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dad dads NOUN

Your dad is your father.

daddy daddies NOUN

INFORMAL Your daddy is your father.

daffodil daffodils NOUN

A daffodil is a yellow trumpet-shaped flower that blooms in the spring.

dagger daggers NOUN

A dagger is a weapon like a knife.


Something that is daily happens every day.

dairy dairies NOUN

A dairy is a shop or company that sells milk and food made from milk, such as butter and cheese.

daisy daisies NOUN

A daisy is a small wild flower with white petals and a yellow centre.

dam dams NOUN

A dam is a wall built across a river or stream to hold back water.

damage damages, damaging, damaged VERB

To damage something means to harm or spoil it.

damp damper, dampest ADJECTIVE

Something that is damp is slightly wet.

dance dances, dancing, danced VERB

When you dance, you move your body in time to music.

dandelion dandelions NOUN

A dandelion is a wild plant with bright yellow flowers.

danger dangers NOUN

A danger is something that could harm you.

dangerous ADJECTIVE

If something is dangerous, it is likely to harm you.

dare dares, daring, dared VERB

If you dare to do something, you are brave enough to do it.

dark darker, darkest ADJECTIVE

When it is dark, there is not enough light to see properly.

darkness NOUN

dart darts, darting, darted

VERB 1 If a person or animal darts, they move suddenly and quickly.

NOUN 2 A dart is a short arrow that you throw in the game of darts.

dash dashes, dashing, dashed

VERB 1 If you dash somewhere, you run or go there quickly.

NOUN 2 A dash is the punctuation mark (–) which shows a change of subject, or which may be used instead of brackets.

See Punctuation on page 270

data NOUN

Data is information, usually in the form of facts or figures.

database databases NOUN

A database is a collection of information, often stored in a computer.

date dates

NOUN 1 If someone asks you the date, you tell them the day and the month.

NOUN 2 A date is a small brown sticky fruit which grows on palm trees.

daughter daughters NOUN

A girl is the daughter of her parents.

dawn NOUN

Dawn is the time of day when it first begins to get light.

day days NOUN

A day is the 24 hours between one midnight and the next.

daylight NOUN

Daylight is the light that there is during the day before it gets dark.

dazzle dazzles, dazzling, dazzled VERB

If a light dazzles you, it is so bright that you cannot really see for a while.


A person, animal or plant that is dead is no longer living.

deaf deafer, deafest ADJECTIVE

Someone who is deaf cannot hear very well, or cannot hear at all.

deal deals, dealing, dealt

VERB 1 When you deal in a card game, you give cards to the players.

VERB 2 If you deal with something, you do what needs to be done with it.

dear dearer, dearest

ADJECTIVE 1 You use Dear at the beginning of a letter or message before the name of the person you are writing to.

ADJECTIVE 2 If something is dear, it costs a lot of money.

death NOUN

Death is the end of life, when an animal or person dies.

decade decades NOUN

A decade is a period of ten years.

decay decays, decaying, decayed VERB

When something like a plant or piece of meat decays, it becomes rotten.

deceive deceives, deceiving, deceived VERB

If someone deceives you, they make you believe something untrue.

December NOUN

December is the 12th month of the year. It has 31 days.

decide decides, deciding, decided VERB

If you decide to do something, you make up your mind to do it.

decimal decimals

ADJECTIVE 1 A decimal system involves counting in units of ten.

NOUN 2 A decimal or decimal fraction is written with a dot followed by numbers, such as 0·2, 8·35. The numbers after the dot represent tenths, hundredths and so on.

NOUN 3 A decimal point is the dot that comes between whole numbers and fractions.

NOUN 4 A decimal place is the position of a number after a decimal point.

decision decisions NOUN

A decision is a choice you make about what you think should be done.

deck decks NOUN

A deck is a floor on a ship or bus.

decorate decorates, decorating, decorated

VERB 1 If you decorate something, you add things to make it more attractive.

VERB 2 If someone decorates a room, they paper it or paint it.

decorations PLURAL NOUN

decrease decreases, decreasing, decreased VERB

If something decreases, or if you decrease it, it becomes less.

deep deeper, deepest ADJECTIVE

If something is deep, it goes a long way down. The river is very deep.

deer NOUN

A deer is a large hoofed animal. Male deer have horns called antlers.

defeat defeats, defeating, defeated VERB

If you defeat someone, you beat them in a game or battle.

defend defends, defending, defended VERB

If you defend someone or something, you do something to protect them against danger.

defence NOUN

define defines, defining, defined VERB

If you define something, you say what it is or what it means.


