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Key Terms


 Acquiescence Bias, 123

 Actual Self, 114

 Better-Than-Average Effect, 132

 Bias Blind Spot, 134

 Context Effects, 124

 Counterfactual Thinking, 131

 Downward Social Comparison, 130

 Extremity Bias, 123

 Extrinsic Motivation, 121

 Facial Feedback Hypothesis, 121

 False Consensus Effect, 131

 False Uniqueness Effect, 132

 Ideal Self, 114

 Illusion of Transparency, 135

 Impression Management, 134

 Ingratiation, 136

 Interpersonal Self, 134

 Intrinsic Motivation, 121

 Introspection, 116

 Ironic Process of Mental Control, 143

 Ought Self, 114

 Overjustification Effect, 121

 Response Effects, 123

 Schemas, 113

 Self, 111

 Self-Concept, 113

 Self-Discrepancy Theory, 114

 Self-Esteem, 125

 Self-Evaluation Maintenance Model (SEM), 128

 Self-Handicapping, 139

 Self-Monitoring, 134

 Self-Perception Theory, 119

 Self-Promotion, 130

 Self-Protection, 130

 Self-Regulation, 141

 Self-Report, 122

 Self-Schema, 113

 Self-Serving Attributional Bias, 133

 Self-Verification, 145

 Social Comparison, 128

 Sociometer Hypothesis, 126

 Spotlight Effect, 135

 Surveys, 125

 Theory of Social Comparison Processes, 128

 Upward Social Comparison, 130

 Willpower, 141

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Social Psychology

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