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Оглавлениеcabbage noun cabbages
A cabbage is a round vegetable with green, white, or purple leaves.
cage noun cages
A cage is a box or a room made of bars where you keep birds or animals.
cake noun cakes
A cake is a sweet food made from flour, eggs, sugar, and butter that you bake in an oven.
calculator noun calculators
A calculator is a small machine that you use to do sums.
calendar noun calendars
A calendar is a list of all the days, weeks, and months in a year.
calf noun calves
1 A calf is a young cow.
2 Your calves are also the thick parts at the backs of your legs, between your ankles and your knees.
call verb calls, calling, called
1 If you call someone something, you give them a name.
I called my cat Pippin.
2 If you call something, you say it in a loud voice.
Someone called his name.
3 If you call someone, you talk to them on the telephone.
I’ll call you tomorrow.
Look at calf.
My calves hurt.
Look at come.
My friends came to play at my house.
camel noun camels
A camel is a large animal with one or two big lumps on its back. Camels live in hot, dry places and carry people and things.
camera noun cameras
A camera is a machine that you use to take pictures.
camp noun camps
A camp is a place where people live in tents for a short time.
can verb could
If you can do something, you are able to do it.
I can swim.
can noun cans
A can is a metal container for food or drink.
She opened a can of soup.
candle noun candles
A candle is a stick of wax with a piece of string through the middle that you burn to give you light.
cannot verb
If you cannot do something, you are not able to do it.
I cannot find my bag.
Can’t is short for cannot.
He can’t play the piano.
capital noun capitals
1 The capital of a country is the main city, where the country’s leaders work.
Paris is the capital of France.
2 A capital is also a big letter of the alphabet, for example A or R.
car noun cars
A car is a vehicle with four wheels and an engine that can carry a small number of people.
card noun cards
1 Card is stiff paper.
2 A card is a folded piece of stiff paper that has a picture on the front and a message inside. You send cards to people at special times, like birthdays.
3 Cards are pieces of stiff paper with numbers or pictures on them that you use for playing games.
cardboard noun
Cardboard is very thick, stiff paper that is used for making boxes.
care verb cares, caring, cared
1 If you care about something, you think that it is important.
He doesn’t care about the way he looks.
2 If you care for a person or an animal, you look after them.
She cared for her pets.
careful adjective
If you are careful, you think about what you are doing so that you do not make any mistakes.
Be careful when you cross the road.
careless adjective
If you are careless, you do not think about what you are doing, so that you make mistakes.
It was careless of me to forget my keys.
carpet noun carpets
A carpet is a thick, soft cover for a floor.
carrot noun carrots
A carrot is a long, orange vegetable.
carry verb carries, carrying, carried
If you carry something, you hold it and take it somewhere with you.
We carried our bags to the car.
carton noun cartons
A carton is a container made of plastic or cardboard that is used to hold food or drink.
I bought a carton of milk.
cartoon noun cartoons
1 A cartoon is a funny drawing.
2 A cartoon is also a film that uses drawings, not real people or things.
case noun cases
A case is a container that is used to hold or carry something.
He put the camera in its case.
castle noun castles
A castle is a large building with very thick, high walls. Most castles were built a long time ago to keep the people inside safe from their enemies.
cat noun cats
A cat is an animal that is covered with fur and has a long tail. People often keep small cats as pets. Large cats, for example lions and tigers, are wild.
catch verb catches, catching, caught
1 If you catch something that is moving, you take hold of it while it is in the air.
I tried to catch the ball.
2 If you catch a bus or a train, you get on it.
We caught the bus to school.
3 If you catch an illness, you become ill with it.
He caught measles.
caterpillar noun caterpillars
A caterpillar is a small animal that looks like a worm with lots of short legs. Caterpillars turn into butterflies or moths.
cattle noun
Cattle are cows and bulls.
There were cattle in the field.
Look at catch.
I jumped and caught the ball.
cauliflower noun cauliflowers
A cauliflower is a big, round, white vegetable with green leaves.
cave noun caves
A cave is a big hole in the side of a hill or a mountain, or beneath the ground.
CD noun CDs
CD is short for compact disc.
