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Chapter 3

Sex Has Everything to Do with It

After their trip to Super Target, Burgundy had been home for thirty minutes when she heard a noise coming from out front. An engine shut off. A heavy door slammed. She logged into her home security app and viewed the live footage of what was happening outside her front door.

She programmed the alarm system to shut off and then hurried down the hallway before the bell could ring.

When she opened the door, Burgundy couldn’t help but laugh.

Edmund Langston Murray looked like he was about to knock. He nearly fell on the floor right inside the doorway. But she caught him by the arm and managed to keep him from falling and making a fool of himself.

“Elm,” Burgundy told him. Elm was Edmund’s initials and her nickname for him. “You’re too funny.”

“I’m glad you see the humor and I hope your security camera did not tape that.”

They both laughed. She allowed him in the house and he followed her in the hallway. She stopped walking. His eyes met hers, then softened. She let him embrace her. Edmund held Burgundy with a strength that made her feel safe and cherished. His scruffy beard caressed her soft cheek and he started to nibble on her earlobe.

She and Edmund had known each other for years on friendly terms. He owned a successful fried catfish chain. Burgundy and Nate owned a brunch business called Morning Glory. She and her husband also owned some barber shops named Baller Cutz.

Because they ran in the same circles, she and Edmund would cross each other’s paths at various civic events. They’d meet for lunch and discussed the highs and lows of restaurant ownership. But, last summer, he confided in her about the recent divorce that he had endured. She and Edmund were the same age. Ambitious and attractive, they shared easy-going, frank conversations and found themselves becoming close friends as well as business associates.

Since Nate died, they’d become even closer.

With him now in her house giving her a much-needed hug, Burgundy shut both her eyes and felt herself relax. It felt wonderful yet strange to be locked in an embrace with another man.

She enjoyed the feeling of skin touching skin. His body felt tight and solid, comforting and oddly delicious.

“This feels good,” she finally allowed herself to murmur. Edmunds’s lips brushed against the top of her wayward-looking hair. That’s one of the qualities she appreciated about him. No matter how imperfect she looked, he still treated her with utmost kindness and respect.

“It does feel good, and you look good too, Burg.”

“Please don’t call me that.”

Burg was the nickname that Nate had given her.

“Okay, sorry about that. You look damned good, Burgundy. That better?”

“Much better.”

Burgundy allowed her eyes to close as she leaned into Edmund for a friendly, much-needed kiss. She pressed her body into his. The heat from his chest made her moan. She felt herself weakening.


Burgundy’s eyes flew open.

Natalia gave Burgundy a vicious look.

“Mommy, what are you doing? Who is this man? Why is he always at our house?”

“Natalia Anne Taylor!” Burgundy stared apologetically at Edmund.

“Hey, no problem,” he said. He relinquished his protective hold of Burgundy and tried to offer Natalia a friendly smile.

“Natalia, is it?”

For the past few months since they’d been hanging out, Burgundy had talked to Edmund about her daughters on numerous occasions. Friendly chatter about her girls’ activities but nothing too personal. Then Nate had died unexpectedly. It was a shock to Burgundy’s system and shattered her entire world. Edmund quickly comforted her in private and was there for her as long as she needed him. Lately, he’d just begun to pay a few visits to her house in a suburban area called The Woodlands, Texas. Burgundy made sure the girls were tucked in bed long before Edmund came by, but somehow Natalia always knew when he visited her mom. Usually it would be late at night. When she’d hear Edmund’s voice, she’d sneak out of her bedroom and quietly tiptoe halfway down the staircase. Natalia would sit on the steps, lean in and listen, her mind wildly racing in multiple directions as she assessed the situation. One time, Natalia even boldly came all the way down to the first floor and nearly bumped into Edmund when he rounded the corner as he exited the powder room. He gave her an awkward stare, said hello, and dashed away.

Since then, Natalia had seen him come to the house to check on Burgundy. Of course, many relatives, friends and associates had also come by the house to help out, but Natalia perceived there was something different about this man.

But on this particular day, when everything came to a head as she saw her mom embrace Edmund, Natalia was ready to stand her ground and not just look, wonder, and quietly walk away.

When the girl responded to Edmund, she bore the demeanor of an aristocrat.

“Yes, I am Natalia Taylor,” she finally said. “I’m named after my father Nathaniel Taylor. He died. Did you know he was dead?” Anguish was written firmly across her childlike face.

“My father was supposed to take me to the daddy-daughter dance and teach me a lot of important things about life, but he can’t now. But I still wish that he could.”

“I’m sorry to hear about your father.”

“Thank you.”

“He would be proud of you if he could see you right now.”

“Hmm,” she said in a curious voice. “Did you ever know my daddy?”

Edmund discreetly backed away from Natalia.

Burgundy felt bad. She’d found out the hard way you can’t child-proof this child.

“Did you know Daddy died when mommy wasn’t even at home? She was out of town when he died. Did you know that?”

When Edmund failed to answer her question, she continued with her probe.

“Why are you always here?”

“Natalia?” Burgundy said, this time feeling very irritated. “Please. This is our company.”

“He’s not my company. If he was my company you would have come and told me.”

“He just got here,” Burgundy explained.

“But what about the other times when he’d be here a long, long time and you never told me that we had company? It’s because he’s not real company.”

“Natalia, don’t be rude.”

Natalia stubbornly crossed her bony hands across her flat chest. For some reason it seemed like the girl had sprouted another inch or two. Not just in height but also in knowingness.

The air was wrought with tension as mother and daughter continued to stare each other down.

“Natalia Anne Taylor, did you hear me ask you a question? Are you going to tell your mother where you heard that mess from?”

