, captive, confined ▶ nm (-ion) bondman, slave; caeth i gyffuriau addicted to drugs
caethder nm strictness; restraint; asthma
caethfab (-feibion) nm slave
caethfasnach nf slave-trade
caethferch (-ed) nf slave
caethforwyn (-forynion) nf slave
caethglud nf captivity
caethgludiad (-au) nm captivity
caethgludo vb to lead captive
caethiwed nm slavery, bondage, captivity, detention
caethiwo vb to bind, to confine, to enslave
caethiwus adj confining; confined, tied
caethlong (-au) nf slave-ship
caethwas (-weision) nm slave
caethwasanaeth, caethwasiaeth nm slavery
cafell (-au) nf cell; sanctuary, oracle
cafn (-au) nm trough, gutter
cafnedd nm concavity
cafnio, cafnu vb to hollow out, to scoop, to gouge
cafod see cawod
caffael vb to get, to obtain
caffaeledd nm availability; acquisitiveness
caffaeliad (-au) nm acquisition, asset; prey, spoil
caffe (-s), caffi (-s) nm café, restaurant; caffe rhyngrwyd internet café, cybercafé
caffio vb to snatch, to grapple
cafflo vb to cheat; to entangle
cagl nm clotted dirt
caglu vb to befoul, to bedraggle
cangell (-hellau) nf chancel
cangelloriaeth nf chancellorship
cangen (-hennau) nf branch, bough
canghellor (cangellorion) nm chancellor
canghennog adj branching
canghennu vb to branch, to ramify
caib (ceibiau) nf pickaxe, mattock
cail (ceiliau) nf sheepfold, flock of sheep
caill (ceilliau) nf testicle
cain adj fair, fine, elegant
cainc (cangau, ceinciau) nf branch; strand; strain
cais (ceisiadau) nm application; attempt; try
cal, cala (-iau) nf penis
calan (-nau) nm first day of month; Dydd Calan New Year’s Day
calcwlws (calcwli) nm calculus
calch nm lime
calchaidd adj calcareous
calchbibonwy nm stalactite
calchbost (-byst) nm stalagmite
calchen nf limestone; lump of lime
calchfaen (-feini) nm limestone
calcho, calchu vb to lime
caled adj hard; severe; harsh; dry
caledfwrdd nm hardboard
caledi nm hardness; hardship
caledu vb to harden, to dry
caledwch nm hardness
calen (-nau, -ni) nf whetstone; bar
calendr nm calendar
calennig nmf New Year’s gift
calon (-nau) nf heart
calondid nm encouragement
calon-dyner adj tender-hearted
calon-galed adj hard-hearted
calon-galedwch nm hard-heartedness
calonnog adj hearty; high-spirited
calonogi vb to hearten, to encourage
calori (-ïau) nm calorie
calsiwm nm calcium
call adj wise, sensible, rational
callestr (cellystr) nf flint
callineb nm wisdom, sense
cam1 (-au) nm step
cam2 adj crooked, wry; wrong ▶ nm (-au) injury, wrong
cam- prefix wrong, mis-
camarfer vb to misuse, to abuse ▶ nmf (-ion) misuse, malpractice
camargraff nfm wrong impression
camarwain vb to mislead
camarweiniol adj misleading
Cambodia nf Cambodia
cambren (-ni) nm swingletree
camchwarae nm foul play
camdafliad (-au) nm foul throw
camdaflu vb to foul throw
camder, camdra nm crookedness
cam-drefn nf disorder
camdreuliad nm indigestion
camdreulio vb to mis-spend
cam-drin vb to ill-treat, to abuse
camdriniaeth (-au) nf ill-treatment
camdystiolaeth (-au) nf false witness
camdystiolaethu vb to bear false witness
camddeall vb to misunderstand
camddealltwriaeth nm misunderstanding
camddefnydd nm misuse
camddefnyddio vb to misuse
camedd nm bend, curvature; camedd y droed instep; camedd y gar knee-joint
cameg (-au, cemyg) nf felloe
camel (-od) nm camel
camenw (-au) nm misnomer
camenwi vb to misname
camera (camerâu) nm camera; camera digidol digital camera; camera fideo video camera
camfa (-feydd) nf stile
camfarnu vb to misjudge
camgred (-oau, -au) nf misbelief, heresy
camgredu vb to misbelieve
camgredwr (-wyr) nm heretic
camgwl nm penalty, fine; blame
camgyfrif vb to miscalculate
camgyhuddiad (-au) nm false accusation
camgyhuddo vb to accuse falsely
camgymeriad (-au) nm mistake
camgymryd vb to mistake, to err
camlas (-lesi, -lesydd) nfm canal
camliwio vb to misrepresent
camochri vb to be offside
camog (-au) nf felloe
camp (-au) nf feat, exploit; game; prize
campfa (-feydd) nf gymnasium
campus adj excellent, splendid, grand
campwaith (-weithiau) nm masterpiece, feat
campwr (-wyr) nm champion
camre nm walk, footstep(s)
camsyniad (-au) nm mistake
camsynied vb to mistake
camsyniol adj mistaken
camu1 vb to bow, to bend, to stoop
camu2 vb to step, to stride
camwedd (-au) nm iniquity, transgression
camweddu vb to transgress
camwri nm injury, wrong
camymddwyn vb to misbehave
camymddygiad (-au) nm misconduct
can adj white ▶ nm flour
cân (caniadau, caneuon) nf song
canabis nm cannabis
Canada nf Canada
cancr nm canker; cancer
cancro vb to canker, to corrode
candryll adj shattered, wrecked
canfasio vb to canvass
canfed adj hundredth
canfod vb to see, to perceive, to behold
canfyddadwy adj perceptible
canfyddiad nm perception
canhwyllbren (canwyllbrenni, -au) nmf candlestick
canhwyllwr (canhwyllwyr) nm chandler
caniad1 nm singing; ringing; crowing
caniad2 (-au) nf song, poem
caniadaeth nf singing, psalmody
caniatâd nm leave, permission, consent
caniataol adj permissive; granted
caniatáu vb to permit, to allow
caniedydd (-ion) nm singer, songster; song-book
canlyn vb to follow, to pursue
canlyniad (-au) nm consequence, result
canlynol adj following, consequent
canlynwr (-wyr) nm follower
canllaw (-iau) nfm hand-rail, parapet, aid
canmlwyddiant nm centenary
canmol vb to praise, to commend
canmoladwy adj praiseworthy
canmoliaeth (-au) nf praise, commendation
canmoliaethus adj eulogistic, complimentary
cannaid adj white, bright, luminous
cannu vb to whiten, to bleach
cannwr (canwyr) nm bleacher
cannwyll (canhwyllau) nf candle
canol adj, nm (-au) middle, centre, midst; canol y ddinas city centre
canolbarth (-au) nm middle part, midland
canolbwynt (-iau) nm centre, focus
canolbwyntio vb to centre, to concentrate
canoldir (-oedd) nm inland region
canolddydd nm mid-day, noon
canolfan (-nau) nmf centre; canolfan chwaraeon sports centre; canolfan galwadau call centre; canolfan iechyd health centre; canolfan ymwelwyr visitor centre
canoli vb to centre; to arbitrate; to centralize
canolig adj middling
canoloesol adj mediaeval
canolog adj central
canolradd (-ol) adj intermediate
canolwr (-wyr) nm mediator, referee; centre half, centre; canolwr blaen centre forward
canon1 (-au) nfm canon (music)
canon2 (-iaid) nm canon (priest)
canonaidd adj canonical
canoneiddio vb to canonize
canoniaeth (-au) nf canonry
canonwr (-wyr) nm canon, canonist
canradd (-au) adj, nf centigrade, percentile
canran (-nau) nm percentage
canrif (-oedd) nf century
cansen (-ni) nf cane
canser nm cancer
canslo vb to cancel
cant1 (-au) nm circle, ring, rim; tyre
cant2 (cannoedd) nm hundred
cantel (-au) nm rim, brim
cantîn (cantinoedd) nf canteen
cantor (-ion) nm singer
cantores (-au) nf songstress, singer
cantref (-i, -ydd) nm hundred
cantwr (-orion) nm singer, songster
cantwraig nf songstress, singer
canu vb to sing, to chant; to play; to crow; to ring ▶ nm, canu gwlad country music
canŵ (-od) nm canoe
canŵa vb to canoe, to go canoeing ▶ nm canoeing
canŵo vb to canoe
canwr (-wyr) nm singer
canwriad (-iaid) nm centurion
canwyr (-au, -ion) nm plane (in carpentry)
canys conj because, for
cap (-iau) nm cap
capan (-au) nm cap; lintel
capel (-i, -ydd, -au) nm chapel
capelwr (-wyr) nm chapel-goer
caplan (-iaid) nm chaplain
caplaniaeth (-au) nf chaplaincy
capteiniaeth nf captaincy
capten (-einiaid) nm captain
car (ceir) nm car; car campau sports car; car cefn codi hatchback; car llog hire car
câr (ceraint) nm friend; relation
carafán (-nau) nf caravan
carbohydrad (-au) nm carbohydrate
carbon (-au) adj, nm carbon
carbwl adj clumsy, awkward
carco vb to take care
carcus adj solicitous, anxious, careful
carchar (-au) nm prison; restraint
carchardy (-dai) nm prison-house
carchariad nm imprisonment
carcharor (-ion) nm prisoner
carcharu vb to imprison
carden (cardiau) nf card
cardigan (-au) nf cardigan
cardod (-au) nf charity, alms, dole
cardota vb to beg
cardotyn (-wyr) nm beggar
cardydwyn, cardodwyn nm weakest of brood or litter
caredig adj kind
caredigrwydd nm kindness
caregog adj stony
caregu vb to stone; to petrify; to gather stones
carennydd nm friendship; kinship
caretsen (carets) nf carrot
carfaglog adj clumsy
carfan (-au) nf beam; swath; party, faction
cariad1 (-au) nm love
cariad2 (-au, -on) nm lover, sweetheart
cariadfab nm lover, sweetheart
cariadferch nf sweetheart, mistress
cariadlawn adj full of love, loving
cariadus adj loving, beloved, dear
caridým (-s) nm ragamuffin
cario vb to carry, to bear
carismatig adj charismatic
cariwr nm carrier; y Cariwr Dŵr Aquarius
carlam (-au) nm prance, gallop
carlamu vb to prance, to gallop
carlwm (-lymod) nm ermine, stoat
carn1 (-au) nm hoof; hilt, haft, handle
carn2 (-au), carnedd (-au) nf cairn
cárnifal nm carnival
carniforus adj carnivorous
carnog, carnol adj hoofed
carol (-au) nmf carol
carp (-iau) nm clout, rag
carped (-au, -i) nm carpet
carpiog adj ragged, tattered
carrai (careiau) nf lace, thong
carreg (cerrig) nf stone
cart (ceirt) nmf cart
cartaid, certaid (-eidiau) nm cartful
cartilag (-au) nm cartilage
cartref (-i, -ydd) nm home, abode ▶ adj home-made; cartref henoed old people’s home; cartref symudol mobile home
cartrefle (-oedd) nm abode
cartreflu nm militia
cartrefol adj homely, domestic, home; civil