ADJECTIVE 1 Something that is definite is unlikely to be changed. We have a definite date for the outing.

ADJECTIVE 2 Definite can also mean certain or true. Lots of stories were going round, but they heard nothing definite.

definitely ADVERB

definition definitions NOUN

A definition explains the meaning of a word.

degree degrees

NOUN 1 A degree is a unit of measurement of temperature, for example, 20°C.

NOUN 2 In maths, a degree is a unit of measurement of angles. For example, a right angle is 90°.

delay delays, delaying, delayed VERB

If something delays you, it causes you to slow down or be late.

delete deletes, deleting, deleted VERB

If you delete some writing, you cross it out or remove it.

deliberate ADJECTIVE

If you do something that is deliberate, you do it on purpose.

deliberately ADVERB


ADJECTIVE 1 Something that is delicate is small and graceful.

ADJECTIVE 2 Someone who is delicate becomes ill easily.

delicious ADJECTIVE

Food that is delicious tastes or smells very nice.

delight delights, delighting, delighted VERB

If something delights you, it gives you a lot of pleasure.

delighted ADJECTIVE

deliver delivers, delivering, delivered VERB

If you deliver something, you take it to someone and hand it to them.

demand demands, demanding, demanded VERB

If you demand something, you say strongly that is what you want.

demonstrate demonstrates, demonstrating, demonstrated

VERB 1 If someone demonstrates something, they show you how to do it.

VERB 2 If people demonstrate, they hold a public meeting or march to show they are strongly for or against something.

demonstration NOUN

den dens NOUN

A den is the home of some wild animals such as lions or foxes.

dense denser, densest ADJECTIVE

Something dense is hard to see through. They were in a dense forest.

dent dents, denting, dented VERB

If somebody dents something, they make a dip in it by hitting it.

dentist dentists NOUN

A dentist is someone who looks after people’s teeth.

deny denies, denying, denied VERB

If you deny something, you say that it is untrue.

depart departs, departing, departed VERB

When someone or something departs from a place, they leave it.

departure NOUN

depend depends, depending, depended

VERB 1 If you depend on someone, you need them.

VERB 2 If you can depend on someone, you know you can trust them.

depth NOUN

The depth of something is how deep it is.

descend descends, descending, descended VERB

To descend means to go down.

descending ADJECTIVE

When things are in descending order, each thing is lower than the one before it. The numbers 10, 9, 8 and 7 are in descending order.

describe describes, describing, described VERB

If you describe a person or thing, you say what they are like.

description NOUN

desert deserts NOUN

A desert is very dry land with very little plant life.

deserted ADJECTIVE

If a place is deserted, there are no people there.

deserve deserves, deserving, deserved VERB

If you deserve something, you have earned it by what you have done.

design designs, designing, designed

NOUN 1 A design is a pattern that is used to decorate something.

VERB 2 If you design something, you plan it and make a drawing of it.

desk desks NOUN

A desk is a special table that you use for writing or reading.


A desktop computer is small enough to be used at a desk.

dessert desserts NOUN

A dessert is a sweet food served after the main course of a meal.

destroy destroys, destroying, destroyed VERB

To destroy something means to damage it so much it cannot be mended.

detail details NOUN

A detail is a small part or thing that you notice when you look at something carefully.

detective detectives NOUN

A detective is a person whose job is to find out who did a crime.

determined ADJECTIVE

If you are determined to do something, nothing will stop you.

develop develops, developing, developed VERB

When something develops, it grows or becomes more advanced.

dew NOUN

Dew is the small drops of water that form on surfaces outdoors at night.

diagonal ADJECTIVE

A diagonal line slants from one corner of something to the opposite corner.

diagram diagrams NOUN

A diagram is a drawing that explains something.

dial dials NOUN

A dial is a numbered disc on an instrument like a clock.

dialogue dialogues NOUN

In a story, play or film, dialogue is conversation.

diameter diameters NOUN

A diameter is a straight line drawn right through the centre of a circle.

diamond diamonds

NOUN 1 A diamond is a very hard, clear jewel which sparkles.

NOUN 2 A diamond is also a shape with four straight sides, like a square but slightly flattened.