“I heard it from TV.”


“Cable TV.”

“How can you do that when I have child-proofed the channels?”

“I learned how to unlock it.”

“What? You’d better not be messing around with those parental controls.”

Natalia looked frightened. “I’m sorry, Mommy. Am I in trouble?”

“It depends. Who taught you how to do that?”

“Daddy did. He snuck and did it and he didn’t want you to know.”

Burgundy sighed. “Why would that man do something that doesn’t even make any sense?”

Natalia asked again. “Am I going to get put in time out?”

“I don’t want you to mess around with the TV like that anymore. And I won’t tolerate you speaking to my guest like you’re grown. You heard me, Natalia?”

“Yes, ma’am.” She hesitated. “I don’t want to be in time out. I wanted to play with you, Mommy. But I can’t because you have company.”

Burgundy gawked at Natalia in dismay, not certain if she should believe her or question if her quick-witted daughter was testing her.

“Whoa,” Edmund said. “It sounds like I’m interfering with some mommy-daughter time. It sounds like she’s unhappy because I’m stealing you away from her. I’m sorry, Burgundy.”

“Look, you don’t have to apologize,” she replied.

“Oh, but I do.”

“No, you don’t.”

“Yes, he does,” Natalia replied.

Burgundy had had enough. She yanked Natalia by the elbow and thrust her directly in front of her so that the girl had to look up into her mother’s fiery eyes. Burgundy wanted to box the child across her sassy mouth but she knew that the girl would call 911 quicker than she could scream for help.

“If you really think you’re grown, Natalia, I will do something to prove that you’re not.”

“W-what did you say, Mommy?”

“If you’re so grown, I’d love to see you prove it. If you’re that much of an adult, you can move out this house, be a grownup and live in your own place instead of being here.”

Edmund shook his head. “Burgundy, no, please don’t say things like that—”

“No, I’m sorry but she’s gone too far.”

“Sounds like you’re going too far too, sweetie,” he gently told her.

“Stay out of it, Edmund, please. Let me handle this my way.” Burgundy was so frustrated. Everything solid thing in her life seemed to be crumbling apart, but one thing she would not allow was her daughter to control her life and disrespect her very good friend, a supportive man whom she did not want to scare away.

“Natalia, if you think you know so much, find your own place to live so you won’t have to see who I invite to the house that I maintain. A lovely home that me and your daddy provided so you can have a roof over your head, food to eat, the comforts of a good life, and all those pretty clothes you like to wear. You talk a lot of stuff, but when you’re grown, really grown, you have to figure out everything all by yourself. How to solve your own problems. How to do it all by your damned self.”

For once Natalia lacked a comeback. It appeared that what Burgundy was saying didn’t completely register in her mind. The girl remained in quiet contemplation and Burgundy was pleased to sense that her authority was no longer being challenged.

“So, Nat, what’s it going to be? Are you smart enough to make it on your own, find your own place to stay, get a job, and take yourself to school? Huh?”

Edmund again shook his head at Burgundy.

“Burgundy, um, I may be overstepping my boundaries, but I really don’t think you should be saying things like that to a child.”

“I don’t think you should be saying that to me seeing that you’ve never been a father to any child.”

Edmund flashed a look of anger. “Burgundy. Let’s go somewhere private. We should talk.”

Burgundy released her firm grip from Natalia’s elbow. She was still steaming mad at the girl even though it seemed like Natalia had shrunken right in front of her. Burgundy wasn’t only mad at her daughter. She was disappointed in herself.

But as she thought things through, when it came to Edmund and his sudden frequent presence at a recently widowed woman’s house, maybe Natalia was right—once again.

Natalia finally escaped up the stairs. Burgundy heard the door of her bedroom slam shut. It made her feel even worse . . . about everything.

“Edmund, sweetie . . . I-I’m sorry for that low-blow comment.”

“No problem.”

“And I do want to be sensitive to my daughter’s feelings. Maybe we can see each other during business hours only. Not after work. Not until I figure out how to handle my kids and make sure their emotional and physical needs are met.”

“Hey, you don’t have to explain. I may not be a father, but I understand.”

Edmund leaned in for an innocent goodbye peck to show that he wasn’t holding any type of grudge, but Burgundy turned him down.

“Let’s connect later . . . when the time is right, okay, Edmund?”

He told her he’d check on her in a few hours then he turned around and left.

That evening everything between Burgundy and the girls went well.

She had reestablished the routine that she and Nate had created years before he died. Natalia did her homework while Sidnee pretended like she was reading. Sid grabbed the book Big Hair Don’t Care and quietly pored over the striking images. Then they were called to the dining room table to eat dinner. The girls took their bath, and Burgundy played with them, gave them loads of kisses and hugs, then sweetly tucked them into bed before settling down for the evening.

This nightly pattern continued for the next few days.

But by Thursday, she received an unexpected telephone call.

“Hello, Mrs. Taylor?”

“Yes. This is she.”

“This is the American Inn Hotel on Woodlands Parkway Drive. I’m calling from the front desk.”

“Oh. Hi. How may I help you?”

“Yeah, um, just wanted you to know that a large delivery has arrived for Nathaniel Taylor. I know that he’s no longer staying here but I thought you’d want to know that we’ll hold the package for him till you are available to come pick it up.”

“Hmm, okay. No problem. Thanks.” Burgundy hung up the phone.

She went on about her business and on Saturday, she decided to take the brief drive over to the hotel. Liz the nanny was at the house attending to the girls. Alita happened to be visiting Burgundy to help out with some household issues. The two sisters rode together in Burgundy’s SUV and shortly thereafter they arrived at the inn.