cartrefu vb to make one’s home, to settle
cartŵn (cartwnau) nm cartoon
cartwnydd (-ion) nm cartoonist
carth (-ion) nm tow, oakum; off-scouring
carthen (-ni, -nau) nf Welsh blanket, coverlet; carthen blu duvet
carthffos (-ydd) nf sewer
carthffosiaeth nf sewerage
carthu vb to cleanse, to purge, to scavenge
caru vb to love; to like; to court
caruaidd adj loving, kind
carw (ceirw) nm stag, deer
carwden (-ni) nf back-chain; tall awkward fellow
carwr (-wyr) nm lover, wooer
carwriaeth (-au) nf courtship
cas1 adj hateful, odious; nasty, disagreeable ▶ nm hatred, aversion
cas2 (caseion) nm hater, foe, enemy
casáu vb to hate, to detest, to abhor
casbeth (-au) nm aversion, nuisance
caseg (cesig) nf mare
casét (-iau) nm cassette
casgen (-ni, casgiau) nf cask
casgl nfm collection
casgliad (-au) nm collection; gathering
casglu vb to collect, to gather; to infer
casglwr (-wyr), casglydd (-ion) nm collector
casineb nm hatred
cast (-iau) nm vice, knack
castan (-au) nf chestnut
castanwydd npl (nf -en) chestnut-trees
castell (cestyll) nm castle
castellog adj castled, castellated
castellu vb to castle, to encamp
castio vb to trick, to cheat; to cast, to calculate
castiog adj full of tricks, tricky
casul (-(i)au) nmf cassock
caswir nm unpalatable truth
casyn (casiau) nm case, casing
cat (-iau) nm bit, piece, fragment; pipe
catalog (-au) nm catalogue
catalogio vb to catalogue
catalydd (-ion) nm catalyst
categori (-ïau) nm category
catel coll n chattels; cattle
catgor (-(i)au) nm ember day(s)
catrawd (-rodau) nf regiment
cath (-od, -au) nf cat
cathl (-au) nf melody, hymn, lay
cathlu vb to sing, to hymn
cathod (-au) nf cathode
catholig adj catholic
Catholigiaeth nf Catholicism
catholigrwydd nm catholicity
cau1 adj hollow, concave
cau2 vb to shut, to close, to enclose
caul (ceulion) nm maw; rennet; curd
caw (-(i)au) nm band, swaddling-clothes
cawdel nm hotchpotch, mess
cawell (cewyll) nm hamper, basket, cradle
cawellwr (-wyr) nm basket-maker
cawg (-iau) nm basin, bowl, pitcher
cawl nm broth, soup; hotchpotch
cawn npl (nf -en) reeds
cawod (-ydd) nf shower
cawodi vb to shower
cawodog adj showery
cawr (cewri) nm giant
cawraidd adj gigantic
cawres (-au) nf giantess
caws nm cheese; curd
cawsai, cawsi nmf causeway
cawsaidd adj cheesy, caseous
cawsellt (-ydd, -i, -au) nm cheese-vat
cawsio vb to curd, to curdle
cawsiog adj curdled
CC adv BC
CD (-s, -au) nm CD
cecian vb to stammer
cecren (-nod) nf shrew, scold, cantankerous woman
cecru vb to wrangle, to bicker
cecrus adj cantankerous, quarrelsome
cecryn (-nod) nm wrangler, brawler
cedor nmf pubic hair
cedrwydd npl (nf -en) cedars
cefn (-au) nm back; support
cefndedyn nm mesentery; diaphragm, pancreas
cefnder (-dyr) nm first cousin
cefndir (-oedd) nm background
cefnen (-nau) nf ridge
cefnfor (-oedd) nm main sea, ocean
cefngrwm adj hump-backed
cefnog adj well-off, well-to-do
cefnogaeth nf encouragement, support
cefnogi vb to encourage, to support
cefnogol adj encouraging
cefnu vb to back, to turn the back, to forsake
cefnwlad (-wledydd) nf hinterland
cefnwr (-wyr) nm back, full-back
ceffyl (-au) nm horse
ceg (-au) nf mouth
cega vb to mouth, to prate
cegaid (-eidiau) nf mouthful
cegen (-nau) nf gullet, windpipe
cegid, cegiden (cegidau) nf green woodpecker, jay
cegin (-au) nf kitchen
cegrwth adj gaping
cegyr npl hemlock
cengl (-au) nf band; girth; hank
cenglu vb to hank; to girth; to wind
cei (-au) nm quay
ceibio vb to pick with pickaxe
ceidwad (-aid) nm keeper, saviour
ceidwadaeth nf conservatism; conservancy
ceidwadol adj conservative
Ceidwadwr (-wyr) nm Conservative
ceiliagwydd (-au) nm gander
ceiliog (-od) nm cock; ceiliog rhedyn grasshopper
ceinach (-od) nf hare
ceincio vb to branch out, to ramify
ceinciog adj branched, branching
ceinder nm elegance, beauty
ceiniog (-au) nf penny
ceiniogwerth (-au, -i) nf pennyworth
ceinion npl beauties, gems
ceintach vb to grumble, to croak
ceintachlyd adj querulous
ceintachwr (-wyr) nm grumbler, croaker
ceirch (nf -en) coll n oats
ceirios npl (nf -en) cherries
ceisbwl (-byliaid) nm catchpole, bailiff
ceisio vb to seek; to ask; to try, to attempt, to endeavour; to fetch, to get
cêl adj hidden, concealed ▶ nm concealment ▶ npl kale
celain (celanedd) nf dead body
celanedd coll n carnage, slaughter
celc nfm concealment; hoard
celf (-au) nf art, craft
celfi npl (nm -cyn) tools, gear; furniture
celfydd adj skilled, skilful
celfyddgar adj ingenious; artistic
celfyddwr (-wyr) nm artificer, artist
celfyddyd (-au) nf art, craft; skill; celfyddydau graffig graphic arts
celfyddydol adj relating to art/the Arts
celu vb to hide, to conceal
celwrn (-yrnau) nm tub, bucket, pail
celwydd (-au) nm lie, falsehood, untruth
celwyddgi nm liar
celwyddog adj lying, mendacious; false
celwyddwr (-wyr) nm liar
celyn npl (nf -nen) holly
cell (-oedd, -au) nf cell, chamber; celloedd cenhedlu germ cells; enyniad y celloedd cellulitis
celli (cellïau, -ïoedd) nf grove
cellog adj cellular
cellwair vb to jest, to trifle ▶ nm fun
cellweiriwr (-wyr) nm jester, trifler
cellweirus adj playful, jocular
cemeg nm chemistry
cemegol adj chemical
cemegwr (-wyr), cemegydd (-ion) nm chemist
cemegyn (cemegau) nm chemical
cen coll n skin, peel, scales, scurf, film, lichen
cenadwri nf message
cenau (cenawon) nm cub, whelp; rascal
cenedl (-hedloedd) nf nation; gender
cenedlaethol adj national
cenedlaetholdeb nm nationalism
cenedlaetholi vb to nationalize
cenedlaetholwr (-wyr) nm nationalist
cenedl-ddyn (-ion) nm gentile
cenedligrwydd nm nationality
cenfaint (-feiniau) nf herd
cenfigen (-nau) nf envy, jealousy
cenfigennu vb to envy
cenfigennus, cenfigenllyd adj envious, jealous
cenhadaeth (cenadaethau) nf mission
cenhadol adj missionary
cenhadu vb to permit; to propagate, to conduct a mission
cenhadwr (-hadon) nm missionary
cenhedlaeth (cenedlaethau) nf generation
cenhedlig adj gentile, pagan
cenhedlu vb to beget, to generate
Cenia nf Kenya
cenllif nm flood, torrent, deluge
cenllysg coll n hailstones, hail
cennad (-hadau, -hadon) nf leave; messenger
cennin npl (nf -hinen) leeks
cennog adj scaly, scurfy
cennu vb to scale, to scurf
centimedr (-au) nm centimetre
cêr nf gear, tools, trappings
cerameg nmf ceramics
ceramig adj ceramic
cerbyd (-au) nm chariot, coach, car
cerbydwr (-wyr) nm coachman
cerdyn (cardiau) nm card; cerdyn adnabod identity card; cerdyn cof memory card; cerdyn crafu scratch card; cerdyn credyd credit card; cerdyn debyd debit card; cerdyn sweip swipe card
cerdd (-i) nf song, poem; music, poetry
cerddbrenni npl woodwinds
cerddbresi npl brass section (orchestra)
cerdded vb to walk; to go; to travel
cerddediad nm walking, going; pace
cerddgar adj harmonious, musical
cerddin, cerdin npl (nf -en) rowan
cerddor (-ion) nm singer, musician
cerddorfa (-feydd) nf orchestra
cerddorfaol adj orchestral
cerddoriaeth nf music
cerddorol adj musical
cerddwr (-wyr) nm walker
cerfddelw (-au) nf graven image, statue
cerfio vb to carve
cerflun (-iau) nm statue; engraving
cerfluniaeth nf sculpture
cerflunydd (-lunwyr) nm sculptor
cerfwaith nm carving, sculpture
cern (-au) nf cheek, jaw
cernod (-iau) nf buffet
cernodio vb to buffet, to clout
Cernyw nm Cornwall
cerpyn (carpiau) nm clout, rag
cerrynt nmf course, road; current
cert (-i) nf cart
certiwr (-wyr) nm carter
certh adj right; awful
cerub, ceriwb (-iaid) nm cherub
cerwyn (-i) nf tub; vat; winepress
cerydd (-on) nm correction, chastisement; rebuke, reproof, censure
ceryddol adj chastising, chastening
ceryddu vb to correct, to chastise; to rebuke
ceryddwr (-wyr) nm chastiser; rebuker
cesail (-eiliau) nf arm-pit; bosom
cesair npl, coll n hailstones, hail
cest (-au) nf belly, paunch
cestog adj corpulent
cetyn (catiau) nm piece, bit; pipe
cethin adj dark, fierce, ugly
ceubren (-nau) nm hollow tree
ceubwll (-byllau) nm pit
ceudod nm cavity; abdomen; thought, heart
ceudwll nm cavern
ceufad nm canoe
ceuffordd (-ffyrdd) nf tunnel
ceuffos (-ydd) nf drain, ditch
ceugrwm adj concave
ceulan (-nau, -lennydd) nf bank, brink
ceulo vb to curdle, to coagulate
ceunant (-nentydd) nm ravine, gorge
cewyn (-nau, cawiau) nm napkin
ci (cŵn) nm dog, hound
ciaidd adj dog-like; brutal
cib (-au) nm pod, husk
cibddall adj purblind
cibo vb to frown, to scowl
cibog adj scowling
cibws, cibwst nf kibes, chilblains
cibwts (-au) nm kibbutz
cibyn (-nau) nm shell; husk; half a bushel
cic (-iau) nfm kick; cic gychwyn kick-off
cicio vb to kick
ciciwr (-wyr) nm kicker
cidwm (-ymiaid, -ymod) nm wolf; rascal
cieidd-dra nm brutality
cig (-oedd) nm flesh, meat
cigfran (-frain) nf raven
cignoeth adj touching to the quick, caustic
cigog adj fleshy
cigwain (-weiniau) nf flesh-hook
cigydd (-ion) nm butcher
cigyddiaeth nf butchery
cigysol adj carnivorous
cigysydd (-ion) nm carnivore
cil (-iau, -ion) nm back; retreat; corner
cilagor vb to open partly
cilagored adj ajar
cilbost (cilbyst) nm gate-post
cilchwyrn npl (nf -en) glands
cildrem (-iau) nf leer
cildremio vb to leer
cildroi vb to reverse
cildwrn nm tip, bribe
cildyn adj obstinate, stubborn
cildynnu vb to be obstinate
cildynnus adj obstinate, stubborn
cildynrwydd nm obstinacy
cilddant (-ddannedd) nm molar
cilfach (-au) nf nook; creek, bay
cilfilyn (-filod) nm ruminant