I bought the band’s new CD.
ceiling noun ceilings
A ceiling is the part of a room that is above your head.
centimetre noun centimetres
A centimetre is used for measuring the length of something. There are ten millimetres in a centimetre, and one hundred centimetres in a metre.
centre noun centres
The centre of something is the middle of it.
She stood in the centre of the room.
cereal noun cereals
1 A cereal is a food made from grains that you eat with milk for breakfast.
2 A cereal is also a kind of plant, for example wheat or rice. The seeds of cereals are used for food.
chain noun chains
A chain is a row of rings made of metal that are joined together in a line.
chair noun chairs
A chair is a seat with a back and four legs, for one person.
He suddenly got up from his chair.
chalk noun
Chalk is a kind of soft rock. You use small sticks of chalk to write or draw on a blackboard.
change verb changes, changing, changed
1 When you change something, or when it changes, it becomes different.
The caterpillar changed into a butterfly.
2 When you change, you put on different clothes.
He changed to go to the party.
change noun
Change is the money that you get back when you pay too much for something.
chapter noun chapters
A chapter is a part of a book.
This book has ten chapters.
character noun characters
1 Your character is the kind of person you are.
2 A character is also a person in a story or a film.
charge verb charges, charging, charged
If someone charges you an amount of money for something, they ask you to pay that amount for it.
They charged us too much for our meal.
chase verb chases, chasing, chased
If you chase someone, you run after them and try to catch them.
The dog chased the cat.
cheap adjective cheaper, cheapest
If something is cheap, you do not have to pay a lot of money for it.
Milk is very cheap in this shop.
check verb checks, checking, checked
If you check something, you make sure that it is right.
The teacher checked my homework.
cheek noun cheeks
Your cheeks are the sides of your face below your eyes.
My cheeks were red.
cheer verb cheers, cheering, cheered
When people cheer, they shout to show that they like something.
We all cheered when he won the race.
cheerful adjective
Someone who is cheerful is happy.
cheese noun
Cheese is a solid food that is made from milk.
cheetah noun cheetahs
A cheetah is a big wild cat with yellow fur and black spots.
cherry noun cherries
A cherry is a small, round fruit with a hard stone in the middle. Cherries are red, black, or yellow.
chew verb chews, chewing, chewed
When you chew food, you use your teeth to break it up in your mouth before you swallow it.
chick noun chicks
A chick is a very young bird.
chicken noun chickens
1 A chicken is a bird that is kept on a farm for its eggs and meat.
2 Chicken is also the meat that comes from chickens.
child noun children
A child is a young boy or girl.
chimney noun chimneys
A chimney is a long pipe above a fire. Smoke from the fire goes up the chimney and out of the building.
chimpanzee noun chimpanzees
A chimpanzee is a kind of small ape with dark fur.
chin noun chins
Your chin is the part of your face below your mouth.
A black beard covered his chin.
chip noun chips
Chips or potato chips are thin pieces of potato fried in hot oil.
chip verb chips, chipping, chipped
If you chip something, you break a small piece off it by accident.
I chipped my tooth when I fell.
chocolate noun chocolates
Chocolate is a sweet brown food that is used to make sweets, cakes, and drinks.
choose verb chooses, choosing, chose, chosen
If you choose something, you decide to have it.
You can choose any book you want.
chop verb chops, chopping, chopped
If you chop something, you cut it into pieces with a knife or an axe.
He chopped some wood for the fire.
Look at choose.
She chose a dress to wear.
Look at choose.
We have chosen which film to watch.
circle noun circles
A circle is a round shape.
circus noun circuses
A circus is a big tent where you go to see clowns and animals.
city noun cities
A city is a very big town where a lot of people live and work.
clap verb claps, clapping, clapped
When you clap, you hit your hands together to make a loud noise. People clap to show that they like something.
Everyone clapped at the end of her song.
class noun classes
A class is a group of people who are taught together.
He is in my class at school.
classroom noun classrooms
A classroom is a room in a school where children have lessons.
claw noun claws
A bird’s or an animal’s claws are the hard, sharp, curved parts at the end of its feet.
clean adjective cleaner, cleanest
Something that is clean does not have any dirt or marks on it.
Make sure your hands are clean.
clean verb cleans, cleaning, cleaned
When you clean something, you take all the dirt off it.