“I’ll be right back, Lita. He probably had some things shipped here instead of to the house.”

Burgundy got out the car and went inside.

The front desk clerk asked her to sign and date a delivery slip and told her that he’d be right back. He returned huffing and puffing as he carried a big box. It was so large that he was hiding behind it as he cradled it.

“What is this?” she asked.

“I have no idea, ma’am.”

“Hmm. I’ll be right back. I need my sister to help me. She’s in the car.”

Alita’s eyes bulged when she saw the box.

“What the hell is this, Sis?”

Burgundy ignored her sister’s mutterings and made room in the back of the SUV to carefully load the box.

When they got home, Burgundy got a pocket knife and slit the tape. Alita sifted through mountains of bubble wrap, looked at the boxed item, then shrieked so loud the noise resounded through the house. She began dancing around the kitchen, hopping about like she was deliriously happy.

“This is not funny,” Burgundy told her as she took a peek inside the box.

“B, your husband was a straight up freak.” Alita pulled out a life-sized doll. “Well, I’ll be damned. Nate got his own Becky.”

Burgundy stared at the silicone doll. Pale skin, balloon-sized tits. Tits so plump they were way more gigantic than her own little thirty-six Bs. The doll had long blonde hair, a plump ass, and what appeared to be a lifelike vagina.

Becky was cute but she had an odor. She smelled like burnt plastic mixed with rubber. Burgundy’s legs trembled as she sat down on a chair.

“Damn, B. This is messed up. Did you know Nate was into sex dolls?”


“And he probably didn’t know you had your own dildo too.”

Alita smirked like something was funny. But Burgundy was in no mood to laugh. She felt confused, then angry.

Natalia walked into the kitchen.

“Oooh, that looks real. Is it a baby alive doll? I’ve never seen one that big. It must be for Sid ‘cause I’m too big for dolls.” Natalia reached over to caress the hair.

“Ugh, what’s that smell?”

Alita covered Natalia’s eyes.

“Niece, you need to find your way back upstairs. This doll ain’t for you or your sister.”

“Then who is it for?”

Alita and Burgundy locked eyes.

“Why are you always in grown folk’s business? Go on upstairs till we tell you to come back down.”

Because Natalia refused to obey Alita’s orders, she had to physically lead her by the arm all the way up the back staircase. Burgundy stuffed the doll deep inside the box and pulled it into her bedroom.

She stiffly sat on the edge of her bed and stared into space for several minutes.

She leaped up and removed the doll to examine it. She retrieved the packing slip wondering if there’d been some type of mistake. But the item was addressed to Nathaniel Taylor. Ordered on August twenty-fourth. It originated from somewhere in China which might explain why the delivery took so long to reach the States.

“Was this Nate’s first time ordering this type of thing?” she said out loud. “Did our lack of a regular sex life force him to go this route?”

Alita walked in while Burgundy was talking to herself.

“Girl, stop tripping. Your husband was a freak, point-blank period. This Becky would probably let him do all the sexual things that you were so against. Some men are like that, if they can’t get it from one woman, they’ll get it from another. Whatever works as long as he gets it in.”

Burgundy let out a loud hiss and tossed the plastic lover on the bed. It buckled up and folded like it was hopelessly intoxicated.

“Damn him. Is this what our marriage ended up being? Something that started out real and authentic, full of love and passion and hope and dreams, Alita, all kinds of dreams. We, Nate and I, wanted to conquer the world. Yet it seems like the world did us in.”

“I know the feeling, Sis. It starts out great, just about everything starts out great. Like a new man or a new job. You feel so pumped. So lit at how everything seemed to be falling in place. But then it goes backwards. It shifts. And the relationship starts to trip, and you don’t want to fall down but you do. I don’t want that anymore, B. I’m walking on pins and needles so that me and Shade stay good. I never want my man to be fucking around with another woman, or even a plastic doll.”

Burgundy screamed at the ceiling. She snatched Becky off the bed and stuffed her head first inside the box. Her long legs stuck out of the top.

“I’m taking this ridiculous piece of shit to the dumpster. How can she compare to me? How?”

“She was going to give it up to him with no excuses, B.”

“Alita, please be quiet.”

“Truth hurts.”

“Truth is a lie, that’s what it is. Ha!” Burgundy banged her fist on top of Becky’s legs and tried to stuff the doll further into the box. She closed the top, found some tape, and secured the opening.

“You can help me take this out to that garbage bin in the garage. I don’t want to see this in my house. I can’t believe him.”

‘You’re in denial, sis. That’s your problem.”

“I don’t recall asking you what problem I had,” Burgundy snapped.

“Even so, you have trouble facing reality. Everything has to be so perfect and so planned out in your world. Life ain’t like that, B. It’s just not. This man craved pussy and it seemed he did almost anything to get it. Messing around with Elyse, messing around with that strange chick at the funeral, and now this.”

Burgundy covered her ears.

Alita removed her hands.

“Denying shit won’t solve a thing. Most people can’t deal with the truth. That’s what’s wrong with the world. We want things the way we believe them to be instead of how they really are.”

“But this doesn’t make sense. He never told me anything like this.”

“That’s because your husband knew you better than anybody else. He knew you wouldn’t go for it. Ha, B. You threw the man out of the house, y’all became one of those LAT couples.”

“Basically. We barely had started living apart though.”

“You kicked him out!”