See Colours and shapes on page 266

diary diaries NOUN

A diary is a book in which to write about what you have done.

dice NOUN

Dice are small cubes with spots on each of their six sides.

dictionary dictionaries NOUN

A dictionary is a book in which words are listed alphabetically and explained.

did VERB

Did is the past tense of do.

didn’t VERB

Didn’t is a contraction of did not.

die dies, dying, died VERB

When a person, animal or plant dies, they stop living.

diesel diesels NOUN

A diesel is a kind of engine that burns a special oil instead of petrol.

diet diets

NOUN 1 A diet is the food that a person or animal normally eats.

NOUN 2 A diet is also a special range of foods that a doctor tells someone to eat if they have a health or weight problem.

difference differences

NOUN 1 The difference between two things is the way in which they are unlike each other.

NOUN 2 In maths, you can work out the difference between two numbers by taking the smaller number away from the larger number.

different ADJECTIVE

Something that is different from something else is not like it in one or more ways.

difficult ADJECTIVE

Something that is difficult is not easy to do or understand.

difficulty NOUN

dig digs, digging, dug VERB

When people dig, they break up soil or sand with a spade or garden fork.

digest digests, digesting, digested VERB

When you digest food, your body breaks it down so that it can be used.

digestion NOUN

digit digits NOUN

A digit is a written symbol for any of the numbers from 0 to 9. For example, 384 is a three-digit number.


ADJECTIVE 1 Digital instruments such as watches have changing numbers instead of a dial with hands.

See analogue

NOUN 2 Digital television is television in which the picture is sent in digital form.

dim dimmer, dimmest ADJECTIVE

If the light is dim, it is rather dark and it is hard to see things.

din NOUN

A din is a loud, annoying noise.

dining room dining rooms NOUN

A dining room is the room where people have their meals.

dinner dinners NOUN

Dinner is the main meal of the day.

dinosaur dinosaurs NOUN

A dinosaur was a large reptile which lived and became extinct in prehistoric times.

dip dips, dipping, dipped VERB

If you dip something into a liquid, you put it in quickly.

direct directs, directing, directed

VERB 1 If you direct someone, you show them the way to go.

VERB 2 A person who directs something, like a film, is in charge of it.

ADJECTIVE 3 Direct means in a straight line without stopping, for example on a journey. Is there a direct flight to Paris?

direction directions

NOUN 1 A direction is the way in which someone or something is moving or pointing.

NOUN 2 Directions are instructions that tell you what to do or which way to go.

dirt NOUN

Dirt is dust, mud or stains on a surface or fabric.

dirty dirtier, dirtiest ADJECTIVE

Something that is dirty is marked or covered with mud or stains.

disabled ADJECTIVE

A disabled person has a condition or injury that makes it hard or impossible to do some things.

disability NOUN

disagree disagrees, disagreeing, disagreed VERB

If you disagree with someone, you think what they are saying is wrong.

disappear disappears, disappearing, disappeared VERB

If someone disappears, they go out of sight.

disappoint disappoints, disappointing, disappointed VERB

If something disappoints you, it is not as good as you thought it would be.

disappointment NOUN

disapprove VERB

If you disapprove of something, you think it is wrong or bad.

disaster disasters NOUN

A disaster is something very bad that happens, such as an air crash.

disastrous ADJECTIVE

disc discs NOUN

A disc is a flat round object.

discover discovers, discovering, discovered VERB

When you discover something, you find it or find out about it.

discovery NOUN

discuss discusses, discussing, discussed VERB

When you discuss something, you talk about it with someone else.

discussion NOUN

disease diseases NOUN

A disease is an illness in people, animals or plants.

disguise disguises NOUN

A disguise is something that changes the way you look, so that people do not recognize you.

disgust NOUN

Disgust is a feeling of strong dislike for someone or something.

dish dishes NOUN

A dish is a shallow container for cooking or serving meals in.

dishonest ADJECTIVE

If someone is dishonest, they are not to be trusted.

dishwasher dishwashers NOUN

A dishwasher is a machine that washes things like plates.

disk disks NOUN

A disk is used for storing information in a computer.

dislike dislikes, disliking, disliked VERB

If you dislike someone or something, you do not like them.

dismiss dismisses, dismissing, dismissed VERB

When someone in authority dismisses you, they tell you to leave.

display displays NOUN

A display is an arrangement of things which is done to show to people.

dissolve dissolves, dissolving, dissolved VERB

If something dissolves in a liquid, it becomes mixed in with it.

See solution

distance distances NOUN

The distance between two things is the amount of space between them.


