Читать книгу The New You: Tips and Tricks to Losing Weight, Get In Shape Safely and Keeping It Off - Daniel Inc. Michael - Страница 5



No matter if you are a few pounds overweight, or several, if you have picked up this book, it is because you are ready to get serious about losing the weight and to maintain a healthy weight.

Our society has conditioned us to feel that large is bad, and skinny is good.

We are bombarded with advertisements with skinny models, numerous fat loss pills, meal plans, fad diets and gyms, all promising the perfect body for you.

Most of us who lose weight, do so because we want to be healthy, we are trying to be healthy for us, not to fit in.

Fad diets promise quick results, but even if they deliver, the results are often on short-term and can actually be damaging to your body.

You will never lose weight by diet alone, and you will never be healthy with exercise alone.

This book is your guide on how to change your eating habits so that you start losing weight quickly, and how to lose it even faster through exercise.

Losing weight involves changes in not only what you eat, but also how you eat.

You do not have to subscribe to fancy meal plan services, or spend hours cooking complicated meals.

Learn to eat, feel full, and feel energized, all while losing weight.

Likewise, it is possible to get fit and healthy without an expensive gym membership, and you will be surprised at how you can fit enough exercise into your already busy schedule to help you boost your weight loss.

With diet and exercise, you will get results.

Several fad diets, and indeed, even some reality TV shows have people losing well over 5-10 pounds a week.

Doctors recommend only 1-2 pounds a week; some of the dangers of rapid weight loss:

Rapid weight loss can contribute to the likelihood of developing an eating disorder.

Increased risk of having heart problems, including going into cardiac arrest.

Increased chance of developing depression or anxiety disorders

Increased risk of developing kidney stones or having your kidneys fail.

We will help you shed your pounds in a healthy way, and in such a way that you will not feel hungry, starved, or underfed.

You will actually be eating healthy, which will make you feel energized, and healthier.

Our simple, yet effective exercise plan will allow you to add that one-two punch to your weight loss and keep you fit and trim.

You must be ready to make these changes and commit to them over the long term.

We know this is not easy, which is why we recommend that you make the changes to your diet slowly, by setting them as goals, which we go over in our goal setting section.

It is a lot easier to transition to a healthier lifestyle when you can do it in steps and stages instead of all at once, which can make you feel overwhelmed.

By setting smaller goals, all leading up to the main long-term goal, you will be more motivated to continue as you reach each goal, and motivation is a big factor.

You have to want to make these changes in order for them to stick.

Same with your exercise, you should be very careful to not overdo your fitness routine, especially if you are out of shape, or not used to exercising, the goal is to get in shape safely, and to keep it off.

Biting off more than you can chew will only discourage you and could have negative health consequences.

You should also be aware of any big life changes that have either just happened, or are about to happen, because things like that are stressful enough on their own, trying to change your eating habits can just add more stress.

Same with if you are having emotional problems, or going through times with lots of stress, that can trigger emotional eating; you might want to get a handle on any underlying stressors that trigger emotional eating on your part.

The New You:  Tips and Tricks to Losing Weight, Get In Shape Safely and Keeping It Off

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