“Alita, no, I did not. I suggested that he leave. At first he resisted but then he was open to it. He moved into the hotel and, after a while, Nate started thinking that the living arrangement would work out better for both of us. It’s not like we were separated or hated each other. And so, we’d meet for a late dinner here and there and discuss our relationship and our legal issues, the kids and so on. And before everything blew up, he even considered getting his own condo, somewhere in mid-town.”

“Yet but long before any of that happened, I remember you telling me that you’d stopped having sex with him. And he loves having sex. What else was he supposed to do? Become a priest? But hell, even some of ‘em can find a way to get laid just like any other man.”

“My goodness, Alita. You’re so vulgar.”

“Truth is offensive, B. It just is.”

“I see. I’m listening to you as difficult as that may be, and it seems like you’re suggesting that I drove him into this? Like really? All of who Nate was, every single disgusting trait, was my fault? Even the Elyse thing?” Burgundy frowned. “No, I refuse to believe it. Because when Nate supposedly first started touching Elyse, that was at least five years ago. And I know we were still making love back then. Nope, no, these events are not my fault. I won’t believe it. I won’t. There has to be some other explanation.”

“Ain’t no other explanation. If one woman won’t do what a man wants, another one will. Even a stinky silicone woman whose tits are bigger than yours and mine put together. Now, on the other hand, that isn’t a good excuse for Nate to do what he did to Elyse. But in his mind, he wasn’t at fault. That’s how a lot of abusers feel, that they’ve done nothing wrong. And that is so wrong.”

“The worst part is I can’t ask him what he was thinking.” Burgundy felt she was fighting an uphill battle. “A dead man can’t talk. All we have are the things Nate left behind. Like this ugly sex doll. And some ugly memories.”

“Oh, but you’re forgetting two other important things.”

“What’s that, Lita?”

“He left you with those two beautiful girls. And as far as I’m concerned, that’s the best thing he’s ever done.”

“Coming from you, that’s a miracle.” Burgundy let out a laugh. “And a miracle is exactly what we need right about now.”

* * *

Hours after Burgundy discovered Nate’s doll, she was at home dealing with household issues when she pondered a sudden idea. She made a quick phone call and then went into the family room where the girls were playing and being watched by Liz.

“Liz,” Burgundy said. “Something critical has come up at the last minute. I need to handle it. This situation might even take all night.” Burgundy attempted to look the woman in her eyes. “That means that I will need your help, need you to stay here with the girls tonight. Can you manage that? Of course, you’ll be generously compensated for your efforts.”

“It’s fine, Mrs. Taylor,” Liz told her. “I don’t mind watching the girls.”

“Can I trust you?” Burgundy’s voice trembled.

When Nate passed away, Burgundy was tempted to fire Liz. Her commitment back then was sketchy at best, but at the same time, Liz had grown to become like a second mom. She, in fact, proved to be one of the most stabilizing forces in Burgundy’s life after her husband died.

“Liz, you know I’m trusting you to watch my babies closely. We don’t need a repeat of what happened last time. In fact, instead of sleeping in the downstairs guest room, you should use the upstairs one.”

Liz nodded.

“Yes, ma’am. You can trust me. I won’t let you down.” Liz felt awful about what happened to Nate and since then had shown great remorse and increased responsibility regarding the girls.

Once Burgundy felt secure that Liz knew what she expected from her, she sneaked her overnight bag into the garage and then laid it on the floor behind the driver’s seat. It was eight o’clock that Saturday night in mid-October. It was pitch black outside.

She was about to back out of the garage when she remembered to cover her weekender bag with a quilt that she always left in the vehicle in case of an emergency.

Just as Burgundy was about to back down the driveway, the front door opened. Natalia raced out of the house with no shoes on.

She waved at her mother who sighed and then rolled down her window.

“Y-you leaving us? W-where are you going?”

“Um, Natalia get back in the house. You’re barefoot and it’s freezing cold out tonight.”

“I asked you where are you going?” The girl rose up on her toes. She stared into the SUV.

“Nat, I don’t feel well and I need to make sure I get better.”

“You’re going to the ER?”

“Not quite. It’s called Urgent Care. It’s kind of similar but doesn’t nearly cost as much . . . And the lines aren’t as long.”

“Are you going to get sick and die like Daddy?”

“Oh my God, sweetie. No. It’s not that serious. Just something I need to take care of. I’ll be back before you know it.”

“No, Mommy don’t go. Let me go with you. Please.”

“Oh God,” Burgundy cried out. Ever since Nate died, neither girl liked for Burgundy to be out of their sight for long. She got out of the car and gave Natalia a nice, long hug, and kissed her several times. Then she got back in the car and started the engine.

“I swear nothing is going to happen to me, or to you, or your sister. Stay away from that stove and do as Liz tells you. Go back in the house. I’ll call you as soon as I can. Love you.”

Natalia stood there as her mother slowly drove off.

Burgundy fought back tears all the way to urgent care.

She parked outside Edmund’s house and called Natalia. “I made it to Urgent Care.”

She hung up, sat for a while and got her head together, and shortly thereafter Edmund welcomed her inside.

A warm bath awaited Burgundy as well as a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon. The flame from the apple spice candles flickered around the whirlpool tub. Edmund was a jazz enthusiast with an appreciation for good music. When Burgundy entered the bathroom, smooth jazz could be heard. Lush, lovely, melodies made the ambiance pleasant and romantic.

“Wow, all this for me?” she cooed.

“Why of course.”

“I’m impressed.”

“I actually had to let the water out and run another tub full. But you finally made it.” Edmund grabbed Burgundy around the waist. He kissed her lips, hungrily devoured her, as he’d been wanting to touch her and be with her all day long.

“I’m sorry, Elm. I-I had to handle some things first.” Her mom guilt was trying to take over. “You know how it is.”

