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NATALYA MUST HAVE SLEPT, for when she woke Friday morning the sun was filtering through the bedroom shutters, and a quick glance at the bedside clock revealed she had plenty of time to shower, dress, linger over breakfast, flip pages through the daily newspaper and feed the cat, ready to face whatever the day might bring.

But something in the press changed her light mood to one of outrage as she caught a newsprint photo on the social page featuring Alexei handing her into his limousine. Taken on angle the photographer had managed to imply an intimacy that didn’t exist.

Worse, the caption—MOGUL AND FORMER LOVER TOGETHER AGAIN?—was endorsed by a brief paragraph beneath the photo.

Without hesitation she tore out the page, folded it and thrust it into her satchel.

Seconds later the phone rang, and she bit back an unladylike curse as she saw the ID.

‘Hi, Dad.’

That was as far as she got, before her father launched into a diatribe, which in essence demanded to know what was going on between her and Alexei.

Soothing him down took several minutes, until she cut his words short with the excuse she had to leave for work.

She was barely a kilometre from her apartment in heavy morning traffic when her cell phone beeped with an incoming text.

WTH? Aaron.

Her staunch and loyal friend who’d supported her through the worst of times had clearly seen the same photograph too.

Worse, she garnered a few speculative glances as she rode an elevator to the high floor occupied by ADE Electronics.

All it took was one vigilant employee to start the gossip mill...and who better the focus than Natalya Montgomery, daughter of the fallen Roman Montgomery and former lover of the new head honcho, Alexei Delandros?

Dammit. This had to be stopped now.

She ignored her own office and in one swift action she retrieved the newsprint page and marched directly into Alexei’s office...which probably wasn’t the best idea, but she was so angry she didn’t care.

If he was surprised, he failed to show it, and she hated that he’d leaned back in his chair seemingly intent on regarding her with detached interest as she crossed to his desk.

Natalya drew in a deep breath, then released it slowly. ‘Let’s get one thing straight,’ she stated firmly. ‘I’ll act the polite efficient PA in all matters business. Anything alluding to personal is off the table.’

He waited a beat. ‘Clarify personal?’

‘Placing me in an invidious position.’

‘Apropos of?’

Natalya extracted the page she’d torn from the daily newspaper and placed it on his desk. ‘This.’

She watched as he skimmed the offending caption...and waited for his reaction. Except there was none.

‘I have no control over the media’s agenda.’

Had the light touch of his hand at her waist been deliberate? Or was she simply being super-sensitive?

It irked he had the power to tie her emotions in knots... She hated that she actively looked for and subsequently judged his every word and action, silently seething if she imagined they crossed the line...her self-imposed line.

Her eyes darkened measurably. ‘I want a retraction printed in tomorrow’s edition.’

Alexei leant further back in his chair and regarded her thoughtfully. ‘Don’t you think that will only exacerbate the situation?’

Natalya drew a deep breath, then released it as her eyes darkened with anger. ‘There is no situation.’

He lifted one eyebrow. ‘Perhaps you’d care to inform the media of that?’

She pursed her lips, then opened her mouth to deliver a volley of words best left unsaid. Instead she directed him a glare which had no visible effect whatsoever, much to her annoyance, leaving her little option except to turn on her heel and sweep out from his office.

Her silent frustration with the media’s intrusion continued throughout the morning, while she fought to qualify they were only doing their job. Not that it helped much. Nor did she feel comfortable with a part of her private life being played out in the public domain.

Natalya ordered lunch in, despatched a text to Ivana, and cursed beneath her breath when Reception notified several calls representing the media had not been redirected to Alexei Delandros’ PA.

Like she needed this?

Late afternoon a text arrived on her smartphone.

Flight Monday a.m. Sydney/NY. Details laptop. Confirm. Alexei.

Two weeks? Natalya silently queried when she checked her laptop and read Alexei’s schedule.

The expected meetings, a few business lunches, three business dinners. Family.

Alexei’s family. So, not all business.

Which meant she’d have free time to check out a few upmarket boutiques, enjoy a leisurely coffee in any one of numerous cafés. Me time.

She sent off a text in confirmation, then she turned her chair towards the plate-glass window, momentarily took in the harbour view, and smiled.

Suddenly the day appeared a little brighter.

The weekend involved a close inspection of her wardrobe, a list of items to pack, the need to check with Ben if he could look after Ollie, a phone call to Ivana, who listened, wisely chose to relay a simple, ‘Take care, darling,’ instead of a litany of words attributed to caution of the personal kind. So not Ivana’s style.

When the persistent beep of the alarm woke her the next morning, Natalya had an urge to push the off button, roll over and grab another hour’s sleep, only to groan...not going to happen.

There was a need to be ready on time. Alexei’s text stating she be ready for pick-up at seven-thirty a.m. ensured she was waiting on the front veranda with her luggage, overnight bag and satchel.

Sure enough the limousine slid to the kerb with Paul at the wheel. Within minutes the driver transferred her luggage while she joined Alexei in the rear passenger seat.

