Читать книгу Collins First Dictionary - Collins Dictionaries - Страница 5


How words work


A noun is a word that is used for talking about a person or thing.

arm noun

bird noun

car noun

If you have more than one of the thing, you use the word that ends in –S.


Some words have special endings, or different spellings, when there is more than one.

child ➔ children


An adjective is a word like “big” or “beautiful” that tells you more about a person or thing.

happy adjective

wild adjective

wet adjective

Adjectives can be used in different ways.

happier, happiest

wilder, wildest

wetter, wettest


A verb is a word like “sing”, “feel” or “eat” that you use for saying what someone or something does.

eat verb

cry verb

talk verb

Verbs can be used in different ways.

eats, eating, ate, eaten

cries, crying, cried

talks, talking, talked

Verbs can be used to talk about things that you are doing now.

He teaches people how to play the piano.

He is in the school football team.

They can be used to talk about things that you did in the past.

She took the plates into the kitchen.

She talked to him on the phone.

They can also be used to talk about things that you will do in the future.

Mum will be angry.

Our teacher will give the prizes to the winners.

We’ll come along later.

Tips to help you become a super speller!

When you have found a word you need in the dictionary, try to learn how to spell it using the “Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check” strategy:

Look at the word carefully. Look at its shape and length. Look at the letters in it to see if there are any letter patterns that might help you remember how to spell it in future, for example, bright, light, tight.
Say the word out loud. Think about how the word sounds! Can you spell a word that sounds like it? Does your word have a similar sound pattern in it? Sound out the word and try to spell it.
Cover the word up so you cannot see it.
Write the word down without looking at it in the dictionary. As you do this, think about how the word looks! Does it look right? Is it the right shape? Is it the right length?
Check that you have written it correctly.

Explore further at www.collins.co.uk/homeworkhelp for games, activities and extra support for parents and children.

Collins First Dictionary

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