cilgant nm crescent
cilgnoi vb to chew the cud, to ruminate
cilgwthio vb to push, to shove, to jostle
cilgynnyrch (-gynhyrchion) nm by-product
cilio vb to retreat, to recede, to swerve
cilo nm kilo
cilocalori (-ïau) nm kilocalorie
cilogram (-au) nm kilogram
cilomedr (-au) nm kilometre
cilowat nm kilowatt
cilwen (-au) nf half smile
cilwenu vb to simper, to smile, to leer
cilwg (-ygon) nm frown, scowl
cilydd (-ion) nm fellow, companion
cilyddol adj reciprocal
cimwch (-ychiaid) nm lobster
ciniawa vb to dine
cinio (ciniawau) nm dinner; cinio gwadd dinner party
cip (-ion) nm pluck, snatch; glimpse
cipdrem (-iau) nfm glance, glimpse
cipedrych vb to glance, to glimpse
cipio vb to snatch
cipiwr (-wyr) nm snatcher
cipolwg nmf glance, glimpse
ciprys nm scramble
cis (-iau) nmf buffet; slap, touch
cist (-iau) nf chest, coffer, box; bin
ciw (-iau) nm cue, queue
ciwb nm cube
ciwed coll n rabble, mob, crew
ciwrad (-iaid) nm curate
ciwt adj cute, clever, ingenious
claddedigaeth (-au) nmf burial
claddfa (-feydd) nf burial-ground, cemetery
claddgell nf vault
claddu vb to bury
claear adj lukewarm, tepid; mild; cool
claearineb nm lukewarmness
claearu vb to make mild or tepid; to soothe
claer adj clear, bright, shining
claerder nm clearness, brightness
claf (cleifion) adj sick, ill ▶ nm sick person, patient
clafdy (-dai) nm hospital, infirmary
clafr nm itch, mange
clafrllyd adj mangy
clafychu vb to sicken, to fall ill
clai (cleiau) nm clay
clais (cleisiau) nm stripe; bruise
clamp (-iau) nm mass, lump; monster
clap (-iau) nm lump
clapgi (-gwn) nm telltale
clapio vb to lump; to strike; to gossip
clapiog adj lumpy
clas nm monastic community, cloister, college
clasur (-on) nm classic
clasurol adj classical
clau adj quick, swift, soon; true; audible
clawdd (cloddiau) nm hedge; dyke, embankment
clawr (cloriau) nm face, surface; cover, lid; board
clebar, cleber nmf idle talk, gossip, tattle
clebran vb to chatter, to gossip, to tattle
clec (-iau, -s) nf click; clack; crack; gossip
cleci (-cwn) nm telltale
clecian vb to click; to clack; to crack, to snap
cledr (-au) nf pole; rail; palm (of hand)
cledren (-nau, -ni) nf pale, pole, rail
cleddyf, cleddau, cledd (cleddyfau) nm sword; brace
cleddyfwr (-wyr) nm swordsman
clefyd (-au) nm disease; fever; clefyd melys diabetes; clefyd y galon heart disease; clefyd y gwair hay fever
clegar vb to clack, to cluck, to cackle
clegyr, clegr nm rock; cairn, stony place
cleiog adj clayey
cleiriach nm decrepit one
cleisio vb to bruise
cleisiog adj bruised
clem (-iau) nf notion, idea; look, gaze ▶ pl grimaces
clep (-iau) nf clack, clap; gossip
clepgi (-gwn) nm babbler; telltale
clepian vb to clap; to slam; to blab
clêr1 coll n itinerant minstrels; bards
clêr2 npl (nf cleren) flies
clera vb to stroll as minstrels
clerc (-od) nm clerk
clercio vb to serve as clerk
cleren nf fly
clerigol adj clerical
clerigwr (-wyr) nm clergyman
clerwr (-wyr) nm itinerant minstrel
clerwriaeth nf minstrelsy
clewt (-iau) nm clout
clewtian vb to clout
clic (cliciau) nm clique
clicied (-au) nf clicker; trigger
cliciedu vb to latch, to fasten
clicio vb to click; clicio dwywaith double-click
clindarddach vb to crackle ▶ nm crackling
clinig (-au) nm clinic
clir adj clear
clirio vb to clear
clo (cloeau, cloeon) nm lock, conclusion
cloben nf monster
clobyn nm monster
cloc (-iau) nm clock; cloc larwm alarm clock
clocian vb to cluck
clocsiau npl (nf clocsen) clog
cloch (clych, clychau) nf bell; o’r/ar gloch o’clock
clochaidd adj sonorous, noisy
clochdar vb to cluck, to cackle
clochdy (-dai) nm belfry, steeple
clochydd (-ion) nm bell-man; sexton
clod (-ydd) nmf praise, fame, renown
clodfori vb to praise, to extol
clodwiw adj commendable, praiseworthy
cloddfa (-feydd) nf quarry, mine
cloddio vb to dig, to delve; to quarry, to mine
cloddiwr (-wyr) nm digger, navvy
cloëdig adj locked, closed
cloer (-(i)au) nmf locker; niche; pigeon-hole
cloff adj lame
cloffi vb to lame, to halt ▶ nm lameness
cloffni nm lameness
cloffrwym (-au) nm fetter, hobble; cloffrwym y cythraul, cloffrwym y mwci great bindweed
clog1 (-au) nmf cloak
clog2 (-au) nf rock, precipice
clogfaen (-feini) nm boulder
clogwyn (-i) nm cliff, crag, precipice
clogwynog adj craggy, precipitous
clogyn (-nau) nm cloak, cape
clogyrnaidd adj rough, rugged, clumsy
cloi vb to lock
clonc nf clank; gossip ▶ adj addled
clopa (-âu) nmf noddle; knob; club
cloren (-nau) nf rump, tail
clorian (-nau) nmf pair of scales
cloriannu vb to weigh, to balance
clorin nm chlorine
clorinio, clorinadu vb to chlorinate
clos1 (-ydd) nm yard
clos2 (closau) nm pair of breeches
clòs adj close
closio vb to close, to near
cludadwy adj portable
cludair (-eiriau) nf heap, load, wood-pile
cludiad nm carriage
cludiant (-nnau) nm transport, haulage
cludo vb to carry, to convey
cludwr (-wyr), cludydd (-ion) nm porter
clul (-iau) nm knell
clun (-iau) nf hip, haunch, thigh, leg; moor
cluro vb to rub, to smear
clust (-iau) nfm ear; handle
clustfeinio vb to prick up the ears; to eavesdrop
clustfys nm little finger
clustffôn (-ffonau) nm earphone
clustlws (-lysau) nm earring
clustnod (-au) nm earmark
clustog (-au) nfm cushion, pillow
clwb (clybiau) nm club
clwc adj addled
clwcian vb to cluck
clwm (clymau) nm knot, tie
clwpa (-od) nm knob, boss; club; dolt
clws (f clos) adj pretty, nice
clwstwr (clystyrau) nm cluster
clwt (clytiau) nm patch, clout, rag
clwyd (-au, -i, -ydd) nf hurdle; gate; roost
clwydo vb to roost
clwyf (-au) nm wound; disease
clwyfo vb to wound
clwyfus adj wounded; sore; sick
clybodeg nf acoustics
clybodig adj acoustic
clyd adj warm, sheltered, snug, cosy
clydwch, clydwr nm warmth, shelter
clyfar adj clever; pleasant, agreeable
clymblaid (-bleidiau) nf clique, cabal
clymog adj knotty, entangled
clymu vb to knot, to tie
clytio vb to patch, to piece
clytiog adj patched; ragged
clytwaith (-weithiau) nm patchwork
clyw nm sense of hearing
clywadwy adj audible
clywed vb to hear; to feel; to taste; to smell
clywedigaeth nf hearing
clywedol adj aural
clywedydd (-ion) nm hearer, auditor
clyweled adj audio-visual
clywelediad nm audition
cnaf (-on, -iaid) nm knave, rascal
cnafaidd adj knavish, rascally
cnaif (cneifion) nm shearing, fleece
cnap (-iau) nm lump, knob, boss
cnapan (-au) nm ball, bowl, kind of ball game
cnapiog adj lumpy
cnau npl (nf cneuen) nuts
cnawd nm flesh
cnawdol adj carnal, fleshly, fleshy
cneifio vb to shear, to fleece
cneifiwr (-wyr) nm shearer
cneua vb to nut
cneuen (cnau) nf nut
cnewyllyn (cnewyll) nm kernel, nucleus
cnith (-iau, -ion) nm slight touch, blow; pluck
cno nm bite, chewing, gnawing
cnoc (-iau) nmf knock
cnocio vb to knock
cnofa (-feydd) nf gnawing, pang
cnofil (-od) nm rodent
cnoi vb to gnaw, to chew, to bite; to ache
cnot (-iau) nm knot, bunch
cnu (-au), cnuf (-iau) nm fleece
cnud (-oedd) nf pack
cnùl, cnul (-iau) nm knell
cnwc nm knob
cnwd (cnydau) nm crop; covering
cnydfawr adj fruitful, productive
cnydio vb to crop, to yield increase
cnydiog adj fruitful, productive
cob (cobau) nf coat, cloak, robe
còb (-iau) nm embankment; miser; wag; cob
coban (-au) nf: coban nos nightshirt
coblyn (-nod) nm sprite, goblin, imp
cocos1 npl cogs; olwyn gocos cog-wheel
cocos2, cocs npl (nf cocsen) cockles
coch adj, nm red
coch-gam nf robin
cochi1 vb to redden, to blush
cochi2, cochder nm redness
cochl (-au) nmf mantle, cloak
cod (-au) nf bag, pouch
codaid (-eidiau) nf bagful
codi vb to rise, to get up; to raise, to lift; to erect
codiad (-au) nm rise, rising; erection
codog adj baggy ▶ nmf (-ion) rich man; miser
codwm (codymau) nm fall, tumble
codwr (-wyr) nm riser; raiser, lifter; codwr canu precentor
codymu vb to wrestle
codymwr (-wyr) nm wrestler
codded nm anger; grief
coddi vb to anger, to offend
coed (-ydd) coll n wood, timber, trees
coeden (coed) nf tree
coedio vb to timber
coediog adj wooded, woody
coedwig (-oedd) nf wood, forest
coedwigaeth nf forestry
coedwigo vb to forest
coedwigwr (-wyr) nm woodman, forester
coedd adj public
coeg adj empty, vain; one-eyed, blind
coegddyn (-ion) nm fop, coxcomb, fool
coegedd nm emptiness, silliness
coegen (-nod) nf minx, coquette
coegennaidd adj coquettish
coegfalch adj vain, foppish
coegi vb to jeer at, to mock
coeglyd adj vain, sarcastic
coegni nm vanity; spite; sarcasm
coegwr (-wyr) nm fool
coegwych adj gaudy, garish, tawdry
coegyn (-nod) nm coxcomb
coel (-ion) nf belief, trust, credit
coelbren (-nau, -ni) nm lot
coelcerth (-i) nf bonfire, blaze
coelgrefydd (-au) nf superstition
coelgrefyddol adj superstitious
coelio vb to believe, to credit, to trust
coes (-au) nf leg, shank ▶ nfm handle; stem, stalk
coetgae nm hedge; enclosure
coetmon (-myn) nm lumberjack
coetref nf woodland, homestead
coets nm pushchair
coeth adj fine, refined; elegant
coethder nm refinement, elegance
coethi vb to refine; to chastise; to babble
coethwr (-wyr) nm refiner
cof (-ion) nm memory; remembrance
cofadail (-eiladau) nf monument
cofbin (-nau) nm memory stick, pen drive
cofeb (-ion) nf memorandum; memorial
cof-gerdyn (cof-gardiau) nm memory card
cofgolofn (-au) nf monument
cofiadur (-on, -iaid) nm recorder
cofiadwy adj memorable
cofiannydd (-anyddion) nm biographer
cofiant (-iannau) nm memoir, biography