‘Good morning.’ Pleasant, she could do pleasant...which he responded to in like manner.

There was no need to run through their immediate agenda. They could do that once they were in the air.

Not a passenger jet, Natalya discovered, but a private one. Expensive, luxurious and essentially an office in the air with cabin staff who provided coffee, offered a light meal be served once they reached cruising speed.

A review of their agenda required a few adjustments, and their first appointment in New York required only a minor amendment.

‘There’s a sleeping compartment with a comfortable bed adjoining the en suite bathroom,’ Alexei relayed as he retrieved a set of earphones. ‘I suggest you get a few hours’ rest.’

‘What about you?’ The query was out before she’d given it any thought.

‘I’ll take the second shift.’ He paused, and his eyes met her own. ‘Unless you suggest we share?’

‘Not going to happen.’ Her response was instant, and his mouth curved a little.

‘Relax, Natalya.’

She hadn’t been able to completely relax since the first day he’d reappeared in her life.

The bedroom compartment was more spacious than she expected, containing a bed with fresh linens, a small wardrobe, appointed mod-cons, and a comfortable chair.

It took a few minutes to discard her outer clothes, remove make-up and don a wrap, then she turned back the bedcovers, settled comfortably, and much to her surprise she slept for more than four hours and woke feeling refreshed. Suitably clothed, she applied moisturiser, added a touch of colour to her lips, then she returned to the cabin, accepted fruit and coffee while Alexei sought the sleeping compartment.

Which became more restless than restful as the light floral perfume Natalya used lingered to taunt him with memories of shared passion, and what he’d believed to be unconditional love.

Elicited fact appeared to prove him wrong.

Yet deep in his gut there was a kernel of doubt based on the occasional unguarded moment during the past few weeks...when he was able to catch a glimpse of the young woman he’d known so well. A momentary warmth in her smile. A faint wistfulness, only for it to quickly disappear.

The slight change in her breathing when he’d held her in his arms on the dance floor. The tension evident in her stance when he escorted her to the front door of her home. There was a degree of vulnerability evident he found intriguing...a quality she endeavoured to disguise. And almost succeeded.

* * *

A stopover in Los Angeles for the jet to refuel, Customs, before boarding for the final leg of their flight to New York...where a uniformed chauffeur was waiting for them in the Arrivals lounge.

A service Alexei had obviously used on prior occasions, Natalya observed, given the ease of friendship between both men, and with smooth economy of movement their luggage was cleared from the carousel, carried through the terminal and deposited in the boot of a sleek black limousine which had slid smoothly to the kerb.

A driver and a bodyguard?

Elevated status...or a necessity?

New York contained a variety of differing vibes...from extreme wealth and luxury to the opposite end of the spectrum. Alive with a mix of cultures, from traditional to the exotic. A city which moved to a certain beat, glamour, pizzazz, to the bleakness of the Projects. A familiar vibe she recalled from previous business trips she had shared as her father’s PA.

Music was key to the difference in attire and speech, and Natalya breathed it in as the limousine traversed the distance between airport to the high-end hotel in the vicinity of Central Park.

Classy, Natalya determined as they rode the elevator to a high floor, with stunning views over the city that never slept.

For the following few days they attended meetings, while maintaining a painstakingly professional façade.

Each day became mission accomplished. The nights, not so much.

Arranging business dinners didn’t faze her, nor had attending them when the CEO had been her father. Alexei was someone else entirely.

Five years had wrought changes in Alexei she’d thought she’d known so well. Eyes dark, gleaming, sensual, conveying with just a look how the night would end.

The antithesis of the man he’d become...hardwired, ruthless—driven.

Except she was no longer the biddable young girl with stars in her eyes, imagining love would overcome everything.

How wrong had she been? she reflected as she dressed for the evening ahead. Formal, Alexei had forewarned, and she selected a red gown with a high neck artfully draped to cover each breast, leaving her shoulders and arms bare, nipped in at the waist to fall in a swirl of soft material at her feet. Subtle make-up, emphasis on the eyes, bold red lip gloss, her hair styled in large soft waves which fell past her shoulders and curved forward to partly frame her face, a touch of jewellery, she gathered up a wrap in matching red, slid her feet into red stilettos, took a deep breath, and emerged into the adjoining lounge to find Alexei conducting a conversation on his smartphone in a language she failed to comprehend.

Black evening suit, white shirt and black bow tie did much to emphasise his European features, impossibly dark eyes and wide mobile mouth. A mouth that could wreak mindless havoc...as she knew too well.

His cologne held a subtle blend of musk and something she failed to define...a soft sensual whisper that teased, taunted and made her think of the forbidden.

Each breath she took in his presence became measured, controlled, as every muscle in her body slowly tightened. In the close confines of the limousine she felt as brittle as the most delicate piece of Venetian glass.

One touch, and she’d shatter.

Modern Romance Collection: January 2018 Books 1 -4

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