Читать книгу Social Psychology - Daniel W. Barrett - Страница 144

Core Concepts


 We think about people differently than we think about things because people think back, people have special relevance for our goals, thinking about people involves social explanation, and we just think more about people than nonpeople and our brains process people differently from nonpeople. Our mental systems first believe information provided to them in order to understand it; subsequently, that information may be rejected as false.

 People have a dual mind that consists of the C-system or controlled system that is a slow and sequential processor that can engage in abstract thinking and the X-system or automatic system that is a rapid and parallel processor characterized by intuitive thinking.

 The four components of automaticity are the following: it is unintentional, occurs without conscious awareness, is accomplished efficiently, and once begun, cannot be controlled.

 Priming occurs when a concept or other knowledge structure is automatically triggered or activated by an environmental stimulus, thereby becoming more likely to affect subsequent thoughts, feelings, and behaviors; spreading activation is the process by which associated concepts are activated.

 People often rely on heuristics when making judgments (such as availability, representativeness, and anchoring and adjustment heuristics, along with ignoring the base rate).

 Social psychologists seek to create surveys, studies, and scales that are both reliable (how consistently each measurement of the same phenomenon produces approximately the same result under the same conditions) and valid (the extent to which a particular measurement tool provides accurate results). Internal validity refers to the extent to which we can be sure that the purported cause—the IV—is the only factor influencing the purported effect—the DV. External validity indicates how well the results of the study can be generalized or applied to other settings and populations.

 People engage in motivated reasoning, such as belief perseverance, confirmation bias, and biased assimilation.

 Reasoning is subject to cultural influences. Some characteristics of East Asian thinking is that it is a holistic approach, tolerant of contradictions, focuses on the big picture; characteristics of North Americans thinking include the following: It is analytic, avoids contradictions, and has a relatively narrow focus.

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Social Psychology

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