cofio vb to remember, to recollect
cofl (-au) nf embrace; bosom
coflaid (-eidiau) nf armful; bundle
coflech (-au) nf memorial tablet
cofleidio vb to embrace, to hug
coflyfr (-au) nm record, chronicle
cofnod (-ion) nm memorandum, minute
cofnodi vb to record, to register
cofrestr (-au) nf register, roll
cofrestrfa nf registry
cofrestru vb to register
cofrestrydd (-ion) nm registrar
cofrodd nf souvenir
cofus adj mindful
cofweini vb to prompt
cofweinydd (-ion) nm prompter
coffa vb to remember ▶ nm remembrance
coffâd nm remembrance
coffadwriaeth nf remembrance, memory
coffadwriaethol adj memorial
coffáu vb to remember; to remind; to commemorate
coffi nm coffee
coffr (-au) nm coffer, trunk, chest
cog1 (-au) nf cuckoo
cog2 (-au) nm cook
coginiaeth nf cookery
coginio vb to cook
cogio vb to cog; to sham, to feign, to pretend
cogiwr (-wyr) nm pretender, swindler
cogor vb to chatter, to caw, to croak ▶ nm chattering
cogwrn (-yrnau, cegyrn) nm knob, cone; cock (of corn); shell
cogydd (-ion) nm cook
cogyddes (-au) nf cook
cogyddiaeth nf cookery
congl (-au) nf corner
col (-ion) nm awn, beard
côl nf bosom, embrace
coladu vb to collate
coledd, coleddu vb to cherish, to foster
coleddwr (-wyr) nm cherisher, fosterer, patron, supporter
coleg (-au) nm college; coleg chweched dosbarth sixth-form college; coleg technoleg dinasol city technology college
colegol adj collegiate
colegwr (-wyr) nm collegian
coler (-i) nfm collar
colfen (-nau, -ni) nf bough, branch; tree
colofn (-au) nf column, pillar
colofnydd nm columnist
colomen (-nod) nf dove, pigeon
colomendy (-dai) nm dove-cot
colomennaidd adj dove-like
coluddion npl (nm -yn) bowels
coluddyn nm gut
colur (-au) nm make-up, colour
coluro vb to make-up, to paint; to conceal
colwyn (-od) nm puppy
colyn (-nau) nm pivot; sting; tail
colynnog adj stinging; hinged
colynnu vb to sting
coll (-iadau) nm loss; failing, defect
colladwy adj perishable
collddail adj deciduous
colled (-ion) nfm loss
colledig adj lost, damned
colledigaeth nf perdition
colledu vb to occasion loss
colledus adj fraught with loss
colledwr (-wyr) nm loser
collen (cyll) nf hazel
collfarn (-au) nf doom, condemnation
collfarnu vb to condemn
colli vb to lose; to be lost, to perish; to spill, to shed
collnod (-au) nm apostrophe
collwr (-wyr) nm loser
coma (-s) nm comma
côma (comâu) nm coma
comed (-au) nf comet
comedi (-ïau) nfm comedy
comig adj comic, comical ▶ nm comic (paper)
comin nm common
comisiwn (-iynau) nm commission
comisiynu vb to commission
comiwnydd (-ion) nm communist
comiwnyddiaeth nf communism
comiwnyddol adj communist
conach vb to grumble
conclaf nm conclave
concro vb to conquer
concwerwr (-wyr) nm conqueror
concwest (-au) nf conquest, victory
condemniad nm condemnation
condemnio vb to condemn
confensiwn (-iynau) nm convention
conffederasiwn (-asiynau) nm confederation
conffirmasiwn nm confirmation
conffirmio vb to confirm
conifferaidd adj coniferous
cono nm rascal; wag; old fogey
consesiwn (-iynau) nm concession
consol (-au) nm: consol gêmau games console
consuriaeth nf conjuring
consurio vb to conjure
consuriwr (-wyr) nm conjurer
conwydd npl (nf -en) coniferous trees
cop, copyn (-nod, -nau) nm spider
copa (-âu) nf top, crest; head
copi (-ïau) nm copy; copy-book
copïo vb to copy, to transcribe
copïwr (-wyr) nm copyist, transcriber
copr nm copper
cor (-rod) nm dwarf (offensive); spider
côr (corau) nm choir; stall, pew; côr-feistr choirmaster
corachaidd adj dwarfish, stunted
Corân nm Koran
corawl adj choral
corbwll (-byllau) nm whirlpool; puddle
corcyn (cyrc) nm cork
cord (-iau) nm cord; chord
cordeddu vb to twist, to twine
corddi vb to churn; to turn; to agitate
corddiad (-au) nm churning
corddwr (-wyr) nm churner
Corea nf Korea
cored (-au) nf weir, dam
coreograffiaeth nf choreography
corfan (-nau) nm metrical foot
corff (cyrff) nm body
corfflu (-oedd) nm corps
corffol adj corpulent; physical
corffolaeth nf bodily form; stature
corfforaeth (-au) nf corporation
corffori vb to embody, to incorporate
corfforiad (-au) nm embodiment
corfforol adj bodily, corporeal, corporal
corgan (-au), côr-gân (côr-ganau) nf chant
corganu vb to chant
corgi (-gwn) nm cur, corgi
corgimwch (-ychiaid) nm prawn
corhwyad (-aid) nf teal; moorhen
corlan (-nau) nf fold
corlannu vb to fold
corn (cyrn) nm horn; pipe, tube; roll; corn; stethoscope; corn gwddw(f), corn gwynt windpipe; corn siarad loudspeaker
cornant (-nentydd) nm brook, rill
cornboer nm phlegm
cornchwiglen (-chwiglod) nf lapwing
cornel (-i, -au) nfm corner
cornelu vb to corner
cornicyll (-od) nm lapwing, plover, peewit
cornio vb to horn, to butt; to examine with a stethoscope
corniog adj horned
cornwyd (-ydd) nm boil, abscess, sore
coron (-au) nf crown
coroni vb to crown ▶ nm coronation
coroniad nm coronation
coronog adj crowned
corrach (corachod) nm dwarf, pygmy
corryn (corynnod) nm spider
cors (-ydd) nf bog, swamp
corsen (-nau, cyrs) nf reed; stem, stalk; cane
cortyn (-nau) nm cord, rope
corun (-au) nm crown of the head; tonsure
corwg, corwgl (-yg(l)au) nm coracle
corws nm chorus
corwynt (-oedd) nm whirlwind
cosb (-au) nf punishment, penalty; cosb ddihenydd capital punishment
cosbadwy adj punishable
cosbedigaeth nf punishment
cosbi vb to punish
cosbol adj punitive, penal
cosbwr (-wyr) nm punisher
cosfa (-feydd) nf itch, itching; thrashing
cosi vb to scratch, to itch ▶ nm itching
cosmetigau npl cosmetics
cosmig adj cosmic
Cosofo nf Kosovo
cost (-au) nf cost, expense
costiad (-au) nm costing
costio vb to cost
costiwm (-tiymau) nmf costume
costog (-ion) nm mastiff; cur ▶ adj surly
costowci (-cwn) nm mastiff, mongrel
costrel (-au, -i) nf bottle
costrelaid (-eidiau) nf bottleful
costrelu vb to bottle
costus adj costly, expensive
cosyn (-nau, -nod) nm a cheese
côt, cot (cotiau) nf coat
cotwm nm cotton
Coweit nf Kuwait
cownter (-au, -i) nm counter
cowntio vb to count, to account, to esteem
crac (-iau) nm crack
cracio vb to crack
craciog adj cracked
crach npl scabs ▶ adj scabby; petty
crachach npl snobs
crachboer nm phlegm
crachen nf scab
crachfardd (-feirdd) nm poetaster
crachfeddyg (-on) nm quack doctor
crachfonheddwr (-wyr) nm snob
crafangio, crafangu vb to claw, to grab
crafanc (-angau) nf claw; talon; clutch
crafellu vb to grate
crafiad (-au) nm scratch
crafog adj cutting, sarcastic
crafu vb to scrape; to scratch ▶ nm itch
crafwr (-wyr) nm scraper
craff adj close; keen; sagacious ▶ nm hold, grip
craffter nm keenness, sagacity
craffu vb to look closely, to observe intently
craffus adj keen, sagacious
cragen (cregyn) nf shell
crai adj new, fresh, raw
craidd (creiddiau) nm middle, centre
craig (creigiau) nf rock
crair (creiriau) nm relic
craith (creithiau) nf scar
cramen (-nau) nf crust, scab
cramwythen nf pancake
cranc (-od) nm crab; y Cranc Cancer
crand adj grand
crandrwydd nm grandeur, finery
crap (-iau) nm hold; smattering
crapio vb to grapple; to pick up
cras (creision) adj parched, dry; harsh
crasiad nm baking
craslyd adj harsh, grating
craster nm dryness; harshness
crasu vb to parch, to scorch; to bake
crau1 (creuau) nm hole, eye, socket
crau2 nmf blood, gore
crau3 (creuau) nm sty; stockade
crawcian, crawcio vb to croak, to caw
crawen (-nau) nf crust
crawn nm matter, pus
crawni vb to gather, to suppurate
crawnllyd adj purulent
cread nm creation
creadigaeth (-au) nf creation
creadigol adj creative
creadur (-iaid) nm creature; animal
creadures (-au) nf female creature
creawdwr (-wyr) nm creator
crebach adj shrunk, withered
crebachlyd adj crabbed, wrinkled
crebachu vb to shrink, to shrivel, to wrinkle, to pucker
crebwyll (-ion) nm invention, understanding, fancy
crecian vb to cluck; to crackle
crechwen nf loud laughter, guffaw
crechwenu vb to laugh loud, to guffaw
cred (-au) nf belief; trust; pledge, troth
credadun (credinwyr) nm believer
credadwy adj credible
crediniaeth nf belief
crediniol adj believing
credo (-au) nmf creed, belief
credu vb to believe
credwr (-wyr) nm believer
credyd (-on) nm credit
credydu vb to credit
cref adj f of cryf
crefu vb to crave, to beg, to implore
crefydd (-au) nf religion
crefydda vb to profess or practise religion
crefyddol adj religious, pious
crefyddolder nm religiousness, piety
crefyddwr (-wyr) nm religionist
crefft (-au) nf handicraft, trade; crefftau’r cartref DIY, do-it-yourself
crefftus adj skilled, workmanlike
crefftwaith nm craftwork
crefftwr (-wyr) nm craftsman
cregyn npl (nf cragen) shells
creider nm freshness
creifion npl scrapings
creigiog adj rocky
creigiwr (-wyr) nm quarryman
creigle (-oedd) nm rocky place
creinio vb to wallow, to lie or fall down; to cringe
creision npl flakes, crisps
creithio vb to scar
crempog (-au) nf pancake
crensio vb to grind (the teeth)
crepach adj numb ▶ nf numbness
crest nm crust, scurf
Creta nf Crete
creu vb to create
creulon adj cruel
creulondeb (-derau) nm cruelty
crëwr (crewyr) nm creator
crëyr (crehyrod) nm heron
cri1 (-au) nm cry, clamour
cri2 adj new, fresh, raw; unleavened
criafol, criafolen nf mountain ash
crib (-au) nfm comb, crest; ridge
cribddeilio vb to grab, to extort
cribddeiliwr (-wyr) nm extortioner; speculator
cribin (-iau) nfm rake; skinflint
cribinio vb to rake
cribo vb to comb; to card
