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Table of Contents




Chapter I. The Nature and History of the Shû

Chapter II. The Credibility of the Records in the Shû

Chapter III. On the Chronology of China, and the Principal Eras in the Shû

A Chart by Rev. Professor Pritchard

Part I: The Book of Thang

The Canon of Yâo

Part II: The Books of Yü

Book 1. The Canon of Shun

Book 2. The Counsels of the Great Yü

Book 3. The Counsels of Kâo-yâo

Book 4. The Yî and Kî

Part III: The Books of Hsiâ

Book 1. The Tribute of Yü

Book 2. The Speech at Kan

Book 3. The Songs of the Five Sons

Book 4. The Punitive Expedition of Yin

Part IV: The Books of Shang

Book 1. The Speech of Thang

Book 2. The Announcement of Kung-hui

Book 3. The Announcement of Thang

Book 4. The Instructions of Î

Book 5. The Thâi Kiâ

Book 6. The Common Possession of Pure Virtue

Book 7. The Pan-kăng

Book 8. The Charge to Yüeh

Book 9. The Day of the Supplementary Sacrifice to Kâo Ȝung

Book 10. The Chief of the West's Conquest of Lî

Book 11. The Count of Wei

Part V: The Books of Kâu

Book 1. The Great Declaration

Book 2. The Speech at Mû

Book 3. The Successful Completion of the War

Book 4. The Great Plan

Book 5. The Hounds of Lü

Book 6. The Metal-bound Coffer

Book 7. The Great Announcement

Book 8. The Charge to the Count of Wei

Book 9. The Announcement to the Prince of Khang

Book 10. The Announcement About Drunkenness

Book 11. The Timber of the Rottlera

Book 12. The Announcement of the Duke of Shâo

Book 13. The Announcement Concerning Lo

Book 14. The Numerous Officers

Book 15. Against Luxurious Ease

Book 16. The Prince Shih

Book 17. The Charge to Kung of Ȝhâi

Book 18. The Numerous Regions

Book 19. The Establishment of Government

Book 20. The Officers of Kâu

Book 21. The Kün-khăn

Book 22. The Testamentary Charge

Book 23. The Announcement of King Khang

Book 24. The Charge to the Duke of Pî

Book 25. The Kün-yâ

Book 26. The Charge to Khiung

Book 27. The Marquis of Lü on Punishments

Book 28. The Charge to the Marquis Wăn

Book 29. The Speech at Pî

Book 30. The Speech of the Marquis of Khin

Shu King

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