Easy Weight Loss Online Companion

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Courtenay J.D. Perks. Easy Weight Loss Online Companion
Day 1 “Some people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say, just in what they are.”
Achieving your ideal weight is possible for everyone. Your body was programmed to stay at its most healthy, provided you feed it well and use it
Day 2. All thought is creative — create you — healthy, fit, thin
Release any doubts that you cannot achieve what you want
Diet Recipe – Steamed Ling over Spinach
Day 3. Healthy food makes you thin and strong
Commit to goals, now. Goals become reality with commitment
Day 4. Learn what choices you have and be aware of them
Learn from the setbacks and mistakes you make. Move forward
Day 5. Everyday you get closer to achieving your ideal weight and your ideal body
You can too buy skinny jeans
Day 6. You are in control of what you eat
Maintaining your ideal weight is easy when you live healthy
Healthy Treat Recipe — Guilt-free Chocolate Cupcakes
Day 7. Today is a chance to develop a strong body and a strong mind
If you love your body, it will love you back
Day 8. Stop admiring other people for their bodies. You can make them admire yours
Alkalise your blood with chlorophyll. 1-2 teaspoons in water everyday
Diet Recipe — Chicken Stir Fry
Day 9. You will find inner strength when you most need it
Things will not just happen for you – make things happen
Day 10. Fitness is a way of life
If you want to change your life, start by changing your choices
Day 11 “Use your body every way you can. Don’t be afraid of what it can do.”
“Do something today that your future self will thank you for.”
Day 12 “Life is not merely being alive, but being well.” Edward Smith Stanley
“Today I will do what others wont. So tomorrow I can do what others can’t.”
Day 13. Today is a chance to change yesterday’s mistakes
Adopt healthy habits; avoid rubbish in your system. Eat clean
Day 14. Today make choices that make you feel fabulous
Start the day with hot water and fresh lemon juice. Clean your body. A clean body is efficient, and an efficient fat burner
Healthy Treat Recipe— Chocolate Spread
Day 15. Make healthy living your priority. Decide what needs changing. Make it happen
Do you need to work on your stress levels, or rest and recovery time? Do it
Diet Recipe — Turkey Burgers
Day 16. Eat your whole grains during the day and avoid grains at night
“A healthy diet begins with what you leave out.” Paul Nixon
Day 17. If you dedicate time to exercise, make it count. Work out – hard
“Yoga is the fountain of youth. You’re only as young as your spine is flexible.” Bob Harper
Day 18. Eat junk, crave junk. Eat healthy food, crave healthy foods. Retrain your taste buds
Stop waiting for magic to happen. Weight loss will not come to you if you don’t make changes and educated choices
Day 19. Work out to earn your rest and recovery
B group vitamins help metabolise alcohol out of the body. Miso Soup and brown rice are perfect hangover recovery food
Day 20 “Your goals minus your doubts, equal your reality.” Ralph Marstont
Weight Loss Tip: throw out salad dressing – it’s full of empty calories. Use fresh lemon juice and olive oil
Day 21. Dedication – “the act of binding yourself to a course of action”. Dedicate time for yourself and results will come
Eat healthily, exercise and live the best life that you can. Be fit and healthy and an inspiration to your children, family and friends
Healthy Treat Recipe — Custard
Day 22. Alkalise you body with dark leafy greens. Hide a little fresh spinach in a berry smoothie
“Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying” W Clement Stone
Diet Recipe — Breakfast Parfait
Day 23 “Goals are the fuel in the furnace.”
Write down your thoughts. Keep a log of positive thoughts and impacts you can make in your own life
Day 24. Need motivation? Pick an event and start a training program
Take a break from gluten, especially wheat. Supplement with gentler options. Try spelt, buckwheat or quinoa grains, breads and pastas
Day 25 “Nothing much happens without a dream. For something great to happen it takes a really great dream.” Robert Greenleaf
“Life is full of beauty, notice it” Be happy with the life you have, and be thankful. Use that positivity to make positive choices
Day 26. Nothing in life is free. Work hard and reap the rewards
Look past food for comfort. Look instead to things of beauty such as inspiring art, fashion or books to lift your spirits
Day 27. Good nutrition, exercise and sleep will boost mental clarity
What you eat will create the body you have
Day 28. A calorie deficit of 250 every day equals weight loss of half a kilo each week
If you prioritize yourself, those around you benefit from how you feel
Healthy Treat Recipe — Coconut Date Balls
Day 29. No excuses parents – exercise with your kids. Playtime can be great calorie burner
Diet tips for mums. Don’t eat children’s left overs. Invest in a composting system
Diet Recipe — Prawn Stir Fry
Day 30. Do something every week that makes you feel happy and healthy at the same time
“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time.” Barack Obama
Day 31. Mathematics with EWLOL eat well + train hard + sleep deep = look good
Use coconut oil in baking instead of copha (kremelta, vegetaline, palmin) – avoid trans-fats
Day 32. Stop the ageing process by eating your dose of vitamin E foods. Found in spinach, almonds, sunflower seeds and eggs
Mineral rich Epsom salt baths help you sleep, lower stress levels, flush out toxins, aid fluid retention and weight loss
Day 33 “Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are.” Jean Brillat-Savarin
Letting a goal get out of reach – don’t let it happen to you, Ever!