criced nm cricket
cricedwr (-wyr) nm cricketer
cricsyn nm cricket
crimog (-au) nf shin
crimp (-(i)au) nm shin
crin adj withered, sear, dry
crino vb to wither, to dry up
crintach, crintachlyd adj niggardly, stingy
crintachrwydd nm niggardliness
crintachu vb to scrimp, to skimp, to stint
crio vb to cry, to weep
cripio vb to scratch; to climb, to creep
cris-groes nf criss-cross
crisial (-au) nm, adj crystal
crisialu vb to crystallise
Crist nm Christ
Cristion (-ogion), Cristnogion nm Christian
Cristionogaeth nf Christianity
Cristionogol adj Christian
Cristnogaeth nf Christianity
Cristnogol adj Christian
criw (-iau) nm crew
crïwr (-wyr) nm crier
Croatia nf Croatia
crocbont (-ydd) nf suspension bridge
crocbren (-ni) nmf gallows, gibbet
crocbris (-iau) nm exorbitant price
croch adj loud, vehement
crochan (-au) nm pot, cauldron
crochanaid (-eidiau) nm potful
crochenwaith (-weithiau) nm pottery
crochenydd (-ion) nm potter
croen (crwyn) nm skin; hide; peel, rind
croendenau adj thin-skinned
croeni, croenio vb to form skin, to skin over
croes1 (-au) nf cross ▶ nm transept
croes2 (-ion) adj cross, contrary
croesair (-eiriau) nm crossword
croesawgar adj hospitable
croesawiad nm welcome, reception
croesawu vb to welcome
croesawus adj hospitable
croesbren (-nau) nmf cross
croes-ddweud vb to contradict
croesfan (-nau) nf crossing; croesfan sebra zebra crossing
croesffordd (-ffyrdd) nf crossroads
croesgad (-au) nf crusade
croesgadwr (-wyr) nm crusader
croeshoeliad nm crucifixion
croeshoelio vb to crucify
croesholi vb to cross-examine
croesholiad (-au) nm cross-examination
croesi vb to cross
croeslinol adj diagonal
croeso nm welcome
croestorri vb to intersect
croesymgroes adj criss-cross; vice-versa
crofen (-nau, -ni) nf rind, crust
crog (-au) nf cross, rood ▶ adj hanging
crogi vb to hang, to suspend
croglath (-au) nf springe, snare, gibbet
Croglith nfm: Dydd Gwener y Groglith Good Friday
croglofft (-ydd, -au) nf garret; rood-loft
crogwr (-wyr) nm hangman
cronglwyd (-ydd) nf: tan fy nghronglwyd under my roof
crombil (-iau) nf crop; gizzard; bowels
cromen (-ni, -nau) nf dome
cromfach (-au) nf bracket, parenthesis
cromlech (-au, -i) nf cromlech
cromlin nf curve
cromosom (-au) nm chromosome
cron adj f of crwn
cronfa (-feydd) nf reservoir; fund; cronfa ddata database
cronicl (-au) nm chronicle
croniclo vb to chronicle
cronnell (cronellau) nf sphere, globe
cronni vb to collect, to hoard; to dam
cronolegol adj chronological
cropian vb to creep, to crawl, to grope
crosiet (-au, -i) nm crotchet
croth (-au) nf womb; calf (of leg)
croyw adj clear, plain, distinct; fresh
croywder nm clearness; freshness
croywi vb to clear; to freshen
crud (-au) nm cradle
crug (-iau) nm hillock; tumulus; heap; multitude; abscess, blister
cruglwyth (-i) nm heap, pile
cruglwytho vb to heap, to pile up; to overload
crugo vb to fester, to vex, to plague
crwban (-od) nm tortoise, turtle
crwca adj crooked, bowed, bent
crwm (f crom) adj convex, curved, bowed
crwn (f cron) adj round; complete
crwner (-iaid) nm coroner
crwsâd (-adau) nmf crusade
crwst (crystiau) nm crust
crwt (cryts) nm boy, lad
crwth (crythau) nm crowd, fiddle; purring; hump
crwybr nm honeycomb; mist; hoarfrost
crwydr nm wandering; ar grwydr astray
crwydro vb to wander, to stray, to roam
crwydrol, crwydrus adj wandering
crwydrwr (-wyr) nm rambler; wanderer, rover
crwydryn (-riaid) nm vagrant, tramp
crwys nf cross, crucifix; dan ei grwys laid out for burial
crybwyll vb to mention ▶ nm (-ion) mention
crybwylliad nm mention, notice
crych adj rippling; curly; quavering ▶ nm (-au) crease, ripple, wrinkle
crychlais (-leisiau) nm trill, tremolo
crychlyd adj wrinkled, puckered
crychnaid (-neidiau) nf leap, gambol
crychneidio vb to skip, to frisk
crychni nm curliness; wrinkle
crychu vb to wrinkle, to pucker; to ruffle, to ripple
cryd (-iau) nm shivering; fever; ague
crydd (-ion) nm cobbler, shoemaker
crydda vb to cobble
cryf (f cref) adj strong
cryfder, cryfdwr nm strength
cryfhaol adj strengthening
cryfhau vb to strengthen; to grow strong
cryg (f creg) adj hoarse
cryglyd adj hoarse, raucous
crygni nm hoarseness
crygu vb to hoarsen
cryman (-au) nm reaping-hook, sickle
crymanwr (-wyr) nm reaper
crymu vb to bow, to bend, to stoop
cryn adj considerable, much
crŷn, cryn nm, adj shivering
crynder nm roundness
cryndod nm trembling, shivering
crynedig adj trembling, tremulous
crynfa (-feydd) nf tremble, tremor
crynhoad (-noadau) nm collection, digest
crynhoi vb to gather together, to collect
cryno adj compact; neat, tidy
crynodeb (-au) nm summary
crynodi vb to concentrate
cryno ddisg (-iau) nm CD, compact disc
crynswth nm mass, bulk, whole
crynu vb to shiver, to tremble, to quake
Crynwr (-wyr) nm Quaker
crys (-au) nm shirt; crys chwys sweatshirt
crysbais (-beisiau) nf jacket, jerkin
crystyn (crystiau) nm crust
crythor (-ion) nm fiddler, violinist
cryw (-iau) nm creel; weir
cu adj dear, fond, kind
cuchio vb to scowl, to frown
cuchiog adj scowling, frowning
cudyll (-od) nm hawk
cudyn (-nau) nm lock (of hair), tuft
cudd adj hidden, concealed
cuddfa (-feydd) nf hiding-place; hoard
cuddiad nm hiding
cuddiedig adj hidden, concealed
cuddio vb to hide, to conceal
cufydd (-au) nm cubit
cul (-ion) adj narrow, lean
culfor (-oedd) nm strait
culhau vb to narrow; to grow lean
culni nm narrowness
cun adj dear, beloved; lovely
cunnog (cunogau) nf pail
cur nm throb, ache, pain; care, trouble
curad (-iaid) nm curate
curadiaeth (-au) nf curacy
curfa (-feydd) nf beating, flogging
curiad (-au) nm beat, throb, pulse
curio vb to pine, to waste
curlaw nm pelting rain
curn (-au), curnen (-nau) nf mound, core, rick
curnennu vb to heap, to stack
curo vb to beat, to strike, to knock; to throb; to clap
curwr (-wyr) nm beater
curyll (-od) nm hawk
cusan (-au) nmf kiss
cusanu vb to kiss
cut (-iau) nm hovel, shed, sty
cuwch (cuchiau) nm scowl, frown
CV (-s) nm CV
cwafrio vb to quaver, to trill
cwar (-rau) nm quarry
cwarel nm windowpane
cwb (cybiau) nm kennel, coop, sty
cwbl adj, nm all, whole, total
cwblhad nm fulfilment
cwblhau vb to fulfil, to complete, to finish
cwcer (-au) nm cooker
cwcw nf cuckoo
cwcwallt (-iaid) nm cuckold
cwcwalltu vb to cuckold
cwcwll (cycyllau) nm hood, cowl
cwch (cychod) nm boat; hive; cwch gwyllt speed boat
cwd (cydau) nm pouch, bag
cweir (-iau) nm thrashing, hiding
cweryl (-on) nm quarrel
cweryla vb to quarrel
cwerylgar adj quarrelsome
cwest (-au) nm inquest
cwestiwn (-iynau) nm question
cwestiynu vb to question
cwfaint nm convent
cwfl nm hood
cwffio vb to fight, to box
cwgn (cygnau) nm knot; knuckle; joint
cwilt (-iau) nm quilt
cwlbren (-ni) nm bludgeon
cwlff (cylffiau), cwlffyn (cylffiau) nm chunk
cwlwm see clwm
cwlltwr (cylltyrau) nm coulter
cwm (cymau, cymoedd) nm valley
cwman nm rump; stoop; churn
cwmanu vb to stoop
cwmni (-ïau, -ïoedd) nm company
cwmnïaeth nf companionship
cwmpas (-oedd) nm round; o gwmpas about
cwmpasog adj round about, circuitous
cwmpasu vb to round, to wind, to surround
cwmpawd (-odau) nm compass
cwmpeini, cwmpni nm company
cwmwd (cymydau) nm commot
cwmwl (cymylau) nm cloud
cŵn see ci
cwndid (-au) nm song, carol
cwningar nf warren
cwningen (-ingod) nf rabbit
cwnsel (-au, -oedd, -i) nm council; counsel, advice, secret
cwnsela vb to counsel
cwnsler (-iaid) nm counsellor
cwnstabl (-iaid) nm constable; cwnstabl heddlu PC, police constable; prif gwnstabl chief constable
cworwm nm quorum
cwota (-âu) nm quota
cwpan (-au) nmf cup, goblet; chalice
cwpanaid (-eidiau) nm cupful
cwpl (cyplau) nm couple; tie beam
cwplâd, cwpláu see cwblhad; cwblhau
cwpled (-i, -au) nm couplet
cwplws (cyplysau) nm coupling; brace
cwpwrdd (cypyrddau) nm cupboard; cwpwrdd ffeilio filing cabinet
cwr (cyrrau) nm edge, border, skirt
cwrbyn nm kerb
cwrcwd nm stooping; squatting
cwrdd1 (cyrddau) nm meeting
cwrdd2, cwrddyd vb to meet, to touch
cwrel nm coral
cwricwlwm (cwricwla) nm curriculum
cwrlid (-au) nm coverlet
cwrs (cyrsiau) nm course; fit; prif gwrs main course; cwrs hyfforddiant training course
cwrt (cyrtiau) nm court
cwrtais adj courteous
cwrteisi, cwrteisrwydd nm courtesy
cwrw (cyrfau) nm ale, beer
cwrwg, cwrwgl see corwg
cwsg nm sleep
cwsmer (-iaid) nm customer
cwsmeriaeth nf custom
cwstard (-iau) nm custard
cwstwm (cystymau) nm custom, patronage
cwt1 (cytiau) nfm tail, skirt, queue
cwt2 (cytiau) nm hut, sty
cwta adj short, curt
cwter (-i, -ydd) nf gutter, channel
cwtogi vb to shorten, to curtail
cwthr (cythrau) nm anus, rectum
cwthwm (cythymau) nm puff of wind, storm
cwymp (-au) nm fall, tumble
cwympo vb to fall; to fell
cwyn (-ion) nfm complaint, plaint
cwynfan vb to complain, to lament
cwynfanllyd adj querulous
cwynfanus adj plaintive, mournful
cwyno vb to complain, to lament
cwyr nm wax
cwyro vb to wax
cwys (-au, -i) nf furrow-slice, furrow
cybôl nm nonsense, rubbish
cybolfa nf hotchpotch, medley
cyboli vb to muddle; to talk nonsense; to mess, to bother
cybydd (-ion) nm miser, niggard
cybydda vb to stint, to hoard
cybydd-dod, cybydd-dra nm miserliness
cybyddlyd adj miserly
cycyllog adj hooded, cowled
cychwr (-wyr) nm boatman
cychwyn vb to rise, to stir, to start; to switch on
cychwynfa nf start, starting-point