“It’s fine. You’re here now. Make yourself at home.”

First Burgundy called Liz to see how the girls were doing.

“They are totally into this movie,” she said in her Caribbean accent. “They aren’t paying any attention to me.”

Burgundy laughed. “Sounds good.”

Liz whispered to her, “Enjoy your night. We’re all right over here.”

After she hung up, Burgundy joined Edmund. She threw her arms around his neck. Upon smelling him she felt she’d made the right decision. He smelled good. He had an earthy, petrichor scent that made her feel womanly and sensual.

“Let’s get you more comfy,” he told her. She was wearing a black, double-breasted coat dress that clung to her wide hips.

Edmund sat on the bed and reached out to grab her. He pulled her close as she stood in front of him. He squeezed her around her ass which was as smooth as a baby’s bottom. She smiled and looked down at him. Staring at Burgundy in admiration, he slowly undid each button. He unlatched her bra and tossed it to the floor.

When her round, plump breasts were exposed, he couldn’t help himself. They stood at attention, not sagging at all, and the mere vision of her body made Edmund hunger for her even more.

“May I have some?” he asked.

She nodded.

He took one nipple into his mouth and sucked it softly at first and then more firmly. He flicked his tongue across the nipple and felt it hardening as he licked it repeatedly.

Warm sensations flowed through her. She closed her eyes and felt herself grow weak.

“Mmmm, Edmund.”

He moaned too. They moaned together as he proceeded to go from her breasts to her flat belly, then from her thighs to the taut skin underneath her bosom. He made a soft trail of tender kisses all across her body.

When he finally mustered up the strength to undo the last button, he slipped his fingers on the sides of her bikini and slowly pulled them down past her knees until they dropped around her ankles.

She laughed, stepped out of them, and kicked them out the way. When she looked up, Edmund, who had been wearing a wifebeater T-shirt and some boxers, was completely nude.

“When did that happen?”

“I’m fast, baby. Very fast.”

“Oh, I’m sure but right now I need you to go nice . . . and slow.”

Soon they both stepped into the tub filled with a mountain of bubbles. She sat behind him with her legs clasped around his waist. She kissed his back then washed it. He turned around to face her. He took a sponge, dipped it into the warm sudsy water, and rubbed it across her breasts that were glistening in the dimly lit room.

He got up and sat behind her. Edmund kissed her bare shoulder, something that felt extraordinarily electrifying to her tired, aching, love-starved body.

Once the bath was over, they dried each other off with huge bath towels. Then took their glasses of wine to his bedroom.

He pulled back the covers, let her climb in bed and he joined her.

“Your hair looks beautiful, Burgundy.”

“Thanks. I got it done a couple of days ago. I was at the salon for four, almost five hours. It was very crowded and Destiny, she’s my hairdresser, she’s always in demand. The wait is awful but I love the results.”

“You look very pretty, my dear.”

She smiled at Edmund from ear to ear. Being with him took away some of the hollowness that had settled inside of her since Nate passed.

“Your support means everything to me, Elm. I don’t know how I’d make it without you.”

“It’s always my pleasure to please you, Burgundy.”

He scooted down the bed until he was at the foot of it and was on his knees.

Burgundy gazed at this man, just taking him all in and brimmed with joy.

“You know what?” she said. “When you wear boxers, I can’t see what I normally see.”

“And what do you normally see?”

“Your big dick. I mean, I know you’re packing but when a man wears boxers, unless he’s King Kong, you can’t really see his size.”

“Don’t worry. You’ll be seeing my big dick in no time.”

He sniffed her feet.

“I love how you smell. Clean, sweet, fresh, and eatable.”

He kissed her toes.

“You like that?”

She pretended like she didn’t hear him and kept talking. “I love how you’ve decorated your house. And I think it was a good idea to change things around and make it reflect your own tastes.” She knew he was divorced and she never really wanted to mention his ex-wife. Her name was Kyra. She was an attractive woman who also worked in the restaurant industry and she’d be photographed at various shindigs and would be mentioned in the Houston society newspapers. Thankfully, Burgundy had never met Kyra. She didn’t want to meet her. And she never wanted to directly mention the woman either. At least not while she was in bed with Kyra’s ex-husband.

Edmund nibbled on Burgundy while she rambled away. He knew exactly what she was doing. Talking a few minutes before they made love helped her deal with what she was doing. For although she told herself that allowing him to make her feel sexy and wanted, sometimes she did struggle with what they’d started. This was their third time having sex since Nate died. She would have fun with him but felt guilty afterwards. Edmund did not agree with her opinion but went along with it.

“I think I did alright,” he replied. “Rather my interior decorator did a great job. She gets all the credit.”

“Her name?”

He stopped nibbling on her feet.

“Why do you ask?”

“Just in case I need her to do the same for me,” she explained. “I think my house needs a do over.”

“Ahh, I see,” he shrugged. “Look her up. Jennifer Mosley. A sixty-five-year-old white woman who wears bifocals and lives with twenty cats.”

“Oh okay. Thanks for that very unnecessary detail.”

Edmund laughed and resumed his nibble fest that included placing his entire mouth over her big toe and sucking on it until Burgundy started her little squirm dance. That’s when her hips and legs would rotate and twist and turn around on the sheets as she enjoyed the good feelings Edmund gave to her. If Burgundy squirmed, he knew he was doing a good job. And that’s all he wanted. To please this woman and help make her life easier.

As the music continued to play Burgundy allowed her mind to be whisked away. His ardent attention to her made her feel very special.

“What have I done to deserve you?” she asked.

