Читать книгу The Apotheosis - Darrell Lee - Страница 25

JULY 8, 2022


My investment company is up and running well. I am reading all I can about the different tax laws and investment strategies. I have a hundred ideas in my head. Lee is retiring at the end of the year. He and his wife are moving to Geneva. I will miss him. He gave me permission to tug on his ear when needed. Over the last year we have transferred everything to my computers here. It’s amazing what can be done with only an internet connection… and days on end with nothing to do because you are waiting on the damn supply boat.

I have been here almost two years. It has been an epic effort to recreate all my work here. Especially because my only means of acquiring the equipment I need is the supply boat. But at least they are reliable, and the man running the boat is dependable. I should be ready for the first cloning in a year.

I remember what sent me down my path earlier than planned. I would have ended up there anyway, eventually. That day started like any other day for me. How was I to know the stone had already been dropped on the smooth surface that was the life I had planned? These ripples will affect me my entire lifetime. No matter how many I get.

The Apotheosis

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