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Reinstalling your programs


Lamentably, you can’t just copy software from the old laptop to the new. Software is installed, not copied. As long as you have the setup program, you reinstall the software. Here are the methods for accessing the setup program:

 Locate the original software download, which was copied from the old laptop and most likely found in the Downloads folder. Run this program again to reinstall.

 For subscription software services, visit the web page to download the software and configure the new laptop’s subscription.

Yes, these are tedious things to do, but the method is proper: Run the installation program or obtain new software from the website. You may need to verify your registration and unregister the other computer if you’re allowed only a given number of software installations. For example, you may have a license to run Microsoft Office on only one computer.

 The product keys and other software installation information are details you should keep with all the papers and whatnot that arrived with your laptop. Refer to Chapter 3.

 If your software arrived on an optical disc, use this disc to reinstall the program. You need the product key, and if your laptop lacks an optical drive, you need to use a USB optical drive. (See Chapter 12.)

 After downloading programs, you may invariably need to download updates and patches. The onscreen directions explain what to do.

  You don’t need to install software all at once. I typically install the programs as I use them.

Laptops For Dummies

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