Day 34. Drink Japanese green tea at every meal. Green tea, especially Japanese green tea increases fat burning
Sourdough bread has the least impact on sugar levels. The fermentation process changes the action of starches
Day 35. Defy genetics – everyone can have their best body
Eating healthy fats helps support your metabolism and burns fat
Healthy Treat Recipe — Chocolate Mousse
Day 36. Dietary fiber is your good friend. Vegetables are where she lives, for high energy and a flat belly
Lift weights to speed up your metabolism and burn calories all-day, even when you are sleeping
Diet Recipe — Breakfast Quinoa
Day 37. Eating adzuki beans helps to burn fat and balance your metabolism
Excuses are bad. Action is good
Day 38. Reduce acidity in your blood, eat dark green vegies. Dark circles under your eyes will disappear
Go easy on veg that grows below the ground. More nutrients and fewer calories are found in veg that grows above the ground
Day 39. Have fun with your workout – “you don’t have to take it seriously, you just have to take it regularly.”
Don’t mistake hunger for thirst. Hunger is often mistaken for thirst, as the body craves hydration in a similar way that it craves sustenance. Drink up!
Day 40. Exercise is the best thing you can do for yourself
Your body needs protein to help burn fat. Protein builds muscle, muscle speeds up the metabolism. Your metabolism burns fat
Day 41. Eat more low calorie foods, and fill up on these at meal times
Eat to live, don’t live to eat
Day 42. Don’t go for seconds. Walk away. Do something to distract you
Limit alcohol consumption. Avoid the empty calories, function better, work out harder and make better food choices the next day
Healthy Recipe — Banana Buckwheat Pancakes
Day 43. Use psyllium husk daily, for fiber
Never ever skip breakfast. You will make improper food choices later on in the day
Diet Recipe — Berry Compote
Day 44. Eat cleaner foods, and choose food that has been tampered with the least
Keep a journal on your intake of food to keep yourself on track
Day 45. If you feel emotional, sit and feel that emotion. Don’t eat to make it go away
Don’t use food to reward yourself. Think of other ways. A new book, a long hot bath, a facial?
Day 46. Lose weight, if not for yourself, for the ones you love
Enjoy your weekly treat meal. It shocks your body and makes it burn extra calories. Rewarding and beneficial!
Day 47. Did you know that exercise is proven to alleviate symptoms of depression
If you feel a little hungry, sometimes it’s best to ignore it a little – wait until mealtime. It’s just around the corner
Day 48. For easy weight loss drink celery tea. It also combats fluid retention
Lose weight, because life is better at your healthy weight range
Day 49. Everyday you have a choice to live a fit life
Start the day thankful for your life and who you are
Healthy Treat Recipe — Chocolate Pudding
Day 50. Take Royal Jelly capsules for extra energy and stamina
Get moving to kill sluggishness
Diet Recipe — Chicken Stew
Day 51. Clear out your pantry of foods that tempt you to eat badly
Eat nutrient rich foods at all times. Avoid empty calories, even if it’s just a once off treat. Make your calorie intake count toward a healthier body
Day 52. Don’t eat deep-fried foods. The fat content is such a waste of calorie intake
Check labels for hidden sugars
Day 53. Smile more! And never feel guilty about taking time out for yourself
Throughout the day remember why you want to lose weight
Day 54. Make healthy choices. Turn away from negative impacts on your health
Exercise increases your energy levels – it doesn’t reduce it
Day 55. Lose weight to feel sexy in your own skin
Energy and vitality is who you are today
Healthy Treat Recipe — Chocolate Chip Cookies
Day 56. Other people lose weight everyday. You can too
“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that.” Mark Twain
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Ingredients (Serves 2):
1 garlic crushed
2/3 cup agave nectar, or maple syrup
1/3 cup sunflower oil or macadamia oil