I clean my teeth before bedtime.
clear adjective clearer, clearest
1 If something is clear, it is easy to understand, to see, or to hear.
He gave us clear instructions on what to do.
2 If something like glass or plastic is clear, you can see through it.
The bottle was full of a clear liquid.
3 If a place is clear, it does not have anything there that you do not want.
You can cross the road when it is clear.
clear verb clears, clearing, cleared
When you clear a place, you take away all the things you do not want there.
She cleared the table.
clever adjective cleverer, cleverest
Someone who is clever can learn and understand things quickly.
She is very clever at maths.
cliff noun cliffs
A cliff is a hill with one side that is very steep. Cliffs are often beside the sea.
climb verb climbs, climbing, climbed
If you climb something, you move towards the top of it. You sometimes use your hands as well as your feet when you climb.
We climbed the tree in the garden.
cloak noun cloaks
A cloak is a very loose coat without sleeves.
clock noun clocks
A clock is a machine that shows you the time.
close verb closes, closing, closed
When you close something, you shut it.
Please close the door behind you.
close adjective closer, closest
If something is close to another thing, it is near it.
Our house is close to the park.
cloth noun cloths
1 Cloth is material that is used to make things like clothes and curtains.
2 A cloth is a piece of material that you use to clean something.
clothes noun
Clothes are the things that people wear, for example shirts, trousers, and dresses.
cloud noun clouds
A cloud is a white or grey shape that you see in the sky. Clouds are made of tiny drops of water that sometimes turn into rain.
clown noun clowns
A clown is a person who wears funny clothes and does silly things to make people laugh.
coat noun coats
You wear a coat on top of your other clothes when you go outside.
cobweb noun cobwebs
A cobweb is a very thin net that a spider makes to catch insects.
coconut noun coconuts
A coconut is a very large nut that has a very hard shell and is white inside. Coconuts are full of a liquid called coconut milk.
coffee noun
Coffee is a drink. You make it by pouring hot water on coffee beans.
Coffee beans grow on a coffee plant.
coin noun coins
A coin is a round, flat piece of metal that is used as money.
cold adjective colder, coldest
1 If you are cold, you do not feel comfortable because you are not warm enough.
Wear a jumper if you are cold.
2 If something is cold, it is not hot.
The weather is very cold.
cold noun colds
When you have a cold, you sneeze and cough a lot, and you have a sore throat.
collar noun collars
1 The collar of a shirt or jacket is the part that goes around your neck.
2 A collar is also a band that goes around the neck of a dog or cat.
collect verb collects, collecting, collected
1 If you collect things, you bring them together.
He collected wood for the fire.
2 If you collect someone from a place, you go there and take them away.
Mum collected us from school.
colour noun colours
Red, blue and yellow are the main colours. You can mix them together to make other colours.
comb noun combs
A comb is a flat piece of metal or plastic with very thin points that you use to make your hair tidy.
come verb comes, coming, came, come
When you come to a place, you move towards it or arrive there.
She came into the room.
comfortable adjective
If something is comfortable, it makes you feel good.
This is a very comfortable chair.
comic noun comics
A comic is a magazine with stories that are told in pictures.
common adjective
If things are common, you see lots of them around, or they happen often.
Foxes are quite common in this area.
compact disc noun compact discs
A compact disc is a round, flat piece of plastic that has music or information on it. Compact discs are also called CDs.
competition noun competitions
When you are in a competition, you try to show that you are the best at something.
She won the painting competition.
complete adjective
If something is complete, none of it is missing.
He had a complete set of crayons.
computer noun computers
A computer is a machine that can store a lot of information and can work things out very quickly.
We played games on our computer.
confused adjective
If you are confused, you do not understand what is happening, or you do not know what to do.
She was confused about where to go.
consonant noun consonants
A consonant is any letter of the alphabet that is not a, e, i, o, or u.
The word “book” has two consonants in it.
container noun containers
A container is something that you use to keep things in, for example a box or a bottle.
control verb controls, controlling, controlled
If you control something, you can make it do what you want.
I can control the speed by pressing this button.
cook verb cooks, cooking, cooked
When you cook food, you make it hot and get it ready to eat.
Mum was cooking dinner.
cooker noun cookers
A cooker is a machine that you use to cook food.
cool adjective cooler, coolest
Something that is cool is quite cold.
