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CALISTA DELANDROS RESIDED in an elite part of Georgetown.

A slender elegantly attired woman who welcomed her son with a warm hug, before extending a hand in greeting to the young woman who stood at his side.

‘Natalya. Welcome to my home.’ Her smile was genuine. ‘The family are waiting in the lounge. Let’s join them, shall we?’

Beautifully appointed, fine handcrafted furniture, framed family pictures on the walls. Warm, welcoming, Natalya perceived as Calista indicated a large comfortably furnished lounge where two men stood... Alexei’s brothers, without doubt, given the likeness in height, stature, and facial features. A young woman displaying the slight emerging bump of early pregnancy held the small hand of a young girl.

‘Cristos,’ Alexei greeted and clasped his brother in a brief hug before indicating, ‘Cristos’s wife, Xena, and their daughter, Gigi. My younger brother, Dimitri.’ He turned to include Natalya. ‘Natalya. My PA.’

Natalya smiled...a smile was good. Polite, professional.

It was Xena’s daughter who captured Natalya’s attention. Petite, dark curls framing beautiful features, offering a smile to melt hearts.

‘Gigi is a lovely name,’ Natalya said gently.

She was rewarded with a polite, ‘Thank you.’

For a few fleeting seconds it proved difficult to ignore the faint wistful ache in the region of her heart.

It was relatively easy to converse, to fit in, as the evening progressed. A skill she’d mastered since mid-teen years, together with an interest in current world affairs and a degree of genuine charm.

She accepted a small measure of wine, which she sipped as she observed family dynamics, their affection, and genuine interest in the current play in each of their lives.

Cristos headed the New York arm of the family business, while Dimitri travelled to interstate branches, and maintained an active social life...very social, Natalya surmised from the slightly wicked gleam in his eyes.

A family originating in Greece, as had Calista’s late husband. Evident in some of the classical pottery on display in a few of the glass cabinets.

A faint lilt, not exactly an accent, in Calista’s speech on occasion.

Xena, who was charming, and delighted the babe she carried was a boy.

The food was superb, and Natalya felt at ease...comfortable, she amended silently. Gigi began to tire, willingly retiring to bed for an overnight stay at her grandmother’s home.

They were a pleasant family, Natalya perceived, extending polite interest in Natalya’s role as Alexei’s PA, her familiarity with the field of electronics...although not why, how or where she’d gained that knowledge.

It was after eleven when the evening drew to a close.

‘You seem surprised,’ Alexei drawled as the car cleared the drive and headed towards the inner city.

Perhaps because she’d expected...what? Cool reserve?

Why, when Alexei hadn’t imagined it necessary to mention her existence in his life?

‘In what way?’ She could do cool, and tempered it with a touch of deliberate sweetness. ‘Because you chose not to out me as my father’s daughter?’

He shot her a quick glance before returning his attention to the traffic. ‘Would you have preferred me to do so?’

‘Perhaps I should thank you.’

‘Give it up, Natalya.’

The atmosphere had taken a subtle change. A personal element that didn’t sit well, for too many reasons she was reluctant to explore.

Consequently it was a relief when Alexei drew the car to a halt outside the hotel entrance, where a uniformed attendant hailed a waiting employee to drive the car down into the underground parking area.

A few words, a generous tip, and a leisurely pace through the foyer to the bank of lifts...one of which swiftly transported them to their designated floor.

* * *

One day led to another, as Alexei, Cristos and Dimitri conducted high-powered meetings, each with their individual PAs in attendance, as they brokered deals, added valuable real estate to their company portfolio at a pace which left Natalya in awe of their combined expertise and staying power.

Ruthless power, she added silently, at the end of a particularly fraught day...one that was far from over. Debrief, dinner, highlight pertinent points from recordings, send same to Alexei’s laptop. Shower, bed, sleep...

Except sleep proved elusive, and she lay staring sightlessly at the darkened ceiling for what seemed an age before emerging from the bed to pull on a wrap and quietly emerge into the lounge, where she crossed to the wide floor-to-ceiling glass sliding doors, parted the drapes a little and looked out over the brightly lit city, lingered on the kaleidoscope of neon signage on numerous city skyscrapers.

‘It’s a bit late to be admiring the view.’

Alexei’s quiet drawl caused her breath to hitch as he moved to stand at her side.