cychwyniad (-au) nm start, beginning
cyd adj joint, united, common; fellow ▶ prefix together
cydadrodd vb to recite together
cydaid (-eidiau) nm bagful
cydbwysedd nm balance
cydbwyso vb to balance
cyd-destun (-au) nm context
cyd-drafodaeth nf negotiation
cyd-ddigwydd vb to coincide
cyd-ddigwyddiad nm coincidence
cydfod nm agreement, concord
cydfodolaeth nf coexistence
cydfyned vb to go with, to concur, to agree
cyd-fyw vb to cohabit
cydffurfio vb to conform
cydgordio vb to agree, to harmonize
cydgwmni (-ïau) nm consortium
cydiedig adj adjoined
cydio vb to join; to bite; to take hold
cydletywr (-wyr) nm roommate, flatmate, housemate
cydnabod vb to acknowledge ▶ nm acquaintance
cydnabyddiaeth nf acquaintance; recognition
cydnabyddus adj acquainted; familiar
cydnaws adj congenial
cydnerth adj well set
cydol nmf, adj whole
cydradd adj equal
cydraddoldeb nm equality
cyd-rhwng prep between
cydsyniad nm consent
cydsynio vb to consent
cydwastad adj level (with), even
cydweddog adj conjugal
cydweddu vb to accord, to agree
cydweithfa (-feydd) nf co-operative
cydweithio vb to cooperate
cydweithrediad nm co-operation
cydweithredol adj co-operative
cydweithredu vb to co-operate
cydweled vb to agree
cydwladol adj international
cyd-wladwr (-wyr) nm compatriot
cydwybod (-au) nf conscience
cydwybodol adj conscientious
cydwybodolrwydd nm conscientiousness
cydymaith (cymdeithion) nm companion
cydymdeimlad nm sympathy
cydymdeimlo vb to sympathize
cydymffurfiad nm conformity
cydymffurfio vb to conform
cydymgais nm competition, rivalry, joint effort
cydymgeisydd (-wyr) nm rival
cyddwysiad (-au) nm condensation
cyddwyso vb to condense
cyfadran (-nau) nf faculty (in college), period (in music)
cyfaddas adj fit, suitable, convenient
cyfaddasiad (-au) nm adaptation
cyfaddaster nm fitness, suitability
cyfaddasu vb to fit, to adapt
cyfaddawd (-odau) nm compromise
cyfaddawdu vb to compromise
cyfaddef vb to confess, to own, to admit
cyfaddefiad (-au) nm confession, admission
cyfaenad nm harmonious song ▶ adj harmonious
cyfagos adj near, adjacent, neighbouring
cyfaill (-eillion) nm friend
cyfair1 (-eiriau) nm acre
cyfair2, cyfer nm direction
cyfalaf nm capital
cyfalafiaeth nf capitalism
cyfalafol adj capitalistic
cyfalafwr (-wyr) nm capitalist
cyfamod (-au) nm covenant
cyfamodi vb to covenant
cyfamodol adj federal; covenanted
cyfamodwr (-wyr) nm covenanter
cyfamser nm meantime
cyfamserol adj timely; synchronous
cyfan adj, nm whole
cyfandir (-oedd) nm continent
cyfandirol adj continental
cyfanfor (-oedd) nm main sea, ocean
cyfanfyd nm whole world, universe
cyfangorff nm whole, bulk, mass
cyfan gwbl adj: yn gyfan gwbl altogether, completely
cyfanheddol adj habitable, inhabited
cyfanheddu vb to dwell, to inhabit
cyfannedd adj inhabited ▶ nf (-anheddau) inhabited place, habitation
cyfannol adj integrated, integral
cyfannu vb to make whole, to complete
cyfanrwydd nm wholeness, entirety
cyfansawdd adj composite, compound
cyfansoddi vb to compose, to constitute
cyfansoddiad (-au) nm composition; constitution
cyfansoddiadol adj constitutional
cyfansoddwr (-wyr) nm composer
cyfansoddyn (-ion) nm constituent, compound
cyfanswm (-symiau) nm total
cyfantoledd (-au) nm equilibrium
cyfanwaith (-weithiau) nm complete composition, whole
cyfanwerth nm wholesale
cyfarch vb to greet, to salute, to address
cyfarchiad (-au) nm greeting, salutation
cyfaredd (-ion) nf charm, spell
cyfareddol adj enchanting
cyfareddu vb to charm, to enchant
cyfarfod vb to meet ▶ nm (-ydd) meeting
cyfarfyddiad (-au) nm meeting
cyfarpar nm provision, equipment; diet; cyfarpar rhyfel munitions of war
cyfarparu vb to equip
cyfartal adj equal, even
cyfartaledd nm proportion, average
cyfartalu vb to proportion, to equalize
cyfarth vb, nm to bark
cyfarwydd adj skilled; familiar ▶ nm (-iaid) storyteller
cyfarwyddo vb to direct; to become familiar
cyfarwyddwr (-wyr) nm director
cyfarwyddyd (-iadau) nm direction, instruction
cyfatal adj unsettled, hindering
cyfateb vb to correspond, to agree, to tally
cyfatebiaeth (-au) nf correspondence, analogy
cyfatebol adj corresponding, proportionate
cyfathrach (-au) nf affinity; intercourse
cyfathrachu vb to have intercourse
cyfathrachwr (-wyr) nm kinsman
cyfathreb (-au) nm communication
cyfathrebu vb to communicate
cyfddydd nm day-break, dawn
cyfeb, cyfebr adj pregnant (of mare, ewe)
cyfebol adj in foal
cyfeddach (-au) nf carousal
cyfeddachwr (-wyr) nm carouser
cyfeiliant nm musical accompaniment
cyfeilio vb to accompany
cyfeiliorn nm error; wandering, lost (person etc); ar gyfeiliorn astray
cyfeiliornad (-au) nm error, heresy
cyfeiliorni vb to err, to stray
cyfeiliornus adj erroneous, mistaken
cyfeilydd (-ion) nm accompanist
cyfeillach (-au) nf fellowship; fellowship-meeting
cyfeillachu vb to associate
cyfeilles (-au) nf female friend
cyfeillgar adj friendly
cyfeillgarwch nm friendship
cyfeiriad (-au) nm direction; reference; (postal) address; cyfeiriad ebost email address; cyfeiriad gwe web address
cyfeiriannu nm orienteering
cyfeirio vb to point; to direct; to refer; to address (letter)
cyfeirnod (-au) nm mark of reference; aim; direct (in music)
cyfeirydd (-ion) nm indicator, guide
cyfenw (-au) nm surname; namesake
cyfenwi vb to surname
cyfer nm: ar gyfer opposite, for
cyferbyn adj opposite
cyferbyniad (-au) nm contrast
cyferbyniol adj opposing, opposite, contrasting
cyferbynnu vb to contrast, to compare
cyfesuryn nm coordinate
cyfethol vb to co-opt
cyfiaith adj of the same language
cyfiawn adj just, righteous
cyfiawnder (-au) nm justice, righteousness
cyfiawnhad nm justification
cyfiawnhau vb to justify
cyfieithiad (-au) nm translation, version
cyfieithu vb to translate, to interpret
cyfieithydd (-wyr) nm translator, interpreter
cyfisol adj of the present month, instant
cyflafan (-au) nf outrage; massacre
cyflafareddiad nm arbitration
cyflafareddu vb to arbitrate
cyflafareddwr (-wyr) nm arbitrator
cyflaith nm toffee
cyflasyn nm flavouring
cyflawn adj full, complete
cyflawnder nm fullness; abundance
cyflawni vb to fulfil, to perform, to commit
cyflawniad (-au) nm fulfilment, performance
cyfle (-oedd) nm place; chance, opportunity
cyfled adj as broad as
cyflegr (-au) nm gun, cannon, battery
cyflegru vb to bombard
cyflenwad (-au) nm supply
cyflenwi vb to supply
cyfleu vb to place, to set; to convey
cyfleus adj convenient
cyfleustra (-terau) nm opportunity, convenience
cyflin adj parallel
cyfliw adj of the same colour
cyflo adj in calf
cyflog (-au) nmf hire, wage, wages
cyflogaeth nf employment
cyflogedig (-ion) nm employee
cyflogi vb to hire; to engage in service
cyflogwr (-wyr) nm hirer, employer
cyflwr (-lyrau) nm condition; case
cyflwyniad nm presentation; dedication
cyflwyno vb to present; to dedicate
cyflwynydd (-ion) nm compère, presenter
cyflychwr, cyflychwyr nm evening twilight, dusk
cyflym adj quick, fast, swift
cyflymder, cyflymdra nm swiftness, speed
cyflymu vb to speed, to accelerate
cyflynu vb to stick together
cyflyru vb to condition
cyflythreniad (-au) nm alliteration
cyfnerthu vb to confirm; to aid, to help
cyfnerthydd (-ion, -wyr) nm strengthener, booster
cyfnesaf (-iaid, -eifiaid) nmf next of kin, kinsman ▶ adj next, nearest
cyfnewid vb to change, to exchange
cyfnewidfa (-oedd, -feydd) nf exchange
cyfnewidiad (-au) nm change, alteration
cyfnewidiol adj changeable
cyfnewidiwr (-wyr) nm changer, trader
cyfnither (-oedd) nf female cousin
cyfnod (-au) nm period; cyfnod prawf trial period
cyfnodol adj periodic(al)
cyfnodolyn (-ion) nm periodical publication
cyfnos nm evening twilight, dusk
cyfochredd nm parallelism
cyfochrog adj parallel
cyfodi vb to rise, to arise; to raise
cyfodiad nm rise, rising
cyfoed adj contemporary, of the same age ▶ nm (-ion) contemporary
cyfoes adj contemporary, up-to-date
cyfoesi vb to be contemporary
cyfoeswr (-wyr) nm contemporary
cyfoeth nm power; riches, wealth
cyfoethog adj powerful; rich, wealthy
cyfoethogi vb to make or grow rich
cyfog nm sickness
cyfogi vb to vomit
cyfor nm flood, abundance; rim, brim, edge ▶ adj entire, brim-full
cyforiog adj brim-full, overflowing
cyfosodiad nm apposition
cyfradd (-au) nf rate ▶ adj of equal rank; cyfradd llog rate of interest
cyfraid (-reidiau) nm necessity
cyfraith (-reithiau) nf law
cyfran (-nau) nf part, portion, share
cyfranc (-rangau) nfm meeting; combat; incident; story, tale
cyfranddaliad (-au) nm share
cyfranddaliwr (-wyr) nm shareholder
cyfraniad (-au) nm contribution
cyfrannedd nm proportion
cyfrannog adj participating, partaking
cyfrannol adj contributing
cyfrannu vb to contribute; to impart
cyfrannwr (-anwyr) nm contributor
cyfranogi vb to participate, to partake
cyfranogwr (-wyr) nm partaker
cyfredol adj current, concurrent
cyfreithio vb to go to law, to litigate
cyfreithiol adj legal
cyfreithiwr (-wyr) nm lawyer
cyfreithlon adj lawful, legitimate
cyfreithlondeb nm lawfulness
cyfreithloni vb to legalize; to justify
cyfreithus adj legitimate
cyfres (-i) nf series
cyfresol adj serial
cyfresu vb to serialise
cyfresymiad (-au) nm syllogism
cyfresymu vb to syllogise
cyfrgolli vb to lose utterly; to damn
cyfrif vb to count, to reckon; to account; to impute ▶ nm (-on) account, reckoning; cyfrif banc bank account
