Читать книгу This Heart Within Me Burns - From Bedlam to Benidorm (Revised & Updated) - Crissy Rock - Страница 7




Crissy Rock is a remarkable woman and she tells a story that would break your heart. We met, as she describes, through a mutual friend, Ricky Tomlinson. We were casting a film called Ladybird Ladybird, written by Rona Munro, based on a true story of a woman whose life was wrecked by abusive relationships but who was unable to escape the stereotypical way she was seen by others. I think Crissy and I met several times during the casting. Each time the truth of her responses in the imaginary scenes we set up became more impressive.

Throughout the filming, her energy was prodigious. We would shoot emotional and disturbing sequences for maybe 10 hours or more. Behind the camera we would all be quite drained. Crissy would clap her hands and demand to know where the action was to be that evening. Like all good actors, she communicates directly, eye to eye, with the others. Her reactions are instinctive and authentic.

As Maggie Conlan, she was touching, not only because she was vulnerable but also because she was a fighter. It was her refusal to be beaten, despite all the unspeakable disasters that happened to her, that moved the audience. Of course, those qualities are not only true of Maggie Conlan, they are true of Crissy herself. To survive her early life she needed great resilience but to come through with wit and a warm spirit shows a strength that is quite extraordinary. I cannot think of anyone I have worked with who shines more brightly.

I hope Crissy’s demons are finally vanquished. But, partly because of them, may she continue to astonish us with her work.

This Heart Within Me Burns - From Bedlam to Benidorm (Revised & Updated)

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