“Just be yourself, my dear. And if you can find it within yourself to do it, love me back.”

“That’s definitely a good plan.” His words and his actions made Burgundy feel very good.

Once he was done working on her feet, Edmund flipped her over.

“Get on your hands and knees,” he ordered.

She obeyed.

“Today was kind of challenging,” she told him.

“Mmm hmmm,” he said as he positioned himself behind her.

“But I won’t dwell on the particulars. Some things are just life. You just have to get through them.”

“A lot like I’m trying to get through you.”

She felt him insert his tongue in the crack of her behind. He wiggled it around touching all her hot spots. Goosebumps raced through her.

He moved his tongue back and forth and dug in and out until he found a nice rhythm.

She shivered and tried to hold onto the pleasure he was giving her without screaming. “This feels sooo good, Edmund. Keep going.”

“Don’t worry,” he said.

He dug deeper like he was trying to become one with her. She loved how he made her feel and was somewhat regretful that in their earlier years, she and Nate did not always share this type of sexual intimacy. But the more she thought about Nate, the more she thought about Becky. And the more she thought about Becky, the colder the room felt.

Burgundy decided to shift gears.

“Edmund, you have no idea, oooh, what this means to me. My God!” She loved the intricate way his tongue probed nearly every sensitive part of her.

“I need this,” she murmured.

She wanted to say ‘I need you too’ but stopped short of doing so.

“You like it?” he asked.

“More than you can know. Can’t you tell?”

When he sucked her vagina, Burgundy’s eyes fluttered out of sight.

“I think I’m just about ready,” she murmured. His fingers rubbed across her clitoris. He rubbed her over and over until she almost shrieked.

“Oh Edmund.”

“Yep, you’re good and ready,” he assured her. “But I have a little bit more to go.”

“Please, baby. I can’t wait any longer.”

He licked her from behind and drove her nearly insane. He found her erogenous zone and caused the most thrilling sensations to zoom through her. The erogenous zone was that mystical sexual island that few men were lucky enough to locate in a woman. And if a woman came across a man who could find it, she tried her best to hold on to him as long as possible.

Burgundy let Edmund do his thing. Wave after wave of pleasure seemed to roll over, then up and down her body, coursing through her until she could barely stand it.

Each erotic touch from her lover made her forget everything that had been going on.

Life was strange and unpredictable and many eligible women lacked a sexy, understanding, intuitive man who knew how to bring everything he had to the table. Edmund Langston Murray was that type of guy.

He flipped her over and sucked on her vagina like it was a treasure, and kept doing it till she was dripping wet. Edmund loved how Burgundy stroked his penis between her fingers until it grew rock hard. She rolled a condom on his erect penis then let him ravish her. He pounded against her over and over again, slapping her thigh with his thigh and making her loins sore. And when he hit her spot with one good hard thrust, she screamed and clawed his back with her pointed nails. Scratches ignited him. He pumped wildly into her like a crazy man. Burgundy shuddered and screamed, releasing all her anxiety into one long, soothing, jerky climax that renewed her.

“My God,” she said gasping for breath. “That was . . . that was wonderful.”

“That wasn’t shit.”


Just when she thought it was all over, Edmund thrust hard against her one last time. He was like a woodpecker, he kept going and going. With widened eyes, she sharply inhaled then bore the pain of his penis and let pleasure invade her body once more.

“Ohh, baby you got some good pussy.”

“Do I?”

“Yeah, oh shit, here it comes.”

He howled and whimpered as satisfaction began to take over. Burgundy lifted her neck and bit his shoulder. Unbelievably, he caused her to come again and she screeched against his arm and let him plunge into her.

“Oh, daddy, that’s never happened to me before.” She laughed. “This is just how I like it. Do it harder again but even harder. Slap my ass or something. Hell, I need this, I deserve it.”

After he climaxed, she pushed him off of her, then fell back, spreading out on her stomach; she looked like a drunkard after a long night of drinking.

“Uh, umm,” she panted and tried to catch her breath.

“You alright?”

“I’m wonder-wonder-wonderful, baby. Just lovely. But sleepy as hell.” She pretended like she was snoring.

Edmund could only laugh. He was becoming more acquainted with her. He felt like he knew her like a book. He’d let her get some rest, then he’d wake her up, nibble on her breasts and her toes, then they’d start all over again.

* * *

Exhausted from their sexy liaison, they promptly fell asleep in each other’s arms. And later on, when she had to use the restroom, she couldn’t go back to sleep just yet. Making love again was the last thing on her mind. Since he woke up too, she decided to say what was on her mind.

“Elm, do you think I handled things all wrong with Natalia? Go on. Tell me.”

“I think you thought you made the best decision at the time.”

“Yeah. But—”

“But if you had to do it all over again . . . ?”

“I’d choose better words and I’d look at things from her perspective. I’d try to understand that she acted that way because basically, you’re like a stranger. My hooking up with you feels too much, too soon.”

When she realized how deeply she could have hurt her child, she placed her hands over her face and burst into tears. Edmund stroked her hair and let her get it all out.

“Baby, if you think we should slow things down a bit, I can pull back. But truthfully, I don’t want to.”

“I want to do the right thing. Yet at the same time, if I am honest, I don’t want you to pull back either. No, don’t do that. Don’t even think about doing it.”

“But I don’t want to make things any worse for you. I care about you too much to let that happen . . .”

It touched her deeply to see that Edmund didn’t see her as just a bed buddy that he could easily discard.

“Edmund, sweetie, if you don’t mind, I’d like for us to find a way to make all of this work. I will tread carefully when it comes to Natalia. Make her feel loved and secure. And make you feel just as loved and desired. But family comes first. Alright, baby?”