Distant means far away.

distinct ADJECTIVE

If something is distinct, you can hear or see it clearly.

distribute distributes, distributing, distributed VERB

If you distribute things like leaflets, you hand them out to several people.

district districts NOUN

A district is the area around a place. He’s the only doctor in this district.

disturb disturbs, disturbing, disturbed VERB

If you disturb someone, you interrupt them or spoil their peace and quiet.

disturbance disturbances NOUN

A disturbance is something that spoils people’s peace and quiet.

ditch ditches NOUN

A ditch is a channel dug at the side of a road or field, to drain water.

dive dives, diving, dived VERB

To dive is to jump head first into water with your arms above your head.

diver NOUN

divide divides, dividing, divided

VERB 1 When something is divided, it is separated into smaller parts.

VERB 2 When you divide numbers, you share them into equal groups. For example, 15 can be divided into 3 groups of 5, or 5 groups of 3. 15 ÷ 3 = 5 or 15 ÷ 5 = 3

division divisions

NOUN 1 Division is separating something into two or more parts.

NOUN 2 In maths, division is the process of dividing one number by another. The sign ÷ is used for division.

divorce divorces NOUN

A divorce is the legal ending of a marriage.

Diwali NOUN

Diwali is a Hindu festival of light that is celebrated in the autumn.

dizzy dizzier, dizziest ADJECTIVE

If you feel dizzy, your head feels funny, as if you are going to fall over.

do does, doing, did, done

VERB 1 If you do something, you get on and finish it. Have you done your work?

VERB 2 Do can be used with other verbs. Do you want some more?

doctor doctors NOUN

A doctor is a person who treats people when they are ill.

document documents

NOUN 1 A document is a piece of paper which is an official record of something.

NOUN 2 A document is also a piece of text stored as a file in a computer.

dodge dodges, dodging, dodged VERB

If you dodge, you move suddenly out of the way.

does VERB

Does is a present tense form of do.

doesn’t VERB

Doesn’t is a contraction of does not.

dog dogs NOUN

A dog is an animal. Dogs bark and are often kept as pets, or used to guard things.

doll dolls NOUN

A doll is a child’s toy that looks like a baby or a small person.

dollar dollars NOUN

A dollar is a unit of money in countries such as the USA and Australia.

dolphin dolphins NOUN

A dolphin is a mammal which lives in the sea.

dome domes NOUN

A dome is a round roof.

done VERB

Done is the past participle of do.

donkey donkeys NOUN

A donkey is an animal like a small horse, with longer ears.

don’t VERB

Don’t is a contraction of do not.

door doors NOUN

A door swings or slides to open and close the entrance to something.

dose doses NOUN

A dose is the amount of a medicine that you have to take.

dot dots NOUN

A dot is a small round mark.


If something is double the size or amount of something else, it is twice as big.

doubt doubts NOUN

If you have a doubt about something, you are not sure about it.


ADJECTIVE 1 If you are doubtful about something, you are not sure about it.

ADJECTIVE 2 Something that is doubtful seems unlikely or uncertain.

dough NOUN

Dough is the floury mixture used to make things like pastry or bread.

doughnut doughnuts NOUN

A doughnut is a ring of sweet dough cooked in hot fat.

dove doves NOUN

A dove is a bird like a small pigeon.


PREPOSITION 1 If you go down a hill, you go to a lower level.

ADVERB 2 If you put something down, you put it on a surface.

ADVERB 3 If an amount of something goes down, it gets less. My pocket money’s gone down.

NOUN 4 Down is soft feathers.

download downloads, downloading, downloaded VERB

When you download a program from a disk or from the Internet, you move it into a file on your own computer.

downstairs ADVERB

If you go downstairs, you go towards the ground floor.

doze dozes, dozing, dozed VERB

When you doze, you sleep lightly.

dozen dozens NOUN

If you have a dozen things, you have 12 of them.

draft drafts NOUN

A draft is an early rough version of something you are writing.

drag drags, dragging, dragged VERB

If you drag a heavy object, you pull it along the ground.

dragon dragons NOUN

In stories, a dragon is a fierce animal like a big lizard. It has wings and claws and breathes fire.

dragonfly dragonflies NOUN

A dragonfly is a brightly-coloured insect, usually found near water.

See Insects on page 264

drain drains, draining, drained

NOUN 1 A drain is a pipe that carries water away.

