Читать книгу Wind - Daniel Mello - Страница 2



First, last and everywhere in between is God and the Universe, who’ve given me the talent and wisdom to create such a story. As well, I’m eternally grateful to the Messengers, who’ve kept me free of total insanity as I’ve traveled the journey.

To Michelle Gatti: Thank you for every single thing. Without your exceptional understanding of “the zone,” none of this would’ve been possible. Deeply, truly, thank you.

To my Mother, thank you for listening to me speak about the book, and for reading and editing the story more times than anyone should ever have to! I pray there is still some magick left in it for you!

To Crista, Jenn and Tony, thank you guys for giving me feedback on my ideas! Trust me when I say I need it! To MaLinda, Veronica, Iva, Amanda, Bob and Pia, Susan, Deb, Liz, Chelsea and Danielle, thank you all for your ideas and your unceasing support. Indeed, I have learned that no story is truly written by a single person. MaLinda, your creativity is a blessing to the world! Thank you for everything! Veronica, Iva, and Amanda: thank you all for inquiring about the writing process; you have no idea what that meant to me! Bob and Pia, thank you both for allowing me to write many a chapter upstairs without purchasing a single item! And thank you, Bob, for your literary wisdom. Susan, Deb, Liz, Chelsea and Danielle, thank you guys for being so supportive! Without friends, I wouldn’t have made it!

Erica Tom, your expertise in the art of wordplay is second to none. The Universe truly brought the perfect editor into my midst. Thank you! And Rashmi Singh, my extraordinary publisher, your patience throughout this process has been crucial to my sanity. Thank you!

And of course, Dr. Elisa Velasquez, your strength and wisdom is endlessly motivating. Thank you for showing me the art of brevity!

To the creative writing class that so graciously edited the various snippets, you are all irreplaceable.

To those who’ve inspired me to create some very benevolent characters, thank you for your inspiration. As well, many thanks to those who’ve inspired me to create the exact opposite; the Force must always have balance. To everyone whose names I have misplaced, I haven’t forgotten your wisdom. Thank you for your input; every little bit helps!

And last, but certainly not least, much gratitude goes out to my father, whose unique sense of humor has illuminated the journey more times than I can remember.

You are all blessings in my life! THANK YOU!

“For it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell; And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.”

Colossians 1:19-20 (KJV)


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