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Clinical Cases


● A.A.: 47-year-old female, with Cushing's syndrome via pituitary adenoma. She came to me because she suffered from hypertension, glycemia, and sudden weight gain that had stabilized at 120 kg (approx. 265 lbs.). Examining her bodily composition, I suggested she see an endocrinologist for tests, and a pituitary adenoma was discovered. Six months went by before the surgery, and the doctors were amazed. Through my Italian Reset Method, she managed to control the changes in pressure and her blood sugar concentration. Plus, she managed to lose 40 kg (approx. 88 lbs.) in six months. The scheduled surgery went well, and today she is a very different woman.

● M.R.: 45-year-old male, a diabetic with hypercholesterolemia and asthenia. After only two months of being on the proper food regimen, he managed to stop needing Metformin, bringing his cholesterol back down within normal ranges and losing 10 kg (approx. 22 lbs.). His fatigue disappeared after the first 20 days of dieting.

● V.D.: a female with severe intestinal disorders and polycystic ovary syndrome. Within a few days, she managed to obtain perfect intestinal function, and no longer suffered any pain. Her menstrual cycle, despite her following a very balanced diet, did not come, and we were forced to make a modification to her Italian Reset Diet. After a few days, her period returned, and today V.D. is able to maintain low carbohydrate levels in her diet in order to promote her menstrual cycle.

● S.B.: a 36-year-old male with Crohn's disease who was not undergoing any drug treatment. In only a few days, by choosing the appropriate foods, he managed to stop his blood-stained diarrhea, and no longer has any unpleasant intestinal disorders. Today, he knows what to eat and no longer fears his old condition.

The Italian Reset Diet

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