“I’m here for you, Burgundy. In whatever way you need me, for as long as you need me.”

The next evening, Alita found her way back at Burgundy’s house. The two sisters had gathered in the kitchen sipping from cups of hot coffee and chatting. That’s when Burgundy, still on her sexy buzz, let it slip that she spent the night with Edmund.

“Really, B? You fucking Edmund Murray now? I’ve heard of him. He owns those catfish restaurants around town. What are you now? A food chain groupie?”

“Lita, my friends are none of your business.”

“Your Daddy Warbucks ain’t been in the ground a minute and you already slobbing on his knob like some corn on the cob?”


“It’s true, though right? You’ve been letting him get it only two weeks after your hubby croaked?”

“Not that it’s any of your business but it’s been longer than two weeks.”

“Okay then, excuse me for getting it wrong. You shed your wifely tears then started dating after six long weeks.”

“Having a friend, meeting up with a friend, or even kicking it with a friend at his house is not dating.”

“I doubt that since you spent the night, that all you did was kick it at his house. Sounds like you’ve been kissing it if you know what I mean.”

“Lita, I have no intention of justifying my behavior to you.”

“Don’t get defensive. I’m trying to look out for you. The streets aren’t kind. They’ll add extra info to the rumors to what might be the truth and damage your cred even more, you know what I mean?”

Burgundy knew she couldn’t pull one over on Alita and pretend as if things were different than what they really were. “Okay, Lita, I’ll level with you. In the beginning, right after I lost Nate, my friend was very sympathetic.”

“I’ll bet he was.”

“Alita, seriously. When Nate died I was in shock. I felt paranoid and insecure. And I just wanted Edmund to be physically near me. His presence comforted me. He started out holding my hand which I did not mind. Then he would put his arms around me and that felt even better. Eventually, I could literally cry on his shoulder. I could tell him how I felt no matter how silly it sounded. He listened. I believe he cared. And after long, I started to ask Edmund if he wouldn’t mind holding me while I laid in bed. He didn’t mind.”

“I’ll bet he didn’t.”

“And slowly but surely, one thing lead to another. It just sort of happened. But it was all innocent.”

“Innocent, my ass. But I get it. A pretty young woman like you has needs. But all this closeness and comfort that you’re enjoying with Edmund, don’t you think you’re being disrespectful to the memory of your dead husband, asshole that he was?”

“In what way?”

“You got yourself boo’d up pretty fast, B. And it’s not because I give a damn about Nate with his sex doll having ass, but I’m just saying.”

“Trust me, Alita, I have grieved Nate in my own way. Grieving doesn’t always have to be done publicly to satisfy all those folks who pull out a rating card in order to judge how I’m grieving and whether or not I look remorseful enough about his death.” Burgundy felt with all the other things she had going on that stressed her out, people would be more kind and understanding and not give her the business over her newfound friendship with Edmund.

“In my opinion, B, you ought to try having a couple of public meltdowns here and there. Act more sad and lost. I mean, shit, he just died, girl.”

“I-I know that. You think I don’t know that?” Her voice quivered as she sought to adequately express her feelings. Burgundy was growing weary of the conversation and lack of understanding for her feelings. “Tell me. Am I supposed to sit around being lonely and bored out my mind with a coochie that’s drying out just because I’m scared of what other people think?”

“Oooh, then you just admitted it. You two are fucking.”

“No, we are not.”

“Do you let him kiss you, B? Because that’s where it all starts. If he kisses you right, he can get it.”

Alita stared at her sister for all the telltale clues that a woman is in a sexual relationship with a man. The woman seems happy for no apparent reason and there is a spirited strut in her walk.

“Do me a favor. Stand up, B, and walk across the room. I’m asking for a friend.”

“No, you are not, silly woman. You are being too damned nosy and reading too much into things,” Burgundy gently told her. “Forget about Edmund, Lita. This really isn’t about him. It’s about me trying to go on with my life. Because whether I grieve for two months, or two years, Nate is gone,” she said in a wistful tone. “I miss him for our girls’ sake. But I can’t stay hurt and miserable forever.”

“Forever, B? Hell, it’s only been thirty seconds.”

“No, it has not, Alita, now stop playing around. Because believe it or not, it’s hard to totally shake off the bad feelings. Yet I have a right to be happy, to grab myself a little happiness. And the people who look at me and twist their lips and who don’t like what I’m doing and think it’s a disgrace, unless they’re walking in my shoes, there’s no way that they, or even you, can understand how I feel. I don’t have to defend myself to you, or Judge Judy, or my entire church.”

“Ok, B. I was just—”

“You were just giving me your unwanted opinion that rarely ever helps me.”

“Well, damn I was just—”

“Think about this for a second. You finally moved on from Leonard and you’re living your life. Dru moved on as well. Even nutty ass Coco is trying to go on after all she’s been through. So don’t think for one second that Burgundy Reeves won’t be trying to get a fresh start in life either.”

“Burgundy Taylor. Your name is Burgundy Taylor you little slut.”

“Lita, you need to stay out of my bed. And maybe even out of my life. But I know at least one of the two will be impossible.”

“You got that right. You need me. I need you. We’re stuck together like superglue. Tootle-loo.”

And just like that, Alita waved her slender hand, took a last sip of her coffee, and decided to leave while the leaving was good. She could always tell when Burgundy had had enough.