Put the milk in the fridge to keep it cool.
copy noun copies
A copy is something that is made to look like another thing.
I made a copy of the drawing.
corn noun
Corn is a long vegetable. It is covered with yellow seeds that you eat.
corner noun corners
A corner is a place where two sides join together.
He stood at the corner of the street.
correct adjective
If something is correct, there are no mistakes in it.
cost noun costs
The cost of something is the amount of money you need to buy it.
The cost of the holiday was too high.
cot noun cots
A cot is a bed for a baby, with high sides to stop the baby from falling out.
cotton noun
1 Cotton is a kind of cloth that is made from the cotton plant.
2 Cotton is also thread that you use to sew with.
cough verb coughs, coughing, coughed
When you cough, you make air come out of your throat with a sudden, loud noise.
The smoke made us cough.
could verb
If you say you could do something, you mean that you were able to do it. Could comes from the word can.
I could see through the window.
Couldn’t is short for could not.
She couldn’t open the door.
count verb counts, counting, counted
1 When you count, you say numbers in order, one after the other.
I counted from one to ten.
2 When you count all the things in a group, you add them up to see how many there are.
The teacher counted the children in the class.
country noun countries
1 A country is a part of the world with its own people and laws.
He lives in a different country.
2 The country is land that is away from towns and cities. There are farms and woods in the country.
We went for a walk in the country.
cousin noun cousins
Your cousin is the son or daughter of your uncle or aunt.
cover verb covers, covering, covered
If you cover something, you put another thing over it.
She covered the table with a cloth.
cover noun covers
A cover is something that you put over another thing.
Put a cover over the sofa to keep it clean.
cow noun cows
A cow is a large animal that is kept on farms because it gives milk.
crab noun crabs
A crab is an animal with a hard shell that lives in the sea. Crabs have large claws on their front legs.
crack verb cracks, cracking, cracked
If something cracks, it becomes damaged, and lines appear on the surface where it has broken.
The window cracked.
crane noun cranes
1 A crane is a tall machine that can lift very heavy things.
2 A crane is also a large bird with a long neck and long legs. Cranes live near water.
crash noun crashes
1 A crash is an accident when a vehicle hits something.
There was a car crash outside the school.
2 A crash is also a sudden, loud noise.
He dropped the plates with a crash.
crawl verb crawls, crawling, crawled
When you crawl, you move along on your hands and knees.
The baby crawled along the floor.
crayon noun crayons
Crayons are pencils or sticks of wax in different colours that you use for drawing.
cream noun
Cream is a thick liquid that is made from milk. You can use it in cooking or pour it over puddings.
creature noun creatures
A creature is anything that is alive, but is not a plant.
Many creatures live in the forest.
creep verb creeps, creeping, crept
1 If you creep somewhere, you move in a very slow and quiet way.
He crept up the stairs.
2 If an animal creeps, it moves along close to the ground.
The mouse crept across the room.
crew noun crews
A crew is a group of people who work together on a ship or an aeroplane.
cricket noun crickets
1 Cricket is a game where two teams take turns to hit a ball with a bat and run up and down.
2 A cricket is also a small jumping insect that rubs its wings together to make a high sound.
Look at cry.
The baby cried for its mother.
Look at cry.
She always cries at sad films.
crocodile noun crocodiles
A crocodile is a large reptile with a long body, a long mouth and sharp teeth. Crocodiles’ mouths are in the shape of a letter V.
crop noun crops
Crops are plants that people grow for food, for example potatoes and wheat.
cross verb crosses, crossing, crossed
If you cross something, you go from one side of it to the other.
Cross the road where it is safe.
cross noun crosses
A cross is a mark that you write. It looks like .
She put a cross beside my name.
cross adjective crosser, crossest
If you are cross, you feel angry about something.
Mum was cross because we were late.
crowd noun crowds
A crowd is a lot of people together in one place.
A big crowd came to see the game.
crown noun crowns
A crown is a circle made of gold or silver and jewels that kings and queens wear on their heads.
cry verb cries, crying, cried
When you cry, tears come from your eyes. People cry when they are sad or hurt.
The baby started to cry.
cry noun cries
A cry is a loud sound that you make with your voice.
I heard the cry of a bird.
cub noun cubs