‘It beats counting sheep.’ The words were out of her mouth before she gave them thought.

‘Something is bothering you?’

You, she wanted to throw at him. There, in my face...all day, every day. A constant I don’t need or want.

Because...she didn’t want to explore the why of it.

Okay, she totally got the business part. What she hadn’t bargained for was the constant twenty-four-seven away from home bit. Far away from where she could retreat at day’s end to her own home. Dammit, her own sanctuary.

‘Go to bed. We have another full day tomorrow.’

‘Perhaps you should take your own advice.’

Admit he couldn’t sleep? Her image haunted him, firing the need to pull her into his arms, claim her mouth with his own...and let whatever would happen, happen.

So why hesitate?

With any other woman he’d play the seduction game, accept the unspoken invitation and enjoy the sexual activity...heart untouched.

Natalya...their shared history was gaining too much intrusion on his original intention to gain revenge. So why now question what he’d believed to be fact?

Something didn’t add up...but what?

He felt compelled to do the unexpected, and lifted a hand to trail light fingers down her cheek. And felt her tense.


His mouth curved a little at the slight huskiness apparent in her voice. ‘No?’

If she acted on sexual need, she’d tear the clothes from his body...and to hell with the consequences.

How many nights had she lain awake restless with the aching need of wanting him? Only him. Fighting an overwhelming urge to stem the tears that filled her eyes, angry with herself for lapsing into an emotional watershed as she wretchedly fought for control.

Alexei watched as she turned and escaped into her bedroom suite, heard the faint snap of the door clasp...and remained where he was for several long minutes, unaware of the night skyline, the many lit buildings, flashing multi-coloured neon, the traffic.

Instead he became caught up by her reaction...the faint quiver of her lips, the warmth of her cheek beneath his touch.

All too aware of his own body’s damning response.

For the past five years he’d worked eighteen-to-twenty-hour days, fuelled by the need to succeed beyond measure in the name of revenge, ruthlessly crafting each move, each strategy in a personal vendetta where there could be only one survivor...him.

He’d won. Big time.

Satisfaction should be his...and it was.

So why this feeling a subtle shift had come into play?

* * *

The weekend provided a welcome change from the hectic week’s business schedule. It was a beautiful day, and Natalya decided to revisit a few of the many glamorous stores and fashion boutiques New York city had to offer.

She was entitled to take some down time, to savour a coffee, a delicious pastry, browse a little...simply explore where the mood might take her. Sit a while, and watch the people walk by. Enjoy the cosmopolitan atmosphere.

Not to mention relax away from Alexei’s powerful presence.

Something which earned a studied look from Alexei on learning her intention.

‘Ensure you have your smartphone for contact, should it be necessary.’

It was simple to voice the few necessary words. ‘Of course. Although I might remind you it’s my day off.’

‘But not the evening. The Delandros corporation sponsor an annual invitation-only dinner to commemorate my late father’s love of his birthplace and Greek heritage. My mother insists you join us.’

Now there was the thing...an invitation from Calista Delandros made it difficult to refuse. ‘I don’t think it’s...’

‘Appropriate?’ Alexei prompted.


His smile held a tinge of amusement. ‘Your reason being?’

‘It’s a significant occasion for family and friends. My position as your PA doesn’t fit either category.’

‘Consider it a personal request.’

‘Personal is not on the agenda.’

A musing smile curved his mouth. ‘The lines are becoming a little blurred.’

‘Not,’ Natalya confirmed, ‘from my perspective.’

He wanted to change her mind, and would...soon.

Subtle persuasion was an art form, one he’d mastered at a young age. Only to realise seduction didn’t equate to love, and while some women were content to play a part, he had tired of that game.

He wanted more.

‘My mother will be disappointed if you refuse.’ Manoeuvre and conquer was a skill in itself...one he owned unequivocally, and didn’t hesitate to use to his advantage.

Natalya recognised it, wanted to call him on it, only to concede defeat. ‘I accept, given the invitation came from your mother.’

The faint gleam of amusement momentarily apparent indicated he was one step ahead of her. ‘I’ll book a limousine for seven o’clock.’

‘I’ll ensure I’m on time.’

There was a sense of freedom as she rode the elevator to foyer level, declined the need for a limousine or taxi, and began to walk, choosing one of her favourite department stores in which to browse a while.

