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Sharon and Guy Levitt were surprised to see Amira and Elona arrive unannounced. The first sign that something was wrong. After supper, with Elona out of earshot in the living room watching cartoons, Amira’s mother seized the opportunity.

“Are you going to tell us or are we going to have to guess?” Sharon said.

“I’m leaving Ethan, divorcing.”

Guy furrowed his forehead.

“All marriages go through rough times. Are you and Ethan sure about this?” Sharon asked.

“It’s my idea, not Ethan’s. As a matter of fact, he even said he would not grant me a divorce.”

“Why do you want this?” Guy asked.

“I don’t love him. The love is dead. It’s been so for a long time. He just wants to keep me at home to do his laundry and cook his food. I want more out of my life. I want a career. I want to respect the man I love and I want to be respected and loved.”

“Ethan’s father is a rabbi and this would be a very big scandal for his family. You will be mesorevet get,” Sharon said.

“I’ll go to the rabbinical court; they can make him,” Amira said.

“What if they don’t? You can never remarry,” Sharon said.

“Maybe I’ll become Baptist!”


“He actually slapped me and pushed me to the ground during our last fight. It will only get worse from here.”

Everyone sat silently for a minute.

“Where will you stay? What will you do?” Sharon asked.

“I already have a deposit on an apartment, I did it this morning. I move in the day after tomorrow. I’ll get a job. I have a degree and I did work while in college, I’m sure I can find work. Until then, I’ve half of the money Ethan and I have saved.”

“Already you have an apartment and separated the money?” Sharon said.

Amira took a deep breath. “Mother, Father, please. I’m your daughter, you’ve raised me to do the right thing. I’d not do this if I didn’t feel very strongly about it. I need you to trust me and trust my judgment… because… I’m going to need your support.”

Sharon’s eyes filled with tears. She stood up from the table without saying a word and went to the bedroom.

Amira’s father cleared his throat. “It’s okay, she just needs time. She’s just worried about you. We love you, and you do have our support.”

Amira smiled, got up and walked over to her still-seated father and gave him a hug. “Can we stay here for a few nights?”

“Of course. I need to call Ethan and tell him where you and Elona are, though.”

“Thanks, Daddy.” A kiss landed on his cheek.

Amira went to the living room and announced to Elona that they were spending the night at Grandmother and Grandfather Levitt’s house and sleeping together in her old room. Elona squealed with excitement.

The Apotheosis

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