Читать книгу Mistletoe Mommy - Danica Favorite - Страница 4


Dear Reader,

When I was researching this story, I read newspapers printed in the same time when my story takes place. I was expecting to see something reflecting what we see in the media today about Christmas. Instead, I saw articles about activities the church planned, or, what became my favorite, commentary about how lovely the church choir sounded, and that parishioners were in for a treat come Christmas.

How I long to go back to that time! I can’t imagine a better Christmas than not having all the commercialism our society associates with the holiday, and being able to truly soak in the spirit of the season.

My hope, and my prayer, for you is that during the busyness of the season upon us, you find some quiet time to soak in the gift God has given us. May God give you a reminder of His deep love for you this Christmas.

I always love hearing from my readers. Connect with me at the following places:

Website: DanicaFavorite.com

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Peace to you and yours,

Danica Favorite

Mistletoe Mommy

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