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Even when the answer is no, if your intent is to genuinely help, there is a much greater chance the client may call on you in the future.

If you’re like most people, hearing “no” immediately triggers an unpleasant physical and emotional response—especially if you’re on the spot in an important discussion.

You bristle, your heart starts to race, and you might break out in a sweat. Meanwhile, your mind is flooded with defensive or negative thoughts, or it’s busy preparing counterarguments and claims. Your ego can come to the fore emotionally. Your face can literally go red. And if your ego gets involved, you’re already in trouble, because the fact is that the human brain cannot respond emotionally and logically at the same time.

Your ability to use a “no” constructively relies on your ability to process the emotions and think through potential objections ahead of time. If it comes, you’re ready for it and you can respond.

Top salespeople have a practiced ability to stay centered, calm, objective, and clear-headed, even under pressure. Many have reported that through practice, their ability to maintain their composure increases in direct proportion to the degree of pressure that is being applied.

Your role

Closing the Sale

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