Coffee and a sinfully loaded pastry in a small café, followed by a gift for Ivana, a colourful top for Anja, a cute little doggy bow tie for Ben’s pug Alfie.

It had proven to be a relaxing, enjoyable afternoon, and she entered the hotel suite ahead of time to discover it empty, a note in plain sight, which she quickly read before heading into her own suite.

A male could shower, dress and be ready in less time than a woman...

Nevertheless, Natalya was ahead of Alexei by five minutes, poised, attired in a tailored black skirt, matching camisole and a red silk box jacket. Stylish, flawless make-up, matching red lipstick, and diamond studs her only jewellery.

He did evening wear with superb masculine style. Designer stubble added an edgy touch that set him apart, adding to an overall masculinity impossible to ignore.

‘A drink before we leave?’

Natalya shook her head, and he checked his watch, caught up door swipe cards, then ushered her out of their suite.

The evening lay ahead...different from the usual social occasion, together with the pleasure of Calista and her family’s company.

A limousine took them to a private venue in the city’s outskirts where cars lined the streets, and the subdued beat of Greek music resonated in the evening air, softening as the four limousines carrying members of the Delandros family drew to a halt adjacent the main entrance of a large single-storey building.

‘Smile,’ Alexei bade quietly as the driver opened each door and ushered them to join Calista, followed by Cristos and Xena, then Dimitri.

The guests were greeted personally by each family member, which took a while, given a numbered ticket, until everyone was accounted for, seated...and the evening began.

An evening which was a mix of formality, anecdotes relayed in turn by Alexei, Cristos and Dimitri of a much-loved father. Reminiscences of times past, interspersed with the serving of food. Specialties of the region where Calista’s husband was born. And laughter.

Truly a celebration of a life well-lived. Of honour, hard work, and the joy of family.

Later there was music, gentle, like the air drifting over the seas lapping the islands that made up Greece, the fishermen who dragged the nets, and the men, like Calista’s husband, who had built many fine houses and villas on his beloved Santorini.

‘Nothing like you expected?’ Calista queried with a slow sweet smile as Natalya shook her head. ‘We share this each year, and the money raised is gifted to those less fortunate. Soon there will be dancing, the music will become a little loud as the men move to the strains of the bouzouki. Each invitation carries a number for the prize of a ten-day cruise around the Greek Islands, including a three-day stay at a villa on Santorini.’

It was a beautiful sentiment, and Natalya said as much.

‘My husband worked hard to provide our sons with a good education, to appreciate the good things in life, and to always remember where they came from.’

‘Their success is a testament to you both,’ Natalya offered with quiet sincerity.

‘Thank you.’

The music proved enticing, and couples moved onto the dance floor, initially led by Alexei and his mother, followed by Cristos and Xena.

‘Our turn,’ Dimitri indicated, glimpsed her faint hesitation, and smiled. ‘I don’t bite.’

‘Good to know.’

A younger version of Alexei, tall, well-built, easy-going with a sharp legal mind. Evidenced during the most recent meeting the three brothers had held with one of their competitors.

‘Will you object if I pull you in a bit closer?’

She got it...or at least she thought she did. ‘You’re attempting to attract someone’s attention?’


Natalya offered him a teasing smile. ‘I doubt you’d fail attracting any young woman you chose to pursue. So you want me to appear as a decoy date,’ Natalya teased. ‘May I ask who has captured your attention? The gorgeous blonde eating you with her eyes? No? Hmm... The auburn-haired angel on the next table to our left, looking to kill you first chance she gets?’ Given there was more than one titian-haired sophisticate in the room, Natalya added, ‘The one wearing a stunning bronze-coloured gown, with a strand of diamonds showcasing a dazzling pendant showcasing her elegant décolletage?’

‘You’re more than just a pretty face,’ Dimitri inclined with a faintly rueful smile, and she offered a light laugh.

‘I’m trained to observe.’

His eyes assumed a musing gleam. ‘Something you obviously do well.’

‘Are you going to tell me who she is?’

‘Curiosity, or genuine interest?’

‘Interest,’ Natalya answered quietly.

‘A corporate lawyer in her father’s firm.’

She smiled a little. ‘Does she have a name?’

‘If I told,’ he enlightened as the edges of his mouth quirked a little, ‘I would have to kill you.’

She wanted to laugh. ‘Got it,’ Natalya offered solemnly.

