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Chechnya nf Chechnya

Chile nf Chile

China nf China

chwa (-on) nf puff, gust, breeze

chwaer (chwiorydd) nf sister

chwaeroliaeth nf sisterhood

chwaeth (-au, -oedd) nf taste

chwaethu vb to taste

chwaethus adj tasteful; decent

chwaith adv nor either, neither

chwâl adj scattered, loose

chwalfa (-feydd) nf upset, rout

chwalu vb to scatter, to spread

chwalwr (-wyr) nm scatterer, demolisher

chwaneg adj, nm more

chwanegiad (-au) nm addition

chwanegol adj additional

chwanegu vb to add, to augment, to increase

chwannen (chwain) nf flea

chwannog adj desirous; addicted; prone

chwant (-au) nm desire, craving, lust

chwantu vb to desire, to lust

chwap nm sudden blow; moment ▶ adv instantly

chwarae, chware vb to play ▶ nm play; chwaraeon y gaeaf winter sports

chwaraedy (-dai) nm playhouse, theatre

chwaraefa (-feydd) nf pitch, playground

chwaraegar adj playful, sportive

chwaraewr (-wyr) nm player, actor, performer; chwaraewr cryno-ddisgiau CD player; chwaraewr DVD DVD player

chwaraeydd (-ion) nm actor

chwarddiad (-au) nm laugh

chwarel (-au, -i, -ydd) nf quarry

chwarelwr (-wyr) nm quarryman

chwareus adj playful

chwarren (-arennau) nf gland; kernel

chwart (-iau) nm quart

chwarter (-i, -au) nm quarter

chwarterol adj quarterly

chwarterolyn (-olion) nm quarterly (magazine)

chwarteru vb to quarter

chwe adj six (before a noun)

chweban (-nau) nm sestet, sextain

chwech (-au) adj, nm six

chwechawd (-au) nm sextet

chweched adj sixth; chweched dosbarth sixth form

chwedl (-au) nf story, tale

chwedleua vb to talk, to gossip

chwedleuwr (-wyr) nm story-teller

chwedloniaeth nf mythology

chwedlonol adj mythical, mythological

chwedlonydd (-wyr) nm mythologist

chwedyn adv: na chynt na chwedyn neither before nor after

Chwefror, Chwefrol nm February

chwennych, chwenychu vb to covet, to desire

chwenychiad (-au) nm desire

chweongl (-au) nm hexagon

chwephlyg adj sixfold

chwerthin vb to laugh ▶ nm laughter

chwerthiniad (-au) nm laugh

chwerthinllyd adj laughable, ridiculous

chwerthinog adj laughing, merry

chwerw adj bitter

chwerwder, chwerwdod nm bitterness

chwerwedd nm bitterness

chwerwi vb to grow bitter, to embitter

chwi pron you

chwib (-iau) nm whistle

chwiban vb to whistle ▶ nm whistle

chwibaniad nm whistling, whistle

chwibanogl (-au) nf whistle, flute

chwibanu vb to whistle

chwibon (-iaid) nm curlew, stork

chwifio vb to wave, to flourish, to brandish

chwiff (-iau) nf whiff, puff

chwiffiad nm whiff, jiffy

chwil1 (-od) nmf beetle, chafer

chwil2 adj whirling, reeling

chwilboeth adj scorching, piping hot

chwildroi vb to whirl, to spin

chwilen (chwilod) nf beetle

chwilenna vb to rummage; to pry; to pilfer

chwiler (-od) nm chrysalis, pupa

chwilfriw adj smashed to atoms

chwilfriwio vb to smash, to shatter

chwilfrydedd nm curiosity

chwilfrydig adj curious, inquisitive

chwilgar adj curious, inquisitive

chwilgarwch nm inquisitiveness

chwiliad (-au) nm search, scrutiny

chwiliadur (-on) nm search engine

chwilibawa, chwilibawan vb to dawdle, to trifle

chwilio vb to search; to examine

chwiliwr (-wyr) nm searcher

chwil-lys nm inquisition

chwilmantan vb to pry, to rummage

chwilolau (-oleuadau) nm searchlight

chwilota vb to rummage, to pry

chwilotwr (-wyr) nm searcher, rummager

chwim adj nimble, quick, agile

chwimder, chwimdra nm nimbleness

chwimio vb to move, to stir, to accelerate

chwimwth adj nimble, brisk

chwinc nm wink

chwinciad nm twinkling, trice

chwiorydd see chwaer

chwip (-iau) nf whip; whipping

chwipiad (-au) nm whipping

chwipio vb to whip

chwipyn adv instantly

chwirligwgan nf whirligig

chwisgi nm whisky

chwisl (-au) nm whistle

chwistrell (-au, -i) nf squirt, syringe

chwistrelliad (-au) nm injection

chwistrellu vb to squirt, to syringe, to inject

chwit-chwat adj fickle, inconstant

chwith adj left; wrong; sad; strange

chwithau pron you (on your part), you also

chwithdod, chwithdra nm strangeness

chwithig adj strange, wrong, awkward

chwithigrwydd nm awkwardness

chwiw (-iau) nf fit, attack, malady

chwiwgar adj fickle

chwychwi pron you yourselves

chwŷd, chwydiad nm vomit

chwydu vb to vomit, to spew

chwydd, chwyddi nm swelling

chwyddiant (-nnau) nm inflation; inflammation

chwyddo vb to swell, to increase, to magnify

chwyddwydr (-au) nm microscope

chwŷl (chwylion) nmf turn, rotation

chwyldro (-ion) nm rotation; orbit

chwyldroad (-au) nm revolution

chwyldroadol adj revolutionary

chwyldroadwr (-wyr) nm revolutionary

chwyldroi vb to whirl, to revolve, to rotate

chwyldrowr see chwyldroadwr

chwylolwyn (-ion) nf flywheel

chwyn (nm chwynnyn) coll n, npl weeds

chwynladdwr nm weed-killer

chwynnu vb to weed

chwyrligwgan (-od) nm spinning top, whirligig

chwyrlïo vb to whirl, to spin, to speed

chwyrlwynt (-oedd) nm whirlwind

chwyrn adj rapid, swift

chwyrnellu vb to whirl, to whiz

chwyrnu vb to hum; to snore; to snarl

chwyrnwr (-wyr) nm snorer; snarler

chwys nm sweat, perspiration

chwysfa (-feydd) nf sweating

chwysiant nm exudation

chwysigen (-igod) nf blister, vesicle

chwyslyd adj sweaty

chwystyllau npl pores

chwysu vb to sweat, to perspire; to exude

chwyswr (-wyr) nm sweater

chwyth, chwythad nm breath

chwythbib (-au) nf blowpipe

chwythbrenni npl woodwinds

chwythell (-i) nf jet

chwythiad (-au) nm blow, blast

chwythu vb to blow, to blast; to breathe; to hiss

chwythwr (-wyr) nm blower

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