* * *

When Burgundy was a little girl growing up in Houston, she was completely enchanted by women like Diana Ross. Even though she wasn’t born when Ms. Ross found success with the Supremes, Burgundy learned about Motown, Diana, and her hit songs because their mother, Greta Reeves, always played the most popular 60’s soul songs around their house. And early on, Burgundy would read books and magazine articles about how Miss Ross went from growing up in the Detroit Brewster projects to blazing the trail as an international superstar. Diana was a singer, an actress, and ultimately, a business woman. She’d have troubles and drama but seemed to always bounce back.

And learning from her caused Burgundy to make a decision: she wanted to be a successful, powerful black woman who ran her own businesses. She wanted a husband, a family, to create generational wealth, and make good decisions and learn from the bad ones, just like Diana. And just like Ms. Ross, Burgundy’s responsibilities meant she had to get focused and be about her business.

The very next morning, she woke up, got showered and dressed, and then greeted Liz who had just arrived at her house.

The two women usually worked together to prepare the girls for school. Cooking breakfast, packing lunches, and organizing backpacks. Liz did most of the work, but Burgundy would also pitch in if time allowed.

And on that particular Tuesday morning, she ran the girls’ bathwater while Liz got started scrambling eggs, slicing oranges, and getting the cereal bowls ready.

When Burgundy got an unexpected call from one of her employees, everything changed. She let Liz take over from there.

“Hi, Jordan. What’s up?” Jordan Andrews had been Nate’s right hand man. And these days he was practically running their Morning Glory restaurant.

“Mrs. Taylor, I just wanted you to know there was a security incident at the midtown restaurant. I’m here right now. No one has been hurt. But there is helluva lot of damage.”

“What happened?”

“I got a security text and phone call about the alarm going off. This was about an hour ago. I didn’t think it would be anything major since sometimes the alarm goes off for no good reason. But this time, there was a burglary. I hate to say it, but the robbers made off with all the cash that was left in the register.”

“I’m not worried about that. It’s just money. What was damaged?”

“The front door and a few windows. The police are here and I’ve given a statement. I was thinking you’re up and probably on your way. I just wanted to give you a heads up.”

“Did you view the camera footage?”

“Yes. Two males. Slender. Medium height. Wearing black hoodies and masks.”

“Great. That’s all I need. We open in what, less than an hour. We may have to temporarily close the restaurant, Jordan.”

“I will wait for you to get here to decide what to do.”

“Thanks. I’m on my way.”

Burgundy tried to remain calm so as not to upset her children. She placed a quick call to Edmund who told her he’d stop by the restaurant as soon as he could.

“Edmund, I appreciate that, but I’m not sure if it’s a good idea.”

“What? Why would you say that? You need my help and I want to be there for you, Burgundy, please don’t be silly about this.”

“I’m not being silly.”

“Oh, but you are. You’re worried about how it will look if I show up at your restaurant this early in the morning,” he told her. “People will put two and two together and you’re scared of what they think. They can go to hell. You’re my woman and I am going to come see about you.”

“Edmund, I don’t know about that.”

“You need to think about how you want me in your life. Because this compartmentalizing my love isn’t going to work for me. I’m either all the way in or I’m all the way out. I love you and I’ll be driving over to the restaurant to check on things.”

“Okay, come on through,” Burgundy said, and took a deep breath. Not knowing what else to do, she quickly threw on some casual clothes, ran a comb through her hair, and grabbed her purse, keys and cell phone. By then it was six-fifteen. She dialed Alita and hoped that her sister was up.

“Hey B, what you doing calling me at this time of the day? You know I don’t get up till seven.”

“I know. I’m sorry. But there’s been an emergency.”

“What happened?” Alita sounded more alert. “Is everything okay?”

“I’m on my way to Morning Glory. We got robbed last night, or rather early this morning. Jordan Andrews told me they made off with all the cash. Usually we don’t deposit our Sunday earnings until Monday and the cash is left there overnight.”

“Oh wow, B.” Alita’s heart rate increased. She felt very uneasy. She knew that she had received a few threatening text messages on Sunday morning. But she ignored them. They were from Jerrod Dawson, Dru’s ex-boyfriend. And he was the son of a man that Alita had sex with twenty years ago.

She recalled the last phone conversation she’d had with Jerrod.

“Time’s up,” he told her. Alita knew exactly what he meant. “You need to pay up, Alita.”

“I lost my second job, Jerrod.”

“Stop lying and making up excuses. I want my money.”

“I don’t have any money and I am sick of you trying to shake me down for a dollar. I don’t care about you threatening me anymore. Elyse knows she’s my daughter. Ain’t no reason for you to be blackmailing me ‘cause my family knows too and don’t care. Get a fucking life and leave me the hell alone.”

Jerrod was stunned. What used to work, him threatening her to pay him hundreds of dollars for keeping her secret, wasn’t working anymore.

And it made him angry.

“I don’t believe you.”

“Well, I don’t care what you believe, Jerrod. It’s all the truth.”

“I will go to that restaurant and tell Elyse everything.”

“Leave my daughter alone. I mean that. Stay away from my family.”

“I’ll bet your son doesn’t even know he has a sister.”

“He does too know. I already told him. Go and blackmail someone else, or better yet, get a better job so you can stop using me for money. I hate your stupid ass. And you’re about to get blocked.” Alita trembled as she hung up and blocked Jerrod from calling her.

Her eyes welled with tears. She didn’t want to think about Jerrod and his threats. She just wanted peace and tranquility. And she wanted to hurry up and do what she should have done a long time ago. Tell her son Leno that Elyse was his sister and not his aunt, and stop the nightmare that began so long ago.

But considering the threatening texts that Alita received last night from an unrecognizable number, it seemed the nightmare was flaring up again.

A Sister's Power

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