‘So... Alexei?’

That came out of left field...and unexpected. Dimitri’s eyebrow lifted a little. ‘What’s with the vibe between the two of you?’

‘Your misinterpretation.’

His smile widened a little. ‘I beg to differ.’

The music increased in beat, as almost everyone joined in with the laughter, and those couples dancing on the floor took a few missteps...which didn’t appear to matter at all.

Voices rose, and Natalya gave a startled sound as Alexei appeared at her side and led her onto the dance floor before she had the opportunity to protest.

I don’t know the steps, remained unsaid.

‘It doesn’t matter. I’ll guide you.’

He did, and she soon mastered the rhythm, laughed a little when she almost missed a step, which Alexei faultlessly covered.

For the moment she simply let go, lost in the moment, the music, ambience...and the man who led her.

Until the moment the music slowed...and Alexei drew her close for timeless minutes, when it took all of her inner strength not to lean in against him, rest her cheek close to his heart, and just let the evening, the music, take her wherever it might lead.

Except there was an awareness of time and place, the haunting music, the slight pathos that seeped into her body, making her wish for more.

Did Alexei feel it too?

Who would know?

The sound of strings stirring from the bouzouki teased the air, and the chatter of conversation ceased as the pace lingered, dwelled, then began to quicken in tone and pitch. Stirring memories for most, of times past, and present for those who returned to revisit again and again in order to relive the magic merging of old and new, the history, the future.

Special, Natalya perceived, and felt the touch deep in her heart.

Coffee, thick, aromatic and strong, was served, after which the duplicate numbers handed out at the point of entry were presented in a circular glass tumbler, spun, and Calista, by tradition, extracted a ticket and read out the winning number.

There was a shout of victory, applause from the guests, the music lingered as the evening wound down, guests began making preparations to leave, with the sound of pleasurable laughter, affectionate farewells, car doors opening and closing, engines starting up as the streets slowly emptied.

It had been a memorable evening, and she said as much as she thanked Calista for the invitation, bade Xena, Cristos and Dimitri goodnight, before sliding into the limousine Alexei had summoned to return them to the hotel.

‘You enjoyed the evening?’

Her mouth curved into a generous smile. ‘It was great. The venue, the music. Uplifting to witness everyone coming together for a specific purpose. Reliving memories of times past, sharing lifelong friendships. Tradition,’ she offered quietly.

Alexei shifted slightly to take in her vivacious features alight with pleasure, and held back the desire to pull her close, take her mouth with his own, and absorb her response.

There was a heaviness in his groin...needing, wanting what she could give him, as he would gift her. Sex, as a means to define love?

It didn’t work that way. Love was a gift from the heart, inviolate, unconditional. A force of Nature shared by two people whose lives were inexplicably bound together for all time.

Hadn’t he searched for its likeness in the intervening years? Only to despair a woman’s interest was more attuned to his bank balance than his heart, his soul.

It hadn’t been enough to put a ring on any woman’s finger. Call him cynical, but he wanted more than a facsimile.

The limousine slowed and drew to a halt in the curved apex adjoining the hotel’s main entrance. It was late, but the inner city remained alive with guests returning from drinks after the theatre, parties.

A city which never slept, Natalya acknowledged, as she rode the elevator to their designated floor.

The vibrant hype of the evening began to dissipate as she preceded Alexei into their suite, and she toed off her stilettos, discarded her jacket, and bade him goodnight.

He let her go.

And silently cursed...for lost opportunities.

Need...for a woman. Not just any woman...he could have any one of many who would give whatever he wanted. A wild eroticism among tangled sheets, each aware it was merely satiation of the senses, nothing more.

To his credit, he was selective...upfront, no false hope, mutual pleasure for as long as it lasted.

Sexual satisfaction for a price.

None of which applied to Natalya. For what they’d once shared rested deep within. A memory he’d failed to expunge...no matter what method he chose to apply.

She was there, as much a part of him as every breath he took...every beat of his heart.

Steely control...he possessed it in spades. In the boardroom.

Only a door separated him from Natalya’s bedroom. He could breach it, seduce, and maybe succeed in gaining her compliance.

So why didn’t he?

Damned if he knew.

Yet he did.

Aware losing wasn’t an option.

Modern Romance Collection: January 2018 Books 1 -4

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