cyfrifeg nfm accountancy
cyfrifiad (-au) nm counting; census
cyfrifiadur (-on) nm computer; cyfrifiadur personol PC, personal computer
cyfrifiadureg nf computer science
cyfrifiaduro n computing
cyfrifiannell nf calculator
cyfrifol adj of repute; responsible
cyfrifoldeb (-au) nm responsibility
cyfrifydd (-ion) nm accountant
cyfrin adj secret, subtle
cyfrinach (-au) nf secret
cyfrinachol adj secret, private, confidential
cyfrinair (-eiriau) nm password
cyfrinfa nf lodge of friendly society or trade union
cyfrin-gyngor (-nghorau) nm privy council
cyfriniaeth nf mystery; mysticism
cyfriniol adj mysterious, mystic
cyfriniwr (-wyr) nm mystic
cyfrodedd adj twisted, twined
cyfrodeddu vb to twist, to twine
cyfrol (-au) nf volume
cyfrwng (-ryngau) nm medium, means
cyfrwy (-au) nm saddle
cyfrwyo vb to saddle
cyfrwys adj cunning
cyfrwystra nm cunning
cyfrwywr (-wyr) nm saddler
cyfryngdod nm mediation, intercession; mediatorship
cyfryngiad nm mediation; intervention
cyfryngol adj mediatorial
cyfryngu vb to mediate; to intervene
cyfryngwr (-wyr) nm mediator
cyfryngwriaeth nf mediatorship
cyfryw adj like, such
cyfuchlinedd (-au) nm contour
cyfuchliniau npl contours
cyfundeb (-au) nm union; connexion
cyfundebol adj connexional; denominational
cyfundrefn (-au) nf system
cyfundrefnol adj systematic
cyfundrefnu vb to systematize
cyfuniad (-au) nm combination
cyfuno vb to unite, to combine
cyfunol adj united
cyfunrhywiol adj homosexual
cyfuwch adj as high
cyfweld vb to interview
cyfweliad (-au) nm interview
cyfwelydd (-wyr) nm interviewer
cyfwerth adj equivalent
cyfwng (-yngau) nm space; interval
cyfwrdd vb to meet
cyfyng adj narrow, confined
cyfyngder (-au) nm trouble, distress
cyfyngdra nm narrowness; distress
cyfyngedig adj confined, restricted, limited
cyfyng-gyngor nm perplexity
cyfyngu vb to narrow, to confine, to limit
cyfyl nm neighbourhood; ar ei gyfyl near him
cyfyrder (-dyr) nm second cousin
cyfystlys adj side by side
cyfystyr adj synonymous
cyfystyron npl synonyms
cyff (-ion) nm stock
cyffaith (-ffeithiau) nm confection
cyffelyb adj like, similar
cyffelybiaeth (-au) nf likeness, similitude
cyffelybiaethol adj figurative
cyffelybrwydd nm likeness, similarity
cyffelybu vb to liken, to compare
cyffes (-ion) nf confession
cyffesgell (-oedd) nf confessional
cyffesu vb to confess
cyffeswr (-wyr), cyfesydd (-ion) nm confessor
cyffin (-iau, -ydd) nfm border, confine
cyffindir (-oedd) nm frontier, march
cyffio vb to stiffen; to fetter, to shackle; to beat
cyffion npl stocks
cyffordd (-ffyrdd) nf junction
cyffredin adj common; general
cyffredinedd nm mediocrity, banality
cyffredinol adj general, universal
cyffredinoli vb to universalize, to generalize
cyffredinolrwydd nm universality
cyffredinwch nm commonness
cyffro (-adau) nm motion, stir; excitement
cyffroi vb to move, to excite; to provoke
cyffrous adj exciting; excited
cyffur (-iau) nmf ingredient, drug
cyffuriwr (-wyr) nm apothecary, druggist
cyffwrdd vb to meet, to touch
cyffylog (-od) nm woodcock
cyffyrddiad (-au) nm touch, contact
cyffyrddus adj comfortable
cygnog adj knotted, gnarled
cyngaf, cyngaw nm burdock; burs
cyngan adj suitable, harmonious
cynganeddol adj in cynghanedd
cynganeddu vb to form cynghanedd; to harmonize
cynganeddwr (-wyr) nm writer of cynghanedd
cyngaws (cynghawsau, -ion) nm lawsuit, action; trial; battle
cyngerdd (-ngherddau) nmf concert
cynghanedd (cynganeddion) nf music, harmony; Welsh metrical alliteration
cynghori vb to counsel, to advise; to exhort
cynghorwr (-wyr) nm councillor; counsellor; exhorter
cynghrair (-eiriau) nmf alliance, league
cynghreiriad (-iaid) nm confederate, ally
cynghreirio vb to league, to confederate
cynghreiriwr (-wyr) nm confederate, ally
cyngor (-nghorion) nm counsel, advice ▶ nm (-nghorau) council; Cyngor Bro Community Council; Cyngor Tref Town Council; Cyngor Sir County Council
cyngres (-au, -i) nf congress
cyngresydd (-wyr) nm congressman
cyngwystl (-(i)on) nmf wager, pledge
cyhoedd adj, nm public
cyhoeddi vb to publish, to announce
cyhoeddiad (-au) nm publication; announcement; (preaching) engagement
cyhoeddus adj public
cyhoeddusrwydd nm publicity
cyhoeddwr (-wyr) nm publisher
cyhuddiad (-au) nm accusation, charge
cyhuddo vb to accuse, to charge
cyhuddwr (-wyr) nm accuser
cyhwfan vb to wave, to heave
cyhyd adj as long, so long
cyhydedd nm equator
cyhydeddol adj equatorial, equinoctial
cyhyr (-au) nm flesh, muscle
cyhyrog adj muscular
cylch (-au, oedd) nm round, circle, sphere, hoop
cylchdaith (-deithiau) nf circuit
cylchdro (-eon, -adau) nm orbit
cylchdroi vb to rotate, to revolve
cylched (-au) nm coverlet, blanket
cylchedd (-au) nmf compass, circle, circuit
cylchfan nf roundabout
cylchgrawn (-gronau) nm magazine
cylchlythyr (-au) nm circular
cylchredeg vb to circulate
cylchrediad nm circulation
cylchres (-i) nf round, rota
cylchwyl (-iau) nf anniversary, festival
cylchynol adj surrounding
cylchynu vb to surround, to encompass
cylion npl (nm -yn, nf -en) flies, gnats
cylymu vb to knot, to tie
cyll npl (nf collen) hazel-trees
cylla (-on) nm stomach
cyllell (-yll) nf knife
cyllid (-au) nm revenue, income
cyllideb (-au) nf budget
cyllido vb to finance
cyllidol adj financial, fiscal
cyllidwr (-wyr), cyllidydd (-ion) nm tax-gatherer, revenue or excise officer, financier
cymaint adj as big, as much, as many; so big etc
cymal (-au) nm joint; clause
cymalwst nf rheumatism
cymanfa (-oedd) nf assembly; festival
cymantoledd (-au) nm equilibrium
cymanwlad nf commonwealth
cymar (-heiriaid) nm fellow, partner
cymathiad nm assimilation
cymathu vb to assimilate
cymdeithas (-au) nf society, association; Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg The Welsh Language Society
cymdeithaseg nf sociology
cymdeithasegol adj sociological
cymdeithasgar adj sociable
cymdeithasol adj social
cymdeithasu vb to associate; to socialize
cymdogaeth (-au) nf neighbourhood
cymdogol adj neighbourly
cymedr (-au) nm mean (in maths), average
cymedrol adj moderate, temperate
cymedroldeb nm moderation, temperance
cymedroli vb to moderate
cymedrolwr (-wyr) nm moderator; moderate drinker
cymell vb to urge, to press, to persuade, to induce; to motivate ▶ nm (cymhellion) motivation
cymen adj wise, skilful, neat, becoming
cymer (-au) nm confluence
cymeradwy adj acceptable, approved, commendable
cymeradwyaeth nf approval; applause; recommendation
cymeradwyo vb to approve; to recommend
cymeradwyol adj commendatory
cymeriad (-au) nm character, reputation
cymesur adj proportionate, symmetrical
cymesuredd nm proportion, symmetry
cymesurol adj commensurate, proportionate
cymhareb (cymarebau) nf ratio
cymhariaeth (cymariaethau) nf comparison
cymharol adj comparative
cymharu vb to pair; to compare
cymhelliad (-elliadau) nm motive, inducement
cymhendod nm knowledge; proficiency; tidiness; eloquence; affection
cymhennu vb to put in order, to trim; to scold, to reprove
cymhercyn adj limping, infirm ▶ nm valetudinarian
cymhleth (-au) adj complex, complicated
cymhlethdod (-au) nm complexity
cymhlethu vb to complicate
cymhorthdal (cymorthdaloedd) nm subsidy, grant
cymhwysiad nm application, adjustment
cymhwyso vb to apply, to adjust
cymhwyster (cymwysterau) nm fitness, suitability; (pl) qualifications
cymod nm reconciliation
cymodi vb to reconcile; to be reconciled
cymodol adj reconciliatory, propitiatory
cymodwr (-wyr) nm reconciler
cymon adj orderly, tidy; seemly
cymorth vb to assist, to aid, to help ▶ nm assistance, aid, help
Cymraeg nfm, adj Welsh
Cymraes nf Welshwoman
cymrawd (-odyr) nm comrade, fellow
Cymreictod nm Welshness
Cymreig adj Welsh
Cymreiges (-au) nf Welshwoman
Cymreigio vb to translate into Welsh
Cymreigiwr (-wyr) nm one versed or skilled in Welsh; Welsh-speaking Welshman
Cymro (Cymry) nm Welshman
cymrodedd nm arbitration; compromise
cymrodeddu vb to compromise, to reconcile
cymrodor (-ion) nm consociate, fellow
cymrodoriaeth nf fellowship
Cymru nf Wales
cymrwd nm mortar, plaster
Cymry see Cymro
cymryd vb to take, to accept; cymryd ar pretend
cymudo vb to commute
cymun, cymundeb nm communion, fellowship
cymuned nf community; y Gymuned Ewropeaidd the European Community
cymunedol adj community
cymuno vb to commune
cymunwr (-wyr) nm communicant
cymwy (-au) nm affliction
cymwynas (-au) nf kindness, favour
cymwynasgar adj obliging, kind
cymwynasgarwch nm obligingness, kindness
cymwynaswr (-wyr) nm benefactor
cymwys adj fit, proper, suitable; exact
cymwysedig adj applied
cymwysiadol adj applicable
cymydog (cymdogion) (f cymdoges) nm neighbour
cymylog adj cloudy, clouded
cymylu vb to cloud, to dim, to obscure
cymyndod nm committal
cymynnu vb to bequeath
cymynrodd (-ion) nf legacy, bequest
cymynroddi vb to bequeath
cymynu vb to hew, to fell
cymynwr (-wyr) nm hewer, feller
cymysg adj mixed
cymysgedd nmf mixture
cymysgfa nf mixture, medley, hotchpotch
cymysgliw adj motley
cymysglyd adj muddled, confused
cymysgryw adj mongrel; heterogeneous
cymysgu vb to mix, to blend; to confuse
cymysgwch nm mixture, jumble
cymysgwr (-wyr) nm mixer, blender
cyn1 prefix before, previous, first, former, pre-, ex-; Cyn Crist Before Christ, B.C.