VERB 2 If a liquid drains away, it flows slowly to somewhere else.

drake drakes NOUN

A drake is a male duck.

drama dramas

NOUN 1 A drama is a serious play for the theatre, television or radio.

NOUN 2 Drama is exciting and interesting things that happen.

dramatic ADJECTIVE

Something dramatic is very exciting and interesting.

dramatically ADVERB

drank VERB

Drank is the past tense of drink.

draught draughts

NOUN 1 A draught is a current of cold air coming into a room or vehicle.

PLURAL NOUN 2 Draughts is a game played with round pieces on a board.

draw draws, drawing, drew, drawn

VERB 1 When you draw, you use something like a pencil or crayon to make a picture or a pattern.

VERB 2 When you draw the curtains, you pull them across a window.

NOUN 3 A draw is the result in a game or competition in which nobody wins.

drawer drawers NOUN

A drawer is a box that slides in and out of a piece of furniture.

drawing drawings NOUN

A drawing is a picture made with a pencil, pen or crayon.

dread dreads, dreading, dreaded VERB

If you dread something, you feel worried and frightened about it.

dreadful ADJECTIVE

Something that is dreadful is very bad or unpleasant.

dream dreams, dreaming, dreamed or dreamt

VERB 1 When you dream, you see events in your mind while you are asleep.

VERB 2 If you dream while you are awake, you think about things you would like to happen.

dream NOUN

dress dresses, dressing, dressed

VERB 1 When you dress, you put on your clothes.

NOUN 2 A dress is a piece of clothing for women or girls made up of a skirt and top joined together.

drew VERB

Drew is the past tense of draw.

dribble dribbles, dribbling, dribbled

VERB 1 When babies dribble, water trickles from their mouth.

VERB 2 When players dribble the ball in a game like football, they kick it several times quickly to keep it moving.

drift drifts, drifting, drifted

VERB 1 When something drifts, it is carried along slowly by wind or water.

NOUN 2 A drift is a pile of snow heaped up by the wind.

drill drills NOUN

A drill is a tool for making holes.

drink drinks, drinking, drank, drunk

VERB 1 When you drink, you take liquid into your mouth and swallow it.

NOUN 2 A drink is a liquid which you swallow to stop you being thirsty.

drip drips, dripping, dripped VERB

When something drips, drops of liquid fall from it one after the other.

drive drives, driving, drove, driven VERB

If someone drives a vehicle, they make it move and control it.

driver drivers NOUN

The driver of a vehicle is the person who is driving it.

drop drops, dropping, dropped

VERB 1 If you drop something, you let it fall.

NOUN 2 A drop is a tiny amount of liquid.

drought droughts NOUN

A drought is a long period of time when no rain falls.

drove VERB

Drove is the past tense of drive.

drown drowns, drowning, drowned VERB

If someone drowns, they die because they have gone under water and cannot breathe.

drug drugs NOUN

A drug is a substance that is used to treat or prevent disease, or stop pain. Some drugs can be dangerous.

drum drums NOUN

A drum is a musical instrument which you hit to make a noise. It has skin stretched tightly over the end.

drunk VERB

Drunk is the past participle of drink.

dry drier or dryer, driest ADJECTIVE

Something that is dry has no water in it at all.

dry VERB

duck ducks NOUN

A duck is a common water bird with short legs and webbed feet.


If something is due at a particular time, it should happen then.

dug VERB

Dug is the past tense of dig.

dull duller, dullest

ADJECTIVE 1 Something that is dull is not interesting.

ADJECTIVE 2 Dull means not bright.

ADJECTIVE 3 A dull pain is not sharp.


Someone who is dumb is unable to speak.


Something that happens during a period of time happens in that period. I worked during the holidays.

dusk NOUN

Dusk is the part of the day when it is beginning to get dark.

dust NOUN

Dust is dry fine powdery material such as particles of earth, dirt or pollen.


dustbin dustbins NOUN

A dustbin is a large container with a lid, for rubbish.

duty duties NOUN

A duty is something you feel you should do. He only went to see his aunt because he felt it was his duty.

duvet duvets NOUN

A duvet is a bed cover filled with feathers or other light material.


DVD is an abbreviation for digital video disc. It is a disc on which a film or music is recorded.

dye dyes, dyeing, dyed VERB

If you dye something such as hair or cloth, you change its colour by soaking it in a special liquid.

dying VERB

Dying is the present participle of die.

Collins Junior Illustrated Dictionary

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