Читать книгу Wind - Daniel Mello - Страница 11

9. Greatest Enemy


The sun’s path over the Isle of Illumination was shifting and the waning moon was now waxing into a silver orb in the night sky. The days were becoming shorter and a chill crisp began to bite the air. Lythina’s training had continued uninterrupted ever since her first visit to the forest, and she was quickly becoming adept at controlling her abilities. Subsequently, her friends were increasingly impressed with how easily she mastered the virtues, and were always eager to return to the glade to show her new techniques.

Lythina thought often about the first night her entire body exploded with the blue light, not to mention how it had inadvertently frightened everyone. Although her friends had instantly forgiven her, she couldn’t erase from her mind the horrible memory that prompted her to panic. At random times throughout her days, the dying soldier’s terrified eyes would flash through her mind, jarring her senseless.


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