cyn2 adv: cyn gynted (â phosib) as soon (as possible); cyn wynned â as white as
cŷn (cynion) nm wedge, chisel
cynadledda vb to meet in conference
cynaeafa, cynhaeafa vb to dry in the sun
cynaeafu, cynhaeafu vb to harvest
cynaeafwr, cynhaeafwr (-wyr) nm harvester
cynamserol adj premature, untimely
cynaniad nm pronunciation
cynanu vb to pronounce
cyndad (-au) nm forefather, ancestor
cynderfynol adj semi-final
cyndyn adj stubborn, obstinate
cyndynnu vb to be obstinate
cyndynrwydd nm stubbornness, obstinacy
cynddaredd nf madness; rabies
cynddeiriog adj mad, rabid
cynddeiriogi vb to madden, to enrage
cynddeiriogrwydd nm rage, fury
cynddrwg adj as bad
cynddydd nm day-break, dawn
cynefin adj acquainted, accustomed, familiar ▶ nm haunt, habitat
cynefindra nm use, familiarity
cynefino vb to get used, to become accustomed
cynefinol adj usual, accustomed
cynfas (-au) nfm (bed) sheet; canvas
cynfyd nm primitive world, antiquity
cynffon (-nau) nf tail; tang
cynffonna vb to fawn, to toady, to cringe
cynffonnwr (-onwyr) nm toady, sycophant; sneak
cyn-geni adj antenatal
cynhadledd (cynadleddau) nf conference
cynhaeaf (cynaeafau) nm harvest
cynhaeafa vb see cynaeafa
cynhaeafu vb see cynaeafu
cynhaeafwr nm see cynaeafwr
cynhaliaeth nf maintenance, support
cynhaliol adj sustaining
cynhaliwr (-wyr) nm supporter, sustainer
cynhanesiol adj prehistoric
cynhebrwng (-yngau) nm funeral
cynhenid adj innate
cynhennu vb to contend, to quarrel
cynhennus adj contentious, quarrelsome
cynhennwr (-henwyr) nm wrangler
cynhesol adj agreeable, amiable
cynhesrwydd nm warmth
cynhesu vb to warm, to get warm; cynhesu byd-eang global warming
cynhorthwy (cynorthwyon) nm help, aid
cynhwynol adj natural, congenital, innate
cynhwysedd (cynwyseddau) nm capacity, capacitance
cynhwysfawr adj comprehensive
cynhwysiad nm contents
cynhwysydd nm container
cynhyrchiad (-au) nm production
cynhyrchiol adj productive
cynhyrchu vb to produce
cynhyrchydd (-ion, cynhyrchwyr) nm producer, generator
cynhyrfiad (cynyrfiadau) nm stirring, agitation
cynhyrfiol adj stirring, thrilling
cynhyrfu vb to stir, to agitate
cynhyrfus adj agitated; exciting
cynhyrfwr (-wyr) nm agitator, disturber
cynhysgaeth nf portion, fortune
cyni nm anguish, distress, adversity
cynifer adj, nm as many, so many
cynigiad (-au) nm proposal, motion
cynigiwr (-wyr), cynigydd (-ion) nm proposer, mover
cynildeb nm frugality, economy
cynilion npl savings
cynilo vb to save, to economise
cynio vb to chisel, to gouge
cyniwair vb to go to and fro, to frequent
cyniweirfa (-feydd) nf resort, haunt
cyniweirydd nm wayfarer
cynllun (-iau) nm pattern; plan
cynllunio vb to plan, to design
cynllunydd (-ion, -wyr) nm designer
cynllwyn vb to plot, to conspire ▶ nm (-ion) plot
cynllwynio vb to conspire, to plot
cynllwynwr (-wyr) nm conspirator
cynnal vb to hold, to uphold, to support, to sustain
cynnar adj early
cynnau vb to kindle, to light
cynneddf (cyneddfau) nf quality, faculty
cynnen (cynhennau) nf contention, strife; asgwrn y gynnen bone of contention
cynnes adj warm
cynnig vb to offer; to attempt; to propose, to move; to bid; to apply ▶ nm (cynigion) offer; attempt; motion
cynnil adj economical; delicate
cynnor (cynhorau) nf door-post
cynnud nm firewood, fuel
cynnull vb to collect, to gather, to assemble
cynnwrf nm stir, commotion, agitation
cynnwys vb to contain, to include, to comprise, to comprehend ▶ nm content(s)
cynnydd nm increase, growth, progress
cynnyrch (cynhyrchion) nm produce, product; (pl) productions
cynoesol adj primeval
cynorthwyo vb to help, to assist
cynorthwyol adj auxiliary; assistant
cynorthwywr (-wyr) nm helper, assistant
cynorthwyydd (-ion) nm: cynorthwyydd dosbarth classroom assistant
cynradd adj primary
cynrychioladol adj representative
cynrychiolaeth nf representation
cynrychioli vb to represent
cynrychiolwr (-wyr), cynrychiolydd (-ion) nm representative, delegate
cynrhon npl (nm -yn) maggots
cynrhoni vb to breed maggots
cynrhonllyd adj maggoty
cynt adj earlier, sooner, quicker ▶ adv see gynt
cyntaf adj, adv first
cyntedd (-au) nm court; porch, foyer
cyntefig adj prime, primitive
cyntun nm nap
cynulleidfa (-oedd) nf congregation
cynulleidfaol adj congregational
cynulliad (-au) nm gathering
cynuta vb to gather fuel
cynyddol adj increasing, growing
cynyddu vb to increase
cynysgaeddu vb to endow, to endue
cyplad nm copula
cypladu vb to copulate
cyplu, cyplysu vb to couple
cyplysnod nm hyphen
cyraeddadwy adj attainable
cyraeddiadau npl attainments
cyrbibion npl atoms, smithereens
cyrcydu vb to squat, to cower
cyrch (-au) nm attack
cyrchfa (-feydd) nf resort
cyrchfan nf destination
cyrchu vb to go, to resort, to repair
cyrchwr (-wyr) nm cursor
cyrens npl (nf cyrensen) currants
cyrhaeddgar adj telling, incisive
cyrhaeddiad (cyraeddiadau) nm reach, attainment
cyrliog adj curly
cyrraedd vb to reach, to attain; to arrive; to get back
cyrydiad nm corrosion
cyrydu vb to corrode
cysawd (-odau) nm system; constellation
cysefin adj original, primordial
cysegr (-au, -oedd) nm sanctuary
cysegredig adj consecrated, sacred
cysegredigrwydd nm sacredness
cysegriad (-au) nm consecration
cysegr-ladrad nm sacrilege
cysegr-lân adj holy
cysegru vb to consecrate, to dedicate, to devote
cyseinedd nm alliteration
cysetlyd adj fastidious
cysgadrwydd nm sleepiness, drowsiness
cysgadur (-iaid) nm sleeper
cysglyd adj sleepy
cysgod (-au, -ion) nm shade, shadow; shelter; type
cysgodi vb to shadow, to shade; to shelter
cysgodol adj shady, sheltered
cysgu vb to sleep
cysgwr (-wyr) nm sleeper
cysidro vb to consider
cysodi vb to set type, to compose
cysodydd (-ion, -wyr) nm compositor
cyson adj consistent, constant
cysondeb nm consistency; regularity
cysoni vb to harmonize; to reconcile
cysonwr (-wyr), cysonydd (-ion) nm harmonist
cystadleuaeth (-laethau) nf competition
cystadleuol adj competitive
cystadleuwr (-wyr), cystadleuydd nm competitor
cystadlu vb to compete; to compare
cystal adj as good, so good ▶ adv as well, so well
cystrawen (-nau) nf construction, syntax
cystudd (-iau) nm affliction; illness
cystuddiedig adj afflicted, contrite
cystuddio vb to afflict, to trouble
cystuddiol adj afflicted
cystuddiwr (-wyr) nm oppressor
cystwyo vb to tell off, to chastise
cysur (-on) nm comfort, consolation
cysuro vb to comfort, to console
cysurus adj comfortable
cysurwr (-wyr) nm comforter
cyswllt (-ylltiadau) nm joint, junction
cysylltiad (-au) nm conjunction; joining, connexion; cysylltiadau cyhoeddus public relations
cysylltiedig adj connected
cysylltiol adj connecting; connected
cysylltnod (-au) nm ligature, hyphen
cysylltu vb to join, to connect
cysylltydd (-ion) nm connector, contact
cysyniad (-au) nm concept
cytbell adj equidistant
cytbwys adj of equal weight
cytbwysedd nm balance
cytew nm batter
cytgan (-au) nmf chorus
cytgord nm concord
cytir (-oedd) nm common
cytras adj allied, related; cognate
cytsain (-seiniaid) nf consonant
cytûn adj agreed, of one accord, unanimous
cytundeb (-au) nm agreement, consent
cytuno vb to agree, to consent
cythlwng nm fasting, fast, hunger
cythraul (-euliaid) nm devil, demon
cythreuldeb nm devilment
cythreulig adj devilish, fiendish
cythru vb to snatch, to rush
cythruddo vb to annoy, to provoke, to irritate
cythrwfl nm uproar, tumult
cythryblu vb to trouble, to agitate
cythryblus adj troubled, agitated
cyw (-ion) nm young bird, chick, chicken; baby
cywain vb to convey, to carry; to garner
cywair (-eiriau) nm order; key; tune
cywaith (-weithiau) nm collective work, project
cywarch nm hemp
cywasg, cywasgedig adj diminished
cywasgiad (-au) nm contraction, compression
cywasgu vb to contract, to compress
cywasgydd (-ion) nm compressor
cyweiriad (-au) nm repair
cyweiriadur (-on) nm modulator
cyweirio vb to set in order; to prepare, to dress
cyweirnod (-au) nm key-note
cywen (-nod) nf pullet, young hen
cywerth adj equivalent
cywilydd nm shame; shyness
cywilydd-dra nm shamefulness
cywilyddgar adj bashful, shy
cywilyddio vb to shame; to be ashamed
cywilyddus adj shameful, disgraceful; outrageous
cywir adj correct, accurate, true, faithful
cywirdeb nm correctness; integrity
cywiriad (-au) nm correction
cywiro vb to correct; to make good; to perform
cywirwr (-wyr) nm corrector
cywladu vb to naturalize
cywrain adj skilful; curious
cywreinbeth (-au, cywreinion) nm curiosity
cywreindeb nm skill, ingenuity
cywreinrwydd nm skill; curiosity
cywydd (-au) nm alliterative Welsh poem
cywyddwr (-wyr) nm composer of cywyddau