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1. Mencius, II, i, ch. 1.

2. Etudes Sur l’Astronomie Indienne et sur l’Astronomie Chinoise, pp. 376-382.

3. In the Official Book of Kâu, a work of the twelfth century before our era, Book XXVI, par. 25, in the enumeration of the duties of the astronomer-royal of that day, there is mentioned the determination of 'the places of the twenty-eight stars', meaning 'the principal stars in the twenty-eight lunar mansions.' The names of the stars and their mansions are not mentioned;--surely a sufficient indication that they were even then well known. See Biot's Etudes sur l’Astronomie Indienne, &c., pp. 112, 113.

4. Egypt's Place in Universal History, III. pp. 400, 401.

5. Etudes sur l’Astronomie Indienne, &c., pp. 361-366.

Shu King

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