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Key Terms


 Anchoring and Adjustment Heuristic, 94

 Appraisal Model of Stress, 102

 Automaticity, 85

 Availability Heuristic, 92

 Base Rate, 94

 Base Rate Fallacy, 93

 Belief Perseverance, 98

 Biased Assimilation, 101

 C-system, 84

 Causal Relationship, 00

 Confirmation Bias, 101

 Considering the Opposite, 99

 External Validity, 97

 Heuristic, 91

 Internal Validity, 97

 Looking-Glass Self, 78

 Motivated Reasoning, 97

 Priming, 86

 Reliability, 96

 Representativeness Heuristic, 93

 Spreading Activation, 86

 Validity, 96

 X-system